Amidst the newfound awesome and continued communication between devs and the playerbase I feel that this topic is worth talking about.
I want to present an idea that has been offered in the past and has worked extremely well in other games: Instanced PvP.
First off, something that has always existed in the moors are 1v1 circles, proof that some players want to test their mettle against other players in settings other than chance interactions in the open world. However, as of now there is no system conducive to improving or maintaining these types of PvP interactions.
Second, we already have a very under used but present system in the game which allows for 1v1 PvP within a faction: Sparring.
Third, the current system we have in the moors is in many senses great. It is unique, it feels dynamic, and when it works it is extremely satisfying. However adding in a system that could function alongside the moors as well as prop up times when the moors suffer due to low pop hours would not hurt the moors but instead aid its popularity.
My suggestion is some sort of instancing system which places 1v1, 2v2, and 3v3 players into PvP situations either by random matchmaking or through grouped matchmaking. Each fight would be to the death and would reward some sort of currency similar but unrelated to the current rank system (allegiances, the return of stars on frames please, a comms reward track, or weekly progress for reward boxes.)
What benefits would this create that are not already possible in the base game?
1. Faction vs Faction organized 1v1 and small group fighting. This is an nearly completely unexplored side of PvP in lotro and could give way to fun and balanced fights we are unable to access due to limiting sparring to 1v1 and having no avenue for organized group fights without cross faction interaction and connections.
2. An oppurtuinity to incorporate a new system of ranking or rating that could incentivize higher rank players to continue to play and improve.
3. Foster a focus on small group play and individual performance instead of large group encounters in which smaller actions matter less.
4. Remove 1v1 circles thus lowering the number of active players in the moors at a time in order to alleviate server stress. (note: the players in 1v1 circles are already not taking part in action elsewhere so this would not hinder the action present.)
5. Create a new system for PvP that could demystify the moors for players who feel that it is unapproachable.