|Nexus| 2.0 is starting - do you want to help us building it?

Our motto stays still the same, as it was for 8 years: Casual, friendly and cool - fighting our way to Mordor with friends!
Casual = We are doing what is fun for us, which means at the moment doing a lot of instance-runs together, gearing people up. And as we are also goal-oriented, we are building up to doing T2...
Friendly = We seeeach other as friends, not as pixels - we greet each other and we talk on Discord if possible, we help out each other, and we keep friendly relationsalso with all the fellow players we know.
Cool = That goes without saying - and it means also we behave like grown-up persons, tantrums and insults inside and outside the kin are an absolute no-no .
Fighting our way toMordor with friends - it means Nexus will stay a lively and friendly home in ME as long as the game keeps open; at least that's what our members and officers want to ensure.

So if you are a person who still has fun playing Lotro in its many facettes , who likes to play and chat with his Kinmates, who takes pride in his characters and likes to accomplish things together (next goal: T2 raid! ) - short: who is funloving, communicative and mature - try us out and apply to http://nexuskinship.shivtr.com/ - or speak with an Officer in game: