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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 1969

    Come Vote at IGN - LotRO is in the running for Best PC MMO Game

    IGN's Best Of awards will be revealed on December 19, 2012. Until then, we want you to make your picks for the best games of 2012. You have until December 17 to get in your votes on all categories, but why wait? Vote now.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    Oh my, thats scary!

    We have a game with more client side defects that I can throw a stick at, a company that disables content and does not inform their clients, after two months they can not fix a memory leak, and this is being nominated as oneof the best games? Are the other games that poorly made?


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    Acasta, I see you complaining in multiple forum posts about how the game is nothing but unresolved issues. Why do you continue playing?
    Steam: Sneakeh Snake[/CENTER]

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2007
    There was a time I'd rush over to the site and vote, but more and more I'm becoming tired of the continued monetization of the game through the store, the stripping of features from the game and making them store bought items (relic removal anyone!?), introduction of grind in place of actual content, and the continued stance of ignoring suggestions that would actually make a huge differnce to those that actually play the game (housing and kinship revamps, for which the player base has already fully fleshed out what need to be done...).

    Maybe they can recapture what made this game great and make improvements along the way (the Bree revamp done by Scarycrow looks great BTW), but until that time I think I'll refrain from voting.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Any game company that wants to do an experiment to see how players react to an ingame $50 hobby horse does not get a vote from me

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    I'm too young to vote, at least that's my excuse and I'm sticking to it.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by Acasta View Post
    Oh my, thats scary!

    We have a game with more client side defects that I can throw a stick at, a company that disables content and does not inform their clients, after two months they can not fix a memory leak, and this is being nominated as oneof the best games? Are the other games that poorly made?

    For a game that is technically something like 10 years old now, it's holding up fairly well.

    Whether that is a compliment to LotRO, or a condemnation of how poor the average MMO is, is up to you >_>

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by Schreik View Post
    There was a time I'd rush over to the site and vote, but more and more I'm becoming tired of the continued monetization of the game through the store, the stripping of features from the game and making them store bought items (relic removal anyone!?), introduction of grind in place of actual content, and the continued stance of ignoring suggestions that would actually make a huge difference to those that actually play the game (housing and kinship revamps, for which the player base has already fully fleshed out what need to be done...).

    Maybe they can recapture what made this game great and make improvements along the way (the Bree revamp done by Scarycrow looks great BTW), but until that time I think I'll refrain from voting.
    I rushed over to vote for Guild Wars 2 for best MMO and wrote in LOTRO for the graphics. The graphics are the best in any of the games I have played this year. (Sorry guys, the bugs and almost unplayable lag are by far off-setting the awesome story-line and "what would be fun without the problems" new mechanics of mounted combat. Lets not forget about the broken questlines like if you dont do "G"s letter before getting your mount or the fact that my machine runs at 100% of CPU and of its 4G RAM the whole time I am in game. And those are just the start of my laundry list of problems with the game atm. /groan.)

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2012


    je ne sai pas jouer

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by Schreik View Post
    There was a time I'd rush over to the site and vote, but more and more I'm becoming tired of the continued monetization of the game through the store, the stripping of features from the game and making them store bought items (relic removal anyone!?), introduction of grind in place of actual content, and the continued stance of ignoring suggestions that would actually make a huge differnce to those that actually play the game (housing and kinship revamps, for which the player base has already fully fleshed out what need to be done...).

    Maybe they can recapture what made this game great and make improvements along the way (the Bree revamp done by Scarycrow looks great BTW), but until that time I think I'll refrain from voting.
    I too will refrain from voting, as much as I'd like to vote for LotRO. There have been issues brought forth that need to be addressed, and are being ignored. So no vote from me.
    Estellost, loving husband of the wonderful Shinarra

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    No thanks.

    • Shoddy customer service/community teams. Customers should be treated with respect and concern.
    • Manipulation of customers. They know full well that the player base is unfond of the monitization of the game. This makes it difficult to push ridiculous additions out. Solution? Go way over the top and then "respond" to the complaints by scaling it back. Cosmetic dummies, hobby horse, festival grind (store tickets required) -- it's a disrespectful marketing tactic, but it appears to be working.
    • Crashes/bugs/lag/stuttering. Not talking about any one individual, talking about groups scattered around the globe getting such problems at the same time.
    • Disregarding source lore. It was always a slippery slope, but the in-and-out casual f2p crowd has greased the incline.
    • Destruction of organized group play. I play MMOs to work with or against other players, not near them. Change after change has made group play less and less possible.

