Congratualtions Maggotmeat on Rank 15... Father of Warleaders!!
Grats on finally reaching the end of a long journey, to the guy who I have loathed and loved, I am glad you got there!!
You've abused others, you've been abused, and next to Jimi I doubt there is a player with more history here on Slode than you. I'd fight under your banner any day.
Now, join me in my war to get turbine to raise the cap past 15...
Irin r8 Hunter // Arngar r8 Burg // Akthuri r15 LM // Vishus r5 Captain // Curad r11 Mini < RETIRED // ACTIVE > Ursamajor Beorn // Babayaga LM // Kleptomania Burg // (Anor)