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  1. #1

    Talking Official: Things I Wish I Knew Earlier!

    With the influx of new members coming on board this next week, it felt like a good time to consolidate some of the great features we've discovered in the game. I'll update the list as long as the topic remains editable!

    1. Control+Backslash: Brings up the UI, allowing you to customize it to your liking. ~from Diggl

    2. You can drag items from your character sheet to your hot bars, items from your inventory to your hot bar to use.

    3. Not only can you use Custom UI's, but you can make the other quick bars on your screen permanently visable, but you can use a compressed UI and move the Quick bars down to make it seem like a second row of quick slots without taking up any additional space on the screen. An example from Kaylan's great UI: http://www.lotrointerface.com/downloads/full30.jpg ~From Ascadia

    4. Use the map filters if you're looking for a specific NPC in towns. The option is located in the top left corner of the map (default M) ~From Hargreaves

    5. Right clickin on the General tab in the chat window allows you to turn off any of the player/system channels. It also allows you to color code the text for each of those channels!

    6. Press the N key to toggle floating names on or off on the screen. This effects player names, NPC names, Creature Names, etc... ~From Aellea

    7. Under the UI section of the options, you can turn off the Ring Quest icon above quest NPCs. You can also turn off the Non-quest icons, like those for vendors, etc... ~From Aellea

    8. Press the F12 key to toggle the entire UI on or off! ~From Aellea

    9. Press Print Screen to take a screen shot. ~From Aellea

    10. If you turn on the option to always display your hotbars, but you have nothing in the hotbars, it will look like nothing changed. This is because, even when that option is set, the extra hotbars only display slots that have a skill, item, shortcut, etc. actually in the slot (i.e., the frame does not display on empty slots). So if you do not have anything in the slots, nothing will display. ~From Voxin

    11. You can inspect someone without being next to them, as long as you have them targeted or they are in your party you can see what the have on. ~From NezRe

    12. you can drag stuff that you want to sell from your inventory to the /trade line when advertizing. I knew that. What I didn't realize until recently is that you can click on those tags in the /trade chat (e.g. [Dwarven Leather Vest of Might]) to see a complete description of the item! I thought that was pretty cool! ~From d00dguy

    13 You can switch back and forth between Full-Screen and Windowed mode by hitting Alt+Enter. ~From Carfilhiot

    1. Control+Left Click: On Armor or Weapons, it will allow you to see what that item will look like on your character. This works on NPC vendors, and even on quest rewards! ~From Synchro

    2. Under advanced Video Setting, you can turn off helm, cape, shoe and other parts of your armor! ~From Dromiz Note: All players will see the changes, so hobbits; show those feet!

    3. In character generation, after picking race and gender; pick your region next! The color palettes for hair color, eye color, and skin color depend on region. For example, Men from Gondor may have darker skin tones than those from Bree-land, and while elves from Rivendell don't have a choice for grey hair... those from Lorien do. ~From Khafar

    4. Pressing F12 to remove UI and then Ctrl + \ to unlock UI allows you to use mouselook to rotate your character in place! Find your favorite pose or look and then press Prt Src for a screenshot! ~Data_Ferret
    Holding down the left mouse button and the directional keys will also allow you to rotate your character in place. Handy for the uses Data_Ferret mentioned, and also for a quick behind you if you're getting chased by a big ole' nasty!

    5. You can turn up animation detail under the advanced video options! (This helps smooth out animations at a greater distance, at the expense of performance) ~From Joslo

    1. When selling, the amount at the bottom of the merchant window tells you the value of all items in your inventory if sold, except items "locked" by you! (Thanks for the clarification rocco81b!)

