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  1. #76
    Join Date
    Jun 2010

    Re: Do the Community a Favor: Don't just Ignore - Report!

    Quote Originally Posted by Unique View Post
    But that's even more reason to report questionable situations and let Turbine decide. Just because you report someone doesn't mean they are going to be banned, that's Turbines call. My guess is that most receive a chat ban or a warning at first.
    As Lescastor said, some GMs ban first and investigate later (or not at all). Plus if people report every little thing, many of which can be easily solved with a simple /tell or "that's inappropriate" in chat, then the GMs will have even more reports to deal with; and since the work day hasn't gotten any longer, that means less time with each report, less time to see all the facts, less time to get the whole story, and more snap decision bans of players who only really only needed a warning or infraction point.

    Where if you only report the bad things, it will (in theory) leave more time for the GMs to investigate those cases and give appropriate judgments. I know I'd rather see someone get a longer (or permanent) ban for something really bad (after a more detailed investigation) than I would like to see them (with their really bad incident) and 20 people with minor incidents get short bans/infraction points because the GM doesn't have time to look into the incidents in detail.

  2. #77
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    Re: Do the Community a Favor: Don't just Ignore - Report!

    Quote Originally Posted by Unique View Post
    But that's even more reason to report questionable situations and let Turbine decide. Just because you report someone doesn't mean they are going to be banned, that's Turbines call. My guess is that most receive a chat ban or a warning at first.
    You have way too much faith in GMs :P GMs are not Devs, as you likely know, and it seems that quite a few of them are lazy ban first, ask questions later types, from what I've seen on several occasions.

    If the GMs were more diligent, then yea, I wouldn't be as afraid to report. But quite often? Not the case. There are so many horror stories...

    RIP ELENDILMIR • Jingle Jangle
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  3. #78
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    Re: Do the Community a Favor: Don't just Ignore - Report!

    People need to read their ToS/EULA statements. Then, when they're done, they need to realize that Turbine is a business and if business was a boomin they wouldn't have turned LOTRO F2P. If you honestly think they're going to mass ban their future revenue because the people they weren't making enough money off of are crying over some chat... you're on a level of delusion I can't even fathom.

    Unless they are harassing you, REALLY harassing you, nothing is gonna happen.

    Unless they're being racist or explicitly profane, nothing is gonna happen.

    There's a reason games like EVE and WoW are soooo popular. It's because they cater to min/maxers and they don't rule with an iron fist over chat/forum banter. That's just how it is. Take a look at every game where the mods just hammered down on the community. See a pattern?

    Take it from someone who's been /reported in game at least a couple dozen times (according to chat) just in the last week. NOTHING happens. Just ask Snortin from Brandywhine. He made it his mission to ban me. I'm still leveling away.

    If the deafening silence from the mod community isn't enough to give people a hint, well I dunno what to tell you folks.

  4. #79
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    Re: Do the Community a Favor: Don't just Ignore - Report!

    Just to clarify I'm talking about all those petty people who are steamed about inane complaints.

    Talking in the wrong channel.

    Talking about WoW.

    Talking about ooc stuff wherever they want.

    Cursing occasionally.

    Making fun of you in chat over something you said.

    Talking about chuck Norris.

    Cracking jokes.

    That stuff, nothing will ever EVER happen about that. Legitimate harassment, spamming, or profuse vulgarity, that's another story. But, at least from my experience on Brandywhine, relatively rare. More often than not people complain and report over the above reasons.

    Which is hilarious.

  5. #80
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    Re: Do the Community a Favor: Don't just Ignore - Report!

    That is good

    Because I have never reported anyone for any of those things, with the possible exception of the cursing and I only did that when it was continuous, which when you report it is indeed logged so there is no question.

    I have /ignored a lot of people for those things, but reported very few.

    And I didn’t start a conversation about it, I didn’t challenge them or tell them to stop as I don’t have any authority at all in the game.

    I just /reported it, then I /ignore add the person and went on my way.

    Very simple, very easy, no arguments and no distractions.

  6. #81
    Join Date
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    Re: Do the Community a Favor: Don't just Ignore - Report!

    report is a very good idea. i support this. /signed.

    if you see someone harassed to death, don't engage in fighting back. report the abuser. the more times they are reported, the sooner the action is taken to remove the abuser from the game. i have seen too many fine people harassed to death in this game by some people who are well known for their conduct. why these people are even allowed to come back is beyond me. when they harass someone to the point they did, they should not be allowed to return to the game at all. they should be banned via their mac address so they cannot create a new account. glff has become a real rotten place for some people to be. simple, leave it right? well its global so anyone should be able to use the channel for looking for a fellowship. regardless, abusers who always violate lotro's rules should not be allowed to return at all. make the game more respectful for all and stop the real problematics from being in the game. make it enjoyable for everyone.

