Well, here is my submission ... now that I am in the Moors and on the server alot more ...
and yes, those are my kitties.
Well, here is my submission ... now that I am in the Moors and on the server alot more ...
and yes, those are my kitties.
Well, here's little 'ol me
[charsig=http://lotrosigs.level3.turbine.com/07206000000035160/01006/signature.png]Mynah[/charsig] [center][color=Green]Mynah Morningstar of Lorien[/color] - Tûr [url=http://aureentuluva.gamerdna.com]Aurë Entuluva[/url][/center]
I guess i should stop trolling and post something :P
just me at my wedding a few years ago...
and one more just cos i really like the picture lol
also known as Valysia, Sylivae, Tylaeni, Aevelynia, Hylivia, Dylaina, Kyraena and Gynivae.
also known as Valysia, Sylivae, Tylaeni, Aevelynia, Hylivia, Dylaina, Kyraena and Gynivae.
Defender of the Hornburg
Defender of the Hornburg
Hi everyone i just recently came back to the game and since most of my kinmates posted there ugly mugs here's mine 8)
Last edited by Brinhelda; Mar 31 2008 at 08:34 PM.
You know we have a whole site dedicated to these photos at www.lotrofaces.com, you should come by and post your pics. We are one of the top 10 fan sites for lotro and have been called the MySpace of middle earth.
Post your Faces - Halloween Contest in progress.
Lord Of The Rings OnLine Faces - [url]www.lotrofaces.com[/url] - Meet the players now.
After seeing pictures of those who i kill/kill me (mostly the latter :P ), i figure i might as well put mine up.
Me before Gin/Tonics
Me after Gin/Tonics
Me after logging out at TR rez and logging in hours later...
Adun (Hunter), Degomir (Captain), Spockk (LoreMaster), Luccia (Guardian), Straego (RK), and Degowise (Burglar) --- [B][I]Viaticus[/I][/B] ---
[B][I]Dego[/B][/I]gash – Ninja Warg of Windfola---
Just Starting Out
Last edited by UCFgirl21; Dec 17 2009 at 01:23 AM. Reason: Change of Info
Lava Human/Champion/Metalsmith
Torla Elven/Hunter/Tailor
and a few others
Last edited by lavawalker; Apr 21 2008 at 02:09 PM.
Last edited by UCFgirl21; May 12 2008 at 01:55 PM. Reason: change of info
Blouses is on the left![]()
Marton- Man Champion Maelrat- Uruk Blackarrow
Weekend Warrior Fo' Sho'. Online rather fleetingly late weeknights.
Hi all
Great Pictures coming from everyone. Sorry they are big Pic's but I am old so it has to be big for me to see it.
Heres my mug at a fly-in my other hobby flying model airplanes not the little paper ones but the 118" wingspan 150cc gas guzzling ones. Also fly RC Jets with turbine engines...
Also here is a pic of my Main Shamas he has a myspace also.
Shamas Saralonde lvl 50 Hunter Life Member Officer The Secret Flame of Anor R5 did have starts now there goneseems to happen a lot. they just fall off.
Tolenwise 37 gaurd
Daedon 25 LM
Finrear 21 Champ
60 Hunter
United As One
Rank 9 - High Warden
"Gentlemen...you can't fight in here, this is the War Room".
Ill upload some more when I recover from my hangover lol. Damnit =(
Its been on the tdh forums forever u noob.
Jakethethird Loremaster Rank 7 -- Jakethethunter Hunter Rank 6 : The Dark Hunters
Huntershade Blackarrow Rank 7 -- Nidhogg Reaver Rank 5 : The Dark Horde
This is me in Dominican Republic after the hardest day of work that we had down there. The two in the background are a couple friends.