So, you're alright with having the fire line with less burst DPS (which is fair, and I understand the reasoning behind it, though I respectfully disagree), but you're also alright with having lightning be more sustainable DPS? I don't understand the reasoning behind folks that argue that fire should not have burst damage, but then are perfectly willing to accept lightning get a sizable boost to sustainability. To better balance, it seems better to provide the sustainability boost to lightning but not at the expense of heavily nerfing fire burst (I.e. changing IEoF to only 2-3 seconds of non-inductions, like Warth suggested). That way, it truly does become a matter of player preference.
I think it was Therubor, in this same thread, that commented that fire needs a touch more burst DPS than what Update 6 will provide if lightning is given more sustainability, even if it comes at a cost. I would agree with that. That, or I would propose shortening IEoF to a 45 second CD to allow for consistent burst DPS (with Essence of Flame/SW) needed in fights where burst is needed every ~45 seconds or so, if not a bit shorter.
@ Perfect Approach - Yes, Shocking Words/Essence of Storm/EC are still relatively hard hitting (assuming a crit in particular) fire-spec'd, but Bradegor is right with his last post. They won't be as hard hitting with the Update 6 changes, and they're still largely crit dependent, which isn't the fire line's strong suit.
What I see happening is that lightning will become the stronger choice for most of ToO aside from Saruman and possibly Kalbak, which largely appeals to RKs that prefer lightning, but will become a sore spot for those RKs that prefer fire.
At the end of the day, I prefer fire, but will ultimately trait whatever is most effective for the situation, and provides a good combination of burst and sustained DPS, and it sounds like lightning will do that.
While I can respect Z.C.'s decision to make both dps trait lines viable for end-game, I agree with the sentiment that we may be back to having most RKs trait lightning, which means I may need to make my FA
into a lightning stone (because my next FA will be a healing satchel) and use all of the seals I've amassed to acquire the lightning set. /Sigh.