I think...
Someone from Turbine should simply provide a paragraph about what is actually going on during each downtime.
It's just basic customer service after all.
Is it really that hard, to give people a paragraph to let them know what is actually occurring? Why is it always this huge hush-hush secret thing, that people have to wring a sentence or two out of someone after a half dozen different threads, and pages upon pages of comments come out speculating what the changes are going to be.
This is, at it's base, simply poor customer service.
And after running more than one help desk the past decade, I know what customer service is. You need to do better folks. And you can start, by informing your customers a bit better, with simple things such as this. It simply increases the image and professionalism of your company, and lets the players/customers know that you care.
And best of all... it costs you NOTHING.
Just repeat after me... "The customer is always right..."