    2. You don't need to be at a vendor to lock items. Remap your keys to assign a short cut to the function. Select an item (Alt-Left click) and then use the shortcut to toggle the lock. ~From Makkilmakkil

    3. Use F10, Shift+F10 and CTRL+F10 to allow you to select/cycle NPCs (remember to use the U key!) ~From Cozyflyer

    4. Remember that trainers also have passive skills in which to train you; be sure to check them too. ~From Kulamata

    5. Right click on an item in the sell window will sell it. This is quite handy to quickly sort your trash loot from items you want to lock. ~From Cerion

    6. To get a destination, remember to talk to every stable hand NPC you meet. It opens up the stable so when latwer you may wish to fast travel back, it is open. ~Coogee

    7. Pressing Shift while in a Buy window will show you the cost for an entire stack of that item. Shift-Right-Click buys a whole stack. ~From Knightmayr

    1. Pressing DELETE will select the nearest node/item, after you approach it click U to automatically harvest nodes (useful for strawberries, yarrow and other hard to click ground spawns). ~From Cozyflyer

    2. You do not need to be near a workbench in order to craft lore! Unlike the other crafting professions, you can camp Scholar node locations and grind out your crafting xp right there. ~From quigonwindu

    3. When you dye something, you must unequip and re-equip the item to see the changes. ~From Sssnapdragon

    4. Using /follow on a selected node will cause you to auto approach it. You can slot this using /shortcut.. ~From Istuilhos

    5. Read the description on purple items; usables ones will say they can be used in crafting - others you can still sell to npc vendors. ~From Arcaines

    6. You can adjust the amount of the selected end product when crafting, by clicking in the window where you see the default "1". No more clicking the right arrow button 80 times for 80 items. ~From Delt

    7. Unequip your harvesting tools and scholar glass before going into battle to prevent wear and tear on them. ~From ScottAdams

    1. If you use the hotkey for a combat skill while you don't have a target, the closest target will be selected. ~From Makkilmakkil

    2. "Enable Skill Targetting Forwarding" allows you to execute your skills through that player to the monster. Conversely, if you have the monster selected, your friendly skills will execute through the monster to your fellow! ~From Shiara, Corpsearella

    3. Under Combat Options, you can "Enable Combat Particle Response Indicators". For classes that rely on certain conditions for skills to be used this will show an effect around your character when the conditions are met, and allow you to react to it. Rather than looking at your hotbar at all the time ~From Thornfinger

    4. If you attack a tagged mob, you will take a percentage of that person's xp. ~From acuoio

    5. Under combat options turn on the "Directional Selection Indicator" in order to have a small line drawn from your character's feet to whatever you have selected!
    Note: The line is color coded to indicate different types of objects. This is extremely useful for finding chests/scholar nodes ~From Suikoden4

    6. Fellowship Manuevers (spheres) are bindable to hotkeys inside the keymapping options. Its near the very bottom of the list. Having to not click the sphere can save your life. ~From Flay

    7. If you run low on morale and need to regen fast before your next battle, eating food helps. ~From Mirrordude

    8. Spells, such as heals, will land on whomever was targeted when the spell was initiated, not on whom you are targeting when it actually finishes casting and lands. Thus, you can use the Assist function (mapped to "F" by default) to quickly switch from doing DPS or debuffing of a mob to healing the mob's target then back to attacking the mob in just three keystrokes ~From Voxin

    1. When under Round Robin loot rules; chests and crates fall under this rule too! Make sure everyone loots the chest, they're not empty or being stingy with just copper! ~From Diggl

    2. Shift+Right Clicking on a corpse will auto loot all items on the corpse, without a pop up window. (If partied, and set to uncommon; roll window still applies)

    3. Shift+Right Clicking on a node will auto look a resource node without a pop up window! ~From B_Radr
    Alternatively, you can right click any corpse/node without using the default "U" key. (You'll still receive a loot window using this method.) ~From Slave_to_the_wheek

    1. Holding down the right mouse button while moving left or right allows you to stafe. (Aside from the default Q&E) ~From Diggl

