Moria is a beautiful, unique, amazing space. Don’t worry; we’re not changing any of that. Read more in the latest Developer Diary from Lauren “Budgeford” Salk and post your comments here!
Moria is a beautiful, unique, amazing space. Don’t worry; we’re not changing any of that. Read more in the latest Developer Diary from Lauren “Budgeford” Salk and post your comments here!
At first I was like, don't touch my Moria! But then I was like, hey, this does sound interesting.
Can't wait to see what you've done. In my view, any reason to go back to Moria is a good one. I still believe it's the best part of the game after all this time.
Cheers guys!
The list of changes looks pretty nice. I have some characters in the 40s right now who should really benefit from them.
From the list of zones that are affected, it looks like you streamlined the leveling process from 50 to about 55. Should we expect the rest of the zones to be revamped in another update soon? Zelem-melek and the Foundations of Stone, in particular, could also use some love.
I do not love the bright sword for its sharpness, nor the arrow for its swiftness, nor the warrior for his glory. I love only that which they defend. ~ Faramir
Undo the U12 class changes. The trait trees were, are, and will always be a bad idea.
Maedhric 105 Captain, Nunion 110 Champion, Taraviel 85 Minstrel, etc...
After how superbly fantastic the Evendim revamp was, I have no doubt that this will be just as good.
I especially like the idea of having little Dwarf camps spread around. Makes the 'recolonisation' aspect a bit more believeable.
Last edited by Nyrion; May 04 2012 at 03:40 PM.
I'm not sure what to make of this yet, but I've been fearing the worst about ultra-linear-no-skipping quest flow (like in Dunland and the Great River). This line made me feel a bit easier about things:
"If you’re more of a reckless explorer type, that’s OK too. New quest hubs are open for business, even if you didn’t finish the one before. We won’t actively direct you there until the quests of the previous hub are finished, but no dwarf will turn you away if you wander up to take a gander at his quest ring."
Sigh. I'm likely in the minority, but I really dislike the new linear quest flow. Yes, it's extremely convenient that there's a quest hub next to every possible objective, but it quickly becomes formulaic and extremely boring when the entire game is like this. Regardless of the quests themselves (which are significantly better and more interesting than in the old days) the entire experience becomes less of an adventure and more of a laundry list. You always know what to expect and the magic is lost.
So I'm sad the 'convenience' treatment has arrived to Moria which was my favourite area in the game. I guess I'll have to see it, but if it's anything like the newer zones I know I'm not going to like it.
So instead of scaling instances, adding new ones, or fixing server lag issues; you decide to go back and make the game even more easy-mode. There are more issues with the game to be fixed and more broader problems with lack of content and lack of scaled instances. I'm all for re-designing areas (I love the new Evendim), but at this point in time I find it ridiculous you would put so many resources into re-designing an area most players hate anyway. I would much rather you had scaled Moria instances. The server lag is driving players away from the game as well as the lack of challenging content. If you wish to remain solvent as a game in the future you need to prioritize better. Very very disappointed, but not surprised. This is just typical thought patterns of Turbine. And I'm guessing you will revamp the second half next. . . Good intentions, bad priorities. Appease your players if you wish to remain a profitable game. (Kinship Revamp Proposal would have been a much better Update as well)
Two thumbs up from me. I have a couple of characters on the threshold of Moria - looking forward to revisiting the content and seeing the changes for myself.
Crickhollow Server:
Evenhald: L86 Minstrel Armaius: L76 Loremaster. Gaheriad: L96 Hunter Malhion: L74 Captain
This sounds wonderful! I have a toon at 45 right now, so I will get to experience the revamp soon! Moria really needed some love. (I remember on my first toon once I found Dolven-view, I just stayed there doing repeatable instances until I was level 58, and then I did slayer deeds to get to 60.) I think it's great that there will be smaller quest hubs throughout, the main pathways will be lit, and it sounds like there will be more swift travels!
We have yet to see whether this will ruin the "immersion" factor, but honestly this game is geared toward people who don't have a ton of time to spend hours getting lost or having to fight through the same mobs repeatedly. The days of spending 8+ hours a day playing MMOs are gone. People just don't have that kind of time to spend on a game anymore.
I also love that the task icon has changed to a feather!
Frieja - Minstrel on Landroval (formerly of Brandywine)
I just finished Moria on my main a few days ago. After reading the dev diary, I'm glad I got the "classic" Moria experience at least one time. And I'm also excited about experiencing the new Moria soon with an alt. Kudos to Budgeford and the other devs!
Having Just finished getting my Warden through Moria, with a Hunter stuck there...I'm glad to see it might be less of an issue for me have to jump on a character whose there. The first couple of times through Moria were fine, but by the third time with the prospect of a fourth, It was getting monotonous.
This all sounds wonderful! There is so much I have learned to love about Moria (except trying to get around) that I feel really bad when players say they don't want to go there or stay when they arrive. I very much hope these changes will improve the popularity of this content. I am now taking my fifth character through Moria and still have four more to go. Sounds like the last four will have a much easier time of it than the first five.
Do you intend to revamp the remaining zones as well?
