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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2010

    Lightbulb Global LFF Panel

    That´s what this game realy need and what should shift it on another level. Quick acces,userfriendly,well-arranged/sorted,actual Global LFF panel.
    Something what would help ppl to easily get company or into fellowship/group for what they need/want becouse that´s what this game should be about. I understand that some people rather do quest solo but for those who like to group theres only one usefull way - LFF chat channel whos spammed by things like this: In Bree-town "LFM 4/6 for GB need tank and heals" or in ND area with something like "LFF for Black Fires,Half-orcs schemer","LFF Dol Dínen quests" etc.
    Why developers didnt note this yet or how hard it can be to make something like that. I know theres "Open fellowship" well hiden panel but whos realy use it? Just done well what you allready have and let people know about it.
    Perhaps something with Classic/Skirmish and Quests sub-category with automatic sorting for +,- 5lvl and area/zone, but managable. Quests sorted by Fellowship, Small fellowship, ordinary/solo with instant join and quick update note just like "Open Fellowship" everything well-arranged and sorted...
    Just post your thoughts how would you like it looks like etc.
    If you guys want something like this in game, just populate this thread or write it better/understandable.

    Sorry for my bad english.
    Last edited by SugarLip; Dec 18 2010 at 04:27 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2009

    Re: Global LFF Panel

    there is 2 channels that are exactly what you stating.

    the is the zone specific LFF channel(just type LFF: message or click on the say thing is the dialog box and change it to lff).

    There is also the global LFF channel. I don't know how to access it but it does exist and by default is turned off.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2010

    Re: Global LFF Panel

    I was stating about area/zone LFF channel.
    GLFF is "user made" channel you can join it by writtin "/joinchannel glff" in your chat window and see youself what´s it about.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2008

    Re: Global LFF Panel

    People have been suggesting this for as long as I've been here (which is 2 1/2 years). It just has been completely ignored.

    And to above poster, GLFF is a user channel and while is sometimes used to find groups, it's mostly the worst aspects of any sort of internet chat.

    This game is probably 2 or even 3 generations behind others when it comes to social tools.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2010

    Re: Global LFF Panel

    They have to do something with it sooner or later, people just dont know where to start lookin for group, then you can see LFFs for GA and GB in Bree town, hunters traveling by zones to get more people etc.
    The game and lore should be about fellowship, right? People would join them if there´ll be any easy way how to. The whole game exparience would be different.
    Last edited by SugarLip; Dec 03 2010 at 07:56 AM.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Re: Global LFF Panel

    As you stated, the tool is there already. The "Open Fellowships" panel is global and can be used to join a group or start your own group. You can choose the quest you wish to do from the dropdown, or add your own comments. You can specify what classes you are looking for in your group as well as the level range.

    Turbine needs to improve upon it by making it the first screen you see when you open the social panel rather than the second tab at the bottom where nobody notices it. Basically the functionality is very similar to the excellent tool they have in DDO, but it won't show you what classes and levels are in the group already and doesn't allow you to filter on content you own or are in the level range for.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2009

    Re: Global LFF Panel

    Don't waste your time on the "Open Fellowships" tab. No one uses it. It has been suggested that this is because all LOTRO players are idiots, and that the tool is actually fine, but I'm leaning towards the idea that it is rubbish. Mostly because it is.

    You might not be able to see the glff channel, it's currently bugged. Some can see it, others not. I can't, so my only way for finding groups is gone until they get around to fix it, which might be never.
    [URL="http://[URL=%22http://my.lotro.com/hassan_the_assassin/2010/07/17/review-lotro-in-nvidia-3d/%22"][/URL][URL="http://my.lotro.com/hassan_the_assassin/2010/07/17/review-lotro-in-nvidia-3d/"]REVIEW: LOTRO in 3D[/URL]

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2007

    Re: Global LFF Panel

    Quote Originally Posted by trancejeremy View Post
    This game is probably 2 or even 3 generations behind others when it comes to social tools.
    100%, absolutely positively unswayingly irrifutably unarguably...



    Although GLFF is quite entertaining.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Re: Global LFF Panel

    I don't think it survived a forum prune, but I seem to remember a blue name responding to this one of the former times it was brought up. If I am remembering correctly it was something to the effect of... 'Its on our map, it isn't high priority, it may or may not come to completion' (rough translation).

    Again, I may be remembering that a little off. I agree the tools are lacking, but I would personally rank several things as more important that this. I would, however, not complain if it got positive attention.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Nov 2007

    Re: Global LFF Panel

    Quote Originally Posted by Hassan_the_Assassin View Post
    Don't waste your time on the "Open Fellowships" tab. No one uses it. It has been suggested that this is because all LOTRO players are idiots, and that the tool is actually fine, but I'm leaning towards the idea that it is rubbish. Mostly because it is.

    You might not be able to see the glff channel, it's currently bugged. Some can see it, others not. I can't, so my only way for finding groups is gone until they get around to fix it, which might be never.
    The User Chat Channel bug used to be that if any of your characters had a certain user channel disabled (not checked as active in at least one of their chat tabs) then none of your characters could see that channel. Take a look at all of your characters and make sure that the user channel for GLFF is checked on all of them and see if it helps.
    [SIZE=1][URL="http://my.lotro.com/character/landroval/faefaer/"]FAEFAER[/URL] ... [URL="http://my.lotro.com/character/landroval/ithros/"]ITHROS[/URL] ... [/SIZE][SIZE=1][URL="http://my.lotro.com/character/landroval/mundt"]MUNDT[/URL] [/SIZE][SIZE=1]... [URL="http://my.lotro.com/character/landroval/naonna/"]NAONNA[/URL] ... [URL="http://my.lotro.com/character/landroval/piercella"]PIERCELLA[/URL] ... [URL="http://my.lotro.com/character/landroval/zahira"]ZAHIRA[/URL] ... [URL="http://my.lotro.com/character/landroval/zinomis"]ZINOMIS[/URL][/SIZE][SIZE=1]

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Nov 2010

    Re: Global LFF Panel

    Moved thread to suggestions forum.
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