    2. Typing /rp on or /rp off will flag your character as Roleplaying or Not. ~From Corpsearella, CrazyJaxom

    3. Alt+F10 illuminates the area around your character (Self only, others don't see it)

    4. You can unlock special titlea by using emotes! Reference http://lotro-wiki.com/index.php/Titles ~From Missy

    5. If you get with a meter or so of a chair in your local inn and type /sit you will sit down into the adjacent seat! ~From Soluna

    6. Shift + Left Click a stack of items, then drag to another inventory slot and release. A stack splitting box will pop up where you can input the amount of items you want to put in the new inventory slot. ~From Corpsearella

    7. Traits from Deeds stack. So if you want to get to Rank 4, you need to complete the deeds from several areas. Deeds automatically upgrade. No need to see a Bard if you've changed rank. ~From acuoio

    8. Holding down the right and left mouse buttons together will allow you to move, turn and look with only your mouse hand rather than using the keyboard and mouse together. ~From Routman

    9. Clicking on the ring on your quest log display in your interface will take you to that mission in your quest log. ~From Thorwen

    10. Left clicking on the ring the quest tracker takes you to the entry in the quest log, but right clicking on it brings up a very useful context menu so you can remove the quest from the panel (or remove all), or set your LFF comment. It's very useful! ~From Zodiac

    11. If you right click on the quest tracker "ring", an option to "Find others who have this quest" is displayed ~From CozyFlyer

    12. There is a color scheme to let you know the level of mobs that corresponds to your level. White quests and mobs are of equal level. Example: If the monster name appears in red and you are fighting him alone chances are you wont be winning that one. Elites tend to be stronger, making their level not as relevant as their HP, damage output and attack skills. ~From Emz66us68

    1. Before level 10, your will not have item wear when you die.

    2. Dying damages all your equipable items in your inventory, as well as the items you have equipped! ~From Synchro

    3. You can die from falling, if the fall is from a great height. ~From Rocco81b

    4. If you die from falling, your gear does not take any damage. ~From Diggl

    1. Repair before leaving town, you never know how long you'll be out. ~From Rocco81b
    **1a. Alternatively, if you'll soon be outleveling or determine your repair costs will exceed your profits at your; repair selectively or wait until you have level/get your new gear to save costs! ~From Forohir and Steale

    2. /loc Gives extensive coordinates (For use in bug reporting, etc). ;loc provides standard coordinates! ~From Rocco81b

    3. To avoid spamming /say or any other channel, you can send a tell to yourself for coordinates! Type /tell <yourname>; loc ~From Shiara

    4. If you want to see the progress on a deed you doing, hover your mouse over the deed progress bar and it will tell you exactly what you need and what you already have. ~From Arbit

    5. Gold farmers use /who to spam their victims. To stop them, open the social panel (CTRL+O) and click the "Annonymous" check box. Voila! No more gold spam. ~From Rook818

    6. Always look for a new stablemaster in a new town. Nothing is worse than visiting a new place and forgetting to grab the stablepoint, then realizing you missed it later. ~From Hargreaves

    7. There's a great alias how-to thread over at Warcry that's worth a look for those new to them: http://lotro.warcry.com/content/guides/alias_macros ~From Soluna

    8. Grab all the quests in an area before heading out. sometimes youll have to kill mob b to get to mob a. or youll have 2 quests that involve the same mob. so you can get 2 things done at once. ~From nevikt

    9. Destiny points are shared between all characters on one server! Any of your characters (level 10 or higher) on that account and server can play any of the Monsters. ~From pvthudson01 and Carfilhiot

    10. The suppliers sell Bronze versions of all the crafting tools. These are far more durable than the tools you start out with, and do not have any duration or crit-penalties. ~From Forohir

    11. You can carry multiple harvesting tools - this will allow you to harvest longer without needing to repair. ~From Thehiredgun

