oh god, GW2? serious? what an uninspired... blah... of a game. not a single thing grabbed me on my free weekend. so glad i didnt fall for the hype and drop $40+ on it. maybe after 15+ MMOs, theyre all just starting to blend and all be the same junk.
GWs brought nothing to the table except no monthly fees. already have that with lotro and found the $70 i spent on RoR to be a better value than most games ive bought this year. even a better value than the FREE time i spent trying GW2.
to each thier own, sure. curious what all the haters are still doing here on this forum? (and im NO lotro apologist! not by a long shot!)
edit: went to the link... saw PS2. i just downloaded it over the weekend and have yet to try it. i loved the original Planet Side, so ill hold off on voting until i play it. surprised they have such a new release on the list.
Last edited by SapienChavez; Dec 10 2012 at 04:02 PM.
"I am always serious; I am never serious." -Me
"I make the most outrageous and exaggerated statements of any man to ever live, has ever lived, or that will ever live." -Me