Rhae | Veni Vidi Vici | Terminus Venatus Triumphus | Shock And Awe
In Remembrance: Nidor of Brandywine (1970-2012)
[center] [size=+1]Brandy[color=red]Ungoliant's Hatchlings [/size][/color]
[center][color=teal][i]~ Band of the Hawks ~[/i][/color][/center][/center] [center][size=+1][color=crimson] Organization of Freep Spies[/color]Wine[/size][/center]
Rhae | Veni Vidi Vici | Terminus Venatus Triumphus | Shock And Awe
In Remembrance: Nidor of Brandywine (1970-2012)
Posts A bit
Posts A bit
Posts A bit
A newer one of me. I got my hair cut recently.
Aegfaroth RK8 Spider/Carach RK6 Warg/Shouldikissitbetter RK4 WL/Dinitrogen RK6 Mini of Brandywine.
"Upon this sea of death shall I claim my crown." - Marduk
I have to share pictures from today of my new little warg baby. It still needs a name!
Ah look at its little face!
If your dog is male I would call him Pablo, and if it is female I would call her Tallulah.
I don't know why but I stared at your dog for like 20 seconds and some how one name fit perfectly.
vicious? static? how about
guy = kraken
girl = krakenette
problem solved
Emilio Estevez
[/SIZE][B][SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkOrchid][U][I]Ravashack[/I][/U] - R12 Reaver[/COLOR] [COLOR=Red]♥[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkOrchid][U][I]Dawgbreath[/I][/U] - R8 Warg[/COLOR] [COLOR=Red]♥[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkOrchid][I][U]Meeshta[/U][/I] - R8 BA[/COLOR] [COLOR=Red]♥[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkOrchid][U][I]Marytyler[/I][/U] - R9 WL[/COLOR] [COLOR=Red]♥[/COLOR] [COLOR=LightBlue]([U]OoFS[/U])[/COLOR] [COLOR=Red]♥[/COLOR][COLOR=Plum][I][U]
Dimitrius[/U][/I] - R7 Hunter[/COLOR] [COLOR=Red]♥[/COLOR] [COLOR=Plum][U][I]Klarissa[/I][/U] - R6 Burglar[/COLOR] [COLOR=Red]♥[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B][B][SIZE=1][COLOR=Plum][I] [U]Urkel[/U] - [/I]R4 Champion[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B][B][SIZE=1][COLOR=Red] ♥[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B][B][SIZE=1][COLOR=LightBlue] [COLOR=White]Brandywine [/COLOR][/COLOR][/SIZE][/B][B][SIZE=1][COLOR=Red]♥[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B]
[B][SIZE=1][COLOR=LightBlue] [COLOR=White]R.I.P. Nidor of Brandywine (1970-2012) ~ Only the Good Die Young[/COLOR][/COLOR][/SIZE][/B]
Hi Everyone,
I'm still alive and kicking and while this pic was taken just a few days prior to my Radical Lymphenectomy and Lung Resection surgeries, I felt compelled to post it.
We were driving around my mom's neighborhood and I saw this street. I turned the car around and made my wife take this picture so I could post here LOL.
Mihiraa-Xombor-Fallarden ~ Fully Wrecked-Elenyali ~ Arkenstone
Bunnytail ~ Terminus Venatus Triumphus
Led the Charge at Khazad-dûm x2
Some pictures from my Bonnaroo 2011 roadtrip. Just posting a few. Saw wayy to many good bands.
Me and some cool art
My crappey tent,
One of 30 campsites
Fountain in music area
Last edited by Swatius; Jun 14 2011 at 01:03 AM.
A Bonnaroo veteran
Main stage
some cool art
one of four smaller stages
was an incredible trip. I have videos just send a pm if wanting to view.
I grew up around 15 mins from where bonaroo is held every yearAhh, the total cloud of pot that lingers over the highway every year.
[center][color="red"] Elynole ~ Ely ~ Elywall ~ Stunlocked ~ Komma ~ Elynull [/color][/center]
Thats me and my desk
_______________TAYLOR GANG_________________
Yup, thats me, Dev.
Devoren, Devorentil, Devorenath, Devorenpane, Devorianna, Devorliatta, & Terrogin.
!~~Devoren- 65 Captain, Devorentil- 65 Burglar, Devorenat- 65 Rune Keeper, Devorenpane- 65 Lore Master, Devorianna- 65 Champion, Devorliatta- 65 Guardian, Terrogin- 65 Hunter~~!
my face will come later
______________________________ _____________TAYLOR GANG__________________________ _____________
Last edited by ChaChaLoco; Aug 18 2018 at 12:44 PM.
Cohorts of the Red Legion
Vae Victis - Woe to the vanquished.
Timidi mater non flet.