    12. If you don't see many creatures of a specific type in an area you know they should be in, kill everything else so more stuff will respawn. Oh, and pick all the plants too! (Explanation: Plants are in the same spawn table as creatures, so that Raspberry bush may respawn as a warg if you pluck it! Also, if wargs are 25% of the spawns and are "cherry-picked" out of the landscape, in the next round of spawns they'll only be about 6% - 25% of 25%. So kill everything to get more of what you want). ~From Khafar

    13. Temporary Experience Bonus (Destiny Points): A lot of folks seem to assume the XP bonus bought with DP is just a +X% for Y time duration based on the "temporary" description. However, in reality it's not a buff or any real sort of temporary duration. What it does is literally buy you "Rested XP". At around Lv15, for just 150 DP (or was it 250 DP), you can buy Rested XP for about 25% of the entire level. As far as I can tell, it lasts forever just like naturally accumulated Rested XP! ~From KyanMehWulfe

    14. Save your Sweet Lobelia seeds. Each character can only do the quest once that gives you your few precious seeds--they can't be bought, except maybe at the AH. If you try to crossbreed them (at least until seed yields are fixed), you will lose them all before you can make Eagle's Nest. ~From Calimmacil

    15. Not all agro mobs will attack right away. If you get them past them quickly they will just ignore you. Example: Cave claws. You will see message saying they are threatening to attack, but you can run through whole groups of them and they will not chase you. If you stand still though they will indeed come after you. ~ScottAdams

    16. If your character name has been changed to *renameme* etc by Turbine, you don't to contact a GM. Just type /rename to rename your character. ~From Rocco81b

    17. If your an experienced player, you can skip the introduction and save you time. The quests you get when you skip will be in the orange area providing you enough experience to catch up. And you will merely be a level or two behind anyway. Less then 30 minutes work. And if you have gone through once before as a race of your choice, plan ahead and do the quests in order, for example, if your objective is to kill boars, and then walk over and retrieve an object then to another place to return the object and the boars are the furthest from your other objective, which do you think you will want to complete first? ~From Syko2517

    18. You can use Destiny Points to buy several bars of rested experience before an instance or mob grind. ~From NezRe

    19. Time in Middle-Earth runs 8x faster than real life - a complete cycle of day and night takes 3 hours. Night is shorter than Day. ~From Carfilhiot

    20. There is no command or panel that shows an in-game clock. But you can use the moon and sun to estimate. They actually move in the sky, rising in the East and setting in the West. There are two time commands - /localtime shows the clock on your PC, /servertime shows the clock on the LOTRO realm host. Neither command pertains to in-game time. ~From Carfilhiot

    21. When the game rejects your character name, watch the error message. "ALREADY IN USE" means an NPC or mob has that name. "TAKEN" means another player on this server has it. "INAPPROPRIATE" means it's a known trademark or proper name. Other errors are self explanatory (vowels, repetition etc). ~From Carfilhiot

    22. If you see someone shouting for a fellowship in the LFF Channel (or anywhere else for that matter), instead of asking them what their race/level/class is; open the social panel and type their name in the location area. You can also type /who playernmane! ~From Temp3r and Carfilhiot

    ::Add your discoveries below!::
    Last edited by sindrael; Jun 03 2007 at 10:20 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2007

    Re: Official: Things I Wish I Knew Earlier!

    You should add to your vendor wording like "stuff that is locked is not added to your total." I had to experiment to learn that myself, LOL.

    Oh, a similar tip. Make sure you lock items you wish to keep.

    2) almost all souvenirs from creatures/humanoids are trash. Sell them to a vendor. Not purple stuff though. sell those to players.

    3) If you are doing prospecting, don't sell your stuff to a vendor. Place it on the AH.

    4) Use bronze tools. what comes free breaks often, Iron is expensive to repair.

    5) Don't buy your gear for now. Just use looted items. (Unfortunately) crafted items are not as good as loot.

    6) Most hobbits are only concerned about their mail. Step on them.

    7) yes, you CAN die falling off a large cliff. Don't try it.