  7. #82
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    Re: Do the Community a Favor: Don't just Ignore - Report!

    Report , don't report the choice is yours, if you think it will improve the game or your enjoyment of it thats great.

    I have been ignoring most of this community for 3 years and find this hilarious. Never has anyone effected my gameplay or enjoyment of this game or anygame.

    People will go out of thier way to find instigation, just look at these forums the last 3 years.
    Last edited by khanute; Sep 27 2010 at 10:53 AM.

  8. #83
    Join Date
    Apr 2009

    Re: Do the Community a Favor: Don't just Ignore - Report!

    I have tried reporting things and found it simply doesn't work - at least on Riddermark.

    On Gladden, whenever I make a report (which in the last year hasn't been often) I get a polite response through a tell.

    On Riddermark, I get completely ignored and then the ticket gets closed. Since I have found Riddermark to be the absolute worst environment I've experienced since F2P, I find this rudeness by the GMs there to be inexplicable.

    In the end, I simply deleted my Riddermark characters and gave up. I have found other servers, both new and old, to be far better environements than that one.

  9. #84
    Join Date
    Apr 2007

    Re: Do the Community a Favor: Don't just Ignore - Report!

    There most certainly are things to report in chats and the voice thing. Things which are hateful, race-attacking, a level of vulgar-ness and a load of cussing which is inappropriate in any form.

    What every one has to remember is a lot of people are new to the on-line atmosphere to the point they might not even comprehend why we don't leave the caps lock key on. See, letting players and new players mesh into the environment of the game takes time and practice. Lots of time, might take 3 years for many to grasp the concept. Got to have some ability to over look little things, as someone else in this thread mentioned sending the player a friendly /tell thats not appropriate, might just work wonders for all without bothering the game managers.

    Its easy to get infuriated on some topics which is way Turbine has said in game and on the forums 'thou shall not talk about..' topics. So, when they talk short in /glff about some ball game or sporting event and it stops, big deal let it go. Players baiting players to continue then issuing a /report are the ones who should have actions on them. The GMs time should be spent finding players violating rules as in cheating rather than stopping a friendly conversation that would have only lasted 5 to 10 minutes in a /ooc area. Friends make friends, just don't get carried away with the /reporting.

    As I speak, I still look for those that appear to be operating abnormally and report it, unless someone is attacking someone with threats and clearly out of bounds I usually won't bother /reporting things that might be overlooked.

  10. #85
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    Sep 2010

    Re: Do the Community a Favor: Don't just Ignore - Report!

    Quote Originally Posted by Cithryth View Post
    I've seen a lot of complaints lately about bad behavior/language/topics in various chat channels on various servers. I've also seen people recommend just putting people on their ignore list or turning off chat channels.

    If someone is using offensive language (racial slurs, swears, etc) or is discussing a topic that is against Turbine's rules (religion, politics, etc) please Report them, don't just put them on your ignore list!

    By simply ignoring people you are enabling them to continue their poor behavior.

    I know some people don't want to be 'The Chat Police' and so they don't report people. But these kinds of things are against the rules that Turbine set down and that we all agreed to before playing. So you aren't being the Chat Police, you are just making it so we all have a more enjoyable environment to play.

    By reporting someone, you are letting the GMs know that the person in question is being problematic in chat channels. The GM will probably then watch said person's actions in chat and deal with it as they see fit.

    The response by Sapience:

    How to report someone:
    Hit the '?' button on your toolbar (or alternatively hit the Esc key and hit the Help button). One of the option buttons at the bottom is New Ticket. Choose the appropriate labels (usually Chat harassment) and fill out the rest of the form.
    The channel I was on the other day the whole community was chatting and disagreeing about religion. When you play video games a lot you tend to be tolerant to this sort of behaviour it happens in all games you play just some people never speak of it. There are many options around these situations. What it comes down to is being accountable for your own actions your always going to have a consequence of a negative reply when speaking to strangers and if you have a hard time dealing with negativity then don't chat to people you don't know. You can say that you should be able to speak freely. But if you have enough experience in gaming, what does complaining do about it nothing majority of the time. People will be people. Just ignore the person if you can't handle the heat, going around saying your going to report a person isn't going to win you many friends.