Manni: Dwarf Guardian
Manriel: Elf Loremaster
Manny: Man Champion
I really hope that this reason:
...was only a very small reason for the revamp, because that basically sounds like players who just don't like Moria at all and want to spend as little time there as possible. It also sounds like two separate groups of people: people who think Moria is too difficult at level 50-51 are probably not the same people capable of doing Dimril Dale quests at 56. I don't think any revamp of Moria - short of putting it above ground on flat terrain in bright sunlight - is going to make those who hate Moria suddenly love it.The purpose of this revamp was to address a number of player complaints about this area. First of all, a lot of people have mentioned how leveling in Moria is so tough for them that they try to get to level 53 (3 levels late) before venturing inside. After that, they only stay in moria for 3 levels before they skip out to hit the Dimrill Dale and Lothlórien at level 56 (4 levels earlier than intended for that content).
As for the rest: improving quest flow is a good idea, but I still think that the Epic Quest flow is a bit off compared to the rest of the place, and that went untouched. Most of the regular quests seemed to have a good flow to me.
So I entered Moria a few weeks ago in the high 40s. I've done the areas listed as revamped, plus the Flaming Deeps and haven't yet entered Redhorn Lodes.
I'm 57.
I've done no skirmishes. I haven't done the small group quests. I've only done two GS, one FT and one Turtle.
I did not play at all during the enhanced XP buff.
The reason I bring this up, is I have two characters approaching Moria with friends. I find it odd, with the current super-fast leveling with all the XP quests give you, that MORE quests were added. Now obviously more content is appreciated, but a method to not out-level areas so rapidly would be lovely. I'd much rather be entering Redhorn Lodes at 55, if I had known I'd be out-leveling everything, I guess the solution is to skip entire sections?
Since presumably tasks will also provide XP in addition to reputation, would we need to skip about half the quest hubs to stay on level?
"Sometimes survival comes down to not being hit. Actually, most times." -the chicken skill, Bob and Weave
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While I didn't see it mentioned in the diary, from the BR prelim notes:
I'm excited to see how everything was changed, but this really made my day.Moria Deeds: The standard exploration, slayer, and quest completion deeds of Moria can now be started at level 47 (lowered from the previous minimum of level 50). We're not sure we recommend braving the deeps at a lower level than intended, but the option is there!
[u][url=""]Sauron vs. Tom Bombadil[/url][/u][COLOR="Red"] [/color][COLOR="Orange"] A fun what-if video I hope brings a smile[/color][COLOR="Red"][/color]
Frieja - Minstrel on Landroval (formerly of Brandywine)
What? You didn't see the news about Fornost, the new skirmish, and that there should be a fix for the lag in Update 7?
I think the point of the revamp was so that fewer people would hate Moria.
That would be nice. I still wonder why the "In Their Absence" instances don't scale. They were added after the scaling technology had been part of the game.
That kinship revamp proposal would be nice. So would another Legendary Item revamp, but that would probably fit better when the level cap goes up again.
I do not love the bright sword for its sharpness, nor the arrow for its swiftness, nor the warrior for his glory. I love only that which they defend. ~ Faramir
Undo the U12 class changes. The trait trees were, are, and will always be a bad idea.
Maedhric 105 Captain, Nunion 110 Champion, Taraviel 85 Minstrel, etc...
^ this. Most of the changes sound very welcome, especially since I am currently starting Moria on my fourth character. However, I find it hard to believe there are so many people who find it so difficult that they wait until level 53 to jump in... I've always started the expedition quests the moment I hit 45 and went through from there.
Big props for adding a tame goat and removing a lot of the mobs in between hubs!
I don't think that it is because it is hard for most people but because of how Moria tries to send you everywhere at the same time and they don't want to deal with it so they get in as late as possible and leave as early as possible to spend as little time as possible inside Moria.
Founding Member: Sapience Fan Club and Adoration Society
Can I make a request for the next review (the second half as it were)? Can we please add housing to Moria? I want to be able to be one of the populating dwarfs whose not only come to reclaim Moria, but to make it proudly my home with the other brave souls who believe our ancient home should be free from evil! I know its a big request and with the number of available homes in the current housing developments it might not make sense, but Moria isn't just beautiful... its what drew me to the game about a year ago. In a corny, over the top way I wanted nothing more than to play a part in the history of defeating the watcher and driving the goblins out of existence in the Misty Mountains!
So, I guess more of a request than feedback as its been awhile since I completed as many quests as I could in the zone. But I really want my home to be Moria. Ready to be called upon to lend any aid necessary should the darkness attempt to rise again!
One problem is that the Iron Guard Garrison did not win Moria back. One of those Durin guys does it after the War of the Ring is over. So it seems kind of strange to have a house that you know you might lose from a story perspective in some arbitrary amount of time.
Also Turbine has put all of the current housing areas in places that people who are as low as level 15, the starting level for getting your own house, can easily get to.
Founding Member: Sapience Fan Club and Adoration Society
Crell-L85-Champion - Riddermark ; Swego-L85-Burglar ; Kotvi-L95-Runekeeper
Delego-L85 Hunter ; Stodden-L51-Captain ; Edhul-L61-Loremaster
Deglorion - SoA XP Disabler