    9) Ensure you repair your items after EVERY trip into the wilderness. Never know how long you will be gone next time.

    10) I should have put in a 8. Dang it. Darn public education.

    11) To report gold farmers, hit escape, click help. Click on new ticket, choose harrassment. Also use this if somebody repeatedly says stuff to offend you, even after asking them to stop.

    12) /loc is used for bug reporting, ;loc has more useable coordinates. If you see floating items, or stuff like that, first do /loc. THEN file your bug reports. It tells the developers exactly where you were in the report.

    13) Don't be afraid of asking what you think is a stupid question in /advice channel. Ask away, we don't bite. Hard.

    Some people are like slinkies. Useless, but still entertaining to push down stairs.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2007

    Post Re: Official: Things I Wish I Knew Earlier!

    Just FYI: there was a pretty robust recent thread covering this same sort of topic here: http://forums.lotro.com/showthread.php?t=44740

  4. #4

    Re: Official: Things I Wish I Knew Earlier!

    Quote Originally Posted by Seedcake View Post
    Just FYI: there was a pretty robust recent thread covering this same sort of topic here: http://forums.lotro.com/showthread.php?t=44740
    Thanks! I'd like to consolidate and organize by category however, and that thread is pretty broad. I'll pick through when able and credit the individuals.

    In the interim, please add your discoveries here!

  5. #5

    Re: Official: Things I Wish I Knew Earlier!

    Quote Originally Posted by rocco81b View Post
    You should add to your vendor wording like "stuff that is locked is not added to your total." I had to experiment to learn that myself, LOL.

    Oh, a similar tip. Make sure you lock items you wish to keep.

    2) almost all souvenirs from creatures/humanoids are trash. Sell them to a vendor. Not purple stuff though. sell those to players.

    3) If you are doing prospecting, don't sell your stuff to a vendor. Place it on the AH.

    4) Use bronze tools. what comes free breaks often, Iron is expensive to repair.

    5) Don't buy your gear for now. Just use looted items. (Unfortunately) crafted items are not as good as loot.

    6) Most hobbits are only concerned about their mail. Step on them.

    7) yes, you CAN die falling off a large cliff. Don't try it.

    9) Ensure you repair your items after EVERY trip into the wilderness. Never know how long you will be gone next time.

    10) I should have put in a 8. Dang it. Darn public education.

    11) To report gold farmers, hit escape, click help. Click on new ticket, choose harrassment. Also use this if somebody repeatedly says stuff to offend you, even after asking them to stop.

    12) /loc is used for bug reporting, ;loc has more useable coordinates. If you see floating items, or stuff like that, first do /loc. THEN file your bug reports. It tells the developers exactly where you were in the report.

    13) Don't be afraid of asking what you think is a stupid question in /advice channel. Ask away, we don't bite. Hard.
    Nice submissions! I'll grab the couple I can categorize and add them up to the top list with your name!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2007

    Re: Official: Things I Wish I Knew Earlier!

    Never mind, you already had it.

    Some people are like slinkies. Useless, but still entertaining to push down stairs.

  7. #7

    Re: Official: Things I Wish I Knew Earlier!


    Opened up new categories and have started consolidating and crediting contributers for their discoveries.


  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Re: Official: Things I Wish I Knew Earlier!

    Character Generation: After picking race and gender, pick your region next because the color palettes for hair color, eye color, and skin color depend on region. For example, Men from Gondor may have darker skin tones than those from Bree-land, and while elves from Rivendell don't have a choice for grey hair... those from Lorien do.


  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2007

    Re: Official: Things I Wish I Knew Earlier!

    Nice list. Thanks for compiling it.

    I would add...

    Gold farmers use /who to spam their victims. To stop them, open the social panel (CTRL+O) and click the "Annonymous" check box. Voila! No more gold spam.

  10. #10

    Re: Official: Things I Wish I Knew Earlier!

