Quote Originally Posted by SilverHug View Post
You know, Sapience...it wouldn't bother me (now, I am speaking for myself) at all if you waited at least until the beginning of the new year, so you can get you holiday celebrating in. I know for me I am not even done with my gift shopping and we have family over, so pretty busy this time of year! So, have a good time and enjoy. Take your time...Happy Holidays!

I realy wanted to get everything out and titles to player before the holidays, but I'm starting to think this might end up being impossible. No emails went out last Friday, and thanks to a family holiday party where we seem to have shared a pretty vicious stomach flu, I'm a lot farther behind than I had hoped to be. At worst I hoped to be done by Tomorrow.

If I cannot get everything out by this Friday, the 18th, I fear I may have to post pone until Jan 6 as I'll be pretty swammped with family and the Holidays. I'll make an update on Friday.

AS an aside, I actually had to increase the RAM in my PC to be able to handle the donors list. 1900+ donations wasn't making my PC very happy.

AS for which email, it will be sent to whichever email you included with your donation. If you didn't include one (or make your email visible to me) then as it said on the page I have no way to send your codes.