Oh look! A dumb thread has appeared ;D

Anywho. Hello folks!
Many of you likely don't know me. Those of you from Silverlode might... But odds are you wont either. Whoop.
I'm Bowno. I've been gone for many years and today I thought I'd poke my head back into LotR. Imagine my surprise when I couldn't find any of my old forum posts OR any of my old characters! After much searching and stressing, I realized that my server, Silverlode, was no longer. Luckily, I was able to figure out (with the help of a dear friend trying to keep me from fearing the worst) how to retrieve my characters and transfer them.
So here I am!
Why post here?
Well.... I play a Warg and pretty much only a Warg. Weavers are pretty fun too. But I love my Warg to death. Never really got too much into playing a Freep.
Also hoping this is where most of the Silverlode people went. I dunno where everyone ran off to :C

Obligatory doodle mentioned Warg goes here:

I hope to see ya'll around the 'moors, whether you be Freep or Creep! Try not to squish me too hard as I attempt to remember how the hell to play this game.