Re: When is it appropriate to give negative rep? Some seem to abuse the system
when someone's repeatedly trolling, I would. I would if I had enough rep :P I haven't tried recently but last time I did, apparently I didn't have enough rep to do so.
There are subtle trolls here, who I will not name, who I believe would deserve it.
But honestly if I have a problem with a post and it goes against the guidelines, I just report it. No point giving negative rep. Let the mods deal with it, that's what they're for.
I should note these forums have been among the most civilised I've ever seen - and I do mean ever. I've been an avid forum junky since UO through many many MMOs and it's quite a pleasant shock to actually see people willing to apologize for something they may have posted in haste (instead of inciting further flames by their defense).
As for negative rep - I'm not sure how you call someone on abuse? I dunno if I have ever had someone give me negative rep, maybe I have. I don't pay much attention to be frank. I suppose it would be useful if, when giving negative rep, instead of being anonymous someone had to leave their user name (though that would probably be a bad idea) or at least, a reason why they are giving it. Instead of just hitting the button and voila - neg rep.
Anyway just my thoughts
[center][color=teal]Wingwoz (on hunters in LOTRO), "I prefer to think of them more like Elvis or James Dean. Terminally self indulgent but their presence in a party, nay, the very fact that they ever existed, makes the world a cooler place."[/color]
[color=orange]'[i]Zairente hums, "Little rabbit Poo-kie / running through the Di-res / scooping up the Mon-archs / and BANGING 'em on the head."[/i]'
[i][url=]The Antics and Ramblings of Family Nenaelin[/url][/i][/color][/center]