I know there are many posts about choosing the right class, but here is an other. This just might be a little different.

So, I've been playing champions lately. Maybe too many of them, since I'm starting to get a bit bored with them. What I like about champs is their ability to kill fast and stay alive. Hunters are nice too, but melee is more my style. Wardens are not so nice, since the gambit system is way too much for a person, who might be offline for several weeks or even months. When it comes to other classes, I've been kind of prejudiced, since I've read too much about how slow or squishy they are. I've tried all classes before, but not reached lvl 20 with them. In some cases I've stopped before lvl 10, so I probably have not seen their full potential and have missed all the fun.

And that's why I'm asking for your opinions. Are there some classes you thought you'd never like but then they've taken you by surprise and before you know it, you just love them? Maybe some trait tree suggestions which have made that class nicer than you thought? And also, if some class has really surprised you, has it happened already in early levels or maybe later? I'm asking this so I won't give up too soon

Sorry if this seems like a silly question, I just thought it might get me more persistent to try something different if I hear your experiences. So far I've mostly soloed and since I don't consider my self as good player, I might not dare to try group content any time soon. That probably won't even matter, since I've read many times that any class is soloable. I still believe that all classes are not as fun to solo as others. My main goal in LOTRO is just to have some fun and do quests without stressing about perfect gear and stuff like that.