    Source lore has been translated into a beautiful, engaging online world by artists and storytellers. Unfortunately implementation has really slid the last couple of years.
    Last edited by Fortinobrand; Dec 10 2012 at 03:11 PM.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Voted for GW2. It would be laughable to say LotRO is the best MMO of 2012 when there are so many other MMOs with higher quality content, higher quantity content, better customer service and better value for money.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Tough call.

    On one hand I'm not likely to simply forget all the problems that Turbine creates here, and many of them by choice.

    On the other hand I don't want the game to die.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Voted for Lotro.

    Although it currently has its issues, they all do in one way or another. It's still the one I play and pay for.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    LOTRO is the easy choice for me. I've spent far more time on this game than any other mmo.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Thanks for the link, I voted....

    for GW2.

    Sorry, not this time LOTRO, report card would say "must try harder".
    Last edited by Runesi_EU; Dec 10 2012 at 03:16 PM.
    Council Of The West On Evernight


  17. #17
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    I don't do things like this because it's never clear what's in it for me. Turbine (a for-profit company) obviously gets some notice and potential marketing juice, but what do I get?


  18. #18
    Join Date
    Sep 2011
    Lotro doesnt even deserve to be nominated. Not atleast this year. Its been an terrible year for Lotro, all the hype for Rohan falling flat on its face. Constant daily new bugs and glitches that keep ruining the game and wont get addressed or fixed. The amount of content PROMISED and being held back over and over and over, nope, wont get my vote. Try again next year, and actyally work on your game abit more if you even think you have a chance in winning Turbine.

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    Best PC MMO game in 2012: no way!
    Basic game play and game systems are not good enough, compared to other AAA MMOs.

    Best MMO/Shopping online game: yes!
    But who wants to be always thinking of shopping and sales and points?

  20. #20
    Join Date
    May 2007
    I voted for LOTRO. I am working my way through Rohan currently. There's so much content in the game now I'll have plenty to keep my alts busy. The towns and landscapes are very detailed and immersive I find myself just galloping around often just to look at them. Mounted combat is fun but does need some tweaks. I have found more lag in Rohan than in other areas but haven't had any problems with crashes or bugs. The quest lines are top notch.

    I tried very hard to like GW2 but there were too many game design issues I found incredibly annoying. Pretty art design and cool atmosphere/story though. Secret World is unique and interesting but very uneven quality last time I played. I may try it again.

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    oh god, GW2? serious? what an uninspired... blah... of a game. not a single thing grabbed me on my free weekend. so glad i didnt fall for the hype and drop $40+ on it. maybe after 15+ MMOs, theyre all just starting to blend and all be the same junk.

    GWs brought nothing to the table except no monthly fees. already have that with lotro and found the $70 i spent on RoR to be a better value than most games ive bought this year. even a better value than the FREE time i spent trying GW2.

    to each thier own, sure. curious what all the haters are still doing here on this forum? (and im NO lotro apologist! not by a long shot!)

    edit: went to the link... saw PS2. i just downloaded it over the weekend and have yet to try it. i loved the original Planet Side, so ill hold off on voting until i play it. surprised they have such a new release on the list.
    Last edited by SapienChavez; Dec 10 2012 at 04:02 PM.
    "I am always serious; I am never serious." -Me
    "I make the most outrageous and exaggerated statements of any man to ever live, has ever lived, or that will ever live." -Me

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    I've voted for LOTRO in every one of these things that has come up in the past.

    As of today, I'm not happy enough with the state of the game to vote for it. Yet, it feels disloyal to vote against it even though I play 2 of the other games listed. I'm just not as immersed in them yet.

    So it's also an abstain for me. That leaves me open to vote at a later date if something awesome-amazing happens in LOTRO before the Dec 17th deadline. Yeah, I know but I can dream.

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    Abstain for reasons stated above.

  24. #24
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    Voted for WoW.

    Turbine used to win awards like these that required a passionate and loyal fan base to grassroots the vote and bring home the win. Those days are long gone from LotRO.

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    It's a tough call between GW2 and Rift for me. I think Rift is the better game overall, and they just put out a huge expansion at a very reasonable price, plus great customer service. But for the price of GW2 and the completely free additional content it isn't really a fair comparison. Best value for money I'd vote GW2, best overall MMO / company I'd vote Rift / Trion.

    Not that long ago I would have been first in the queue to vote for Lotro ( and I still would for world design and environment ), but sadly for all the reasons mentioned above ( customer service, lag, numerous bugs, more and more store pushing, additional festival grinds etc etc ) it no longer feels like a true MMO, more a virtual world to push store sales, not too far away from becoming the sadfest that Entropia is. No way I'd vote for Lotro as things stand, except for perhaps 'most fun you've had in an MMO', but that was the pre-F2P Lotro and it was a very different experience to how it is now.


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