    Khafar, I added yours under Look and Feel as item #3.
    Rook818, I added yours under Pro Tips, as item #5

    Thanks for the discoveries, both VERY useful!

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Mar 2007

    Re: Official: Things I Wish I Knew Earlier!

    Always look for a new stablemaster in a new town. Nothing is worse than visiting a new place and forgetting to grab the stablepoint, then realizing you missed it later.

    Use the map filters if you're looking for a specific NPC in towns. The option is located in the top left corner of the map (default M)
    Last edited by Hargreaves; Apr 22 2007 at 06:16 PM.
    Domokun - 50 Hobbit Hunter - Woodsman
    3 Fountain Street
    Darstead, Bree-land, Gladden

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jan 2007

    Re: Official: Things I Wish I Knew Earlier!

    Pressing DELETE will select the nearest node/item, after you approach it click U to automatically harvest nodes (useful for strawberries, yarrow and other hard to click ground spawns) (There was also a way to auto approach the selected node, but I can't find the key...)

    F10, Shift+F10 and CTRL+F10 allow you to select/cycle NPCs (remember to use the U key!)

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Apr 2007

    Re: Official: Things I Wish I Knew Earlier!

    might adds nothing to my melee dmg. could have saved 3 gold across three characters.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jan 2007

    Re: Official: Things I Wish I Knew Earlier!

    alt+f10 is torch at night.

  15. #15

    Re: Official: Things I Wish I Knew Earlier!

    Hargreaves and Cozyflyer,

    Great discoveries, they have been added to their respective sections!


    I think we have that one under general gameplay, I'll go back and add it if it's not already there.


  16. #16

    Re: Official: Things I Wish I Knew Earlier!

    Added the Alias "How to" link to Warcry. Thanks to Soluna!

  17. #17

    Re: Official: Things I Wish I Knew Earlier!

    Updates to the "Dying" and "User Interface" sections completed!

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Jan 2007

    Re: Official: Things I Wish I Knew Earlier!

    Quote Originally Posted by sindrael View Post
    Great discoveries, they have been added to their respective sections!
    Thanks! F10, SHIFT+F10 and CTRL+F10 are NPC interactions though; I don't believe they work on resources.

  19. #19

    Re: Official: Things I Wish I Knew Earlier!

    Quote Originally Posted by cozyflyer View Post
    Thanks! F10, SHIFT+F10 and CTRL+F10 are NPC interactions though; I don't believe they work on resources.
    Oops! I've corrected it now. Thanks Cozy!

    I'm hoping to get this stickied if it proves valuable to the existing and new community members we'll be getting very soon!

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Mar 2007

    Re: Official: Things I Wish I Knew Earlier!

    Very nice compilation, thanks for posting it, and those who have contributed after too.

    I don't personally have much to contribute, except a thanks .

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Sep 2010

    Re: Official: Things I Wish I Knew Earlier!

    very cool thread. super stoked to find out about the round robin on chests!!!


  22. #22
    Join Date
    Sep 2010

    Re: Official: Things I Wish I Knew Earlier!

    Awesome thread. Thank you.


  23. Apr 24 2007, 02:25 AM

  24. #23
    Join Date
    Apr 2007

    Re: Official: Things I Wish I Knew Earlier!

    1.) Press the N key to toggle floating names on or off on the screen. This effects player names, NPC names, Creature Names, etc...

    2.) Under the UI section of the options, you can turn off the Ring Quest icon above quest NPCs. You can also turn off the Non-quest icons, like those for vendors, etc...

    3.) Press the F12 key to toggle the entire UI on or off.

    4.) Press Print Screen to take a screen shot.

  25. #24
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Re: Official: Things I Wish I Knew Earlier!

    Remember that trainers also have passive skills in which to train you; be sure to check them too.

  26. #25

    Re: Official: Things I Wish I Knew Earlier!

    Thanks for the support of this thread!

    Aellea and Kulamata,

    Your contributions have been added to UI Interface and NPC Interaction respectively.




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