  11. #86
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    Mar 2007

    Re: Do the Community a Favor: Don't just Ignore - Report!

    Quote Originally Posted by Cithryth View Post
    I've seen a lot of complaints lately about bad behavior/language/topics in various chat channels on various servers. I've also seen people recommend just putting people on their ignore list or turning off chat channels.

    If someone is using offensive language (racial slurs, swears, etc) or is discussing a topic that is against Turbine's rules (religion, politics, etc) please Report them, don't just put them on your ignore list!

    By simply ignoring people you are enabling them to continue their poor behavior.

    I know some people don't want to be 'The Chat Police' and so they don't report people. But these kinds of things are against the rules that Turbine set down and that we all agreed to before playing. So you aren't being the Chat Police, you are just making it so we all have a more enjoyable environment to play.

    By reporting someone, you are letting the GMs know that the person in question is being problematic in chat channels. The GM will probably then watch said person's actions in chat and deal with it as they see fit.

    The response by Sapience:

    How to report someone:
    Hit the '?' button on your toolbar (or alternatively hit the Esc key and hit the Help button). One of the option buttons at the bottom is New Ticket. Choose the appropriate labels (usually Chat harassment) and fill out the rest of the form.

    Well, I for one think that this is the reason the support section is cluttered to the point where you cannot get service when it is really needed.
    Fact is their is too many cry babies reporting this and that , that the support section is over loaded.

    I say the exact opposite, relieve the tension on support and just ignore what you personally do not like about others!
    Last edited by Balrock; Sep 27 2010 at 11:29 AM.

  12. #87
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    Re: Do the Community a Favor: Don't just Ignore - Report!

    Quote Originally Posted by khanute View Post
    I have been ignoring most of this community for 3 years and find this hilarious.
    Okay, maybe I'm just being dense, but... why would you want to ignore most of the community?
    Sigismund - Loremaster / Macbeth - Captain / Jinjur - Warden / Minerva - Minstrel - Arkenstone

  13. #88
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    Re: Do the Community a Favor: Don't just Ignore - Report!

    Cry babies?

    The Cry babies are the ones that click "I agree" and lie about agreeing.

    If you don’t agree, don’t click "I agree"... it is really simple.

    Occasional offenders really don’t have to worry much, few are bothering to report. Obvious offenders that make no attempt whatsoever to abide by what they clicked "I agree" too dont belong in the game.

    You can cry about it, but I wont, I just \report and \ignore add and the problem goes away. No one needs to cry about their behavior as it is simple to make sure their behavior doesn’t affect you in any way whatsoever. And then you dont even need to hear them crying about being reported either.

    For all the complaining on this forum about new folks, I find the vast majority of them to be quite nice, it is actually fairly rare that I /report anyone. even lately.

    My server has been quite pleasant in the new areas, lots of questions, lots of interest and excitement, even a lot of semi-role playing when asking for directions or advice. It has been quite pleasant.

    Someone will start shouting "Chuck Norris" repeatedly and people complain, I simply /ignore add them, and when other new folks complain about them I show them how to use /ignore and all the distraction dies down very quickly.

    With vulgar, political or bigoted talk. /report /ignore add and then let the new folks know how to do the same and all of a sudden the distraction is gone again.

    People are having fun, and it all works out for the best.
    Last edited by Dayln; Sep 27 2010 at 01:08 PM.

  14. #89
    Join Date
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    Cool Re: Do the Community a Favor: Don't just Ignore - Report!

    Quote Originally Posted by Devildoc View Post
    How about you attempt to deal with them as an ADULT rather than a as a CHILD first?

    An ADULT would at first attempt to reason with the person 1 on 1, ask them politely in a tell to tone down their language, change the subject, etc.

    If they tell you where to shove your advice, THEN report.

    Running to figures of authority as your first step in resolving a conflict is the solution a CHILD uses on the playground when someone is being mean to them.
    LOL! This is the funniest thing ive read in a long time You shoud just report instantly so mods get something to do.
    Seriously, it sounds like you want us to give jerks a second chance.
    Truth and Justice

  15. #90
    Sapience is offline Former Community Manager & Harbinger of Soon
    Join Date
    Aug 2008

    Re: Do the Community a Favor: Don't just Ignore - Report!

    I think it's clear we're past our sell by date here.


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