Am i just being really unlucky andmissing them all the time, or have there not been any lotto drawsrecently? I can imagine me just being unlucky, I am that type of person
Am i just being really unlucky andmissing them all the time, or have there not been any lotto drawsrecently? I can imagine me just being unlucky, I am that type of person
no, no lottery since a while... And I miss it!
New lotteries will be up tomorrow.
If my luck holds we might even get a new lottery system along with the new community site. *Crosses fingers*
*speads some luck*
A little luck (and a little hope) got two hobbits I know of a long, long way.
Here's to hoping for a new lottery system, and to tomorrow's lotteries!
can someone post here, when lottery is up?. I just have no idea if it is a problem on my side or lottery is down. thank you very much.
Last edited by Nindolvoth; Mar 28 2013 at 04:18 PM.
99 little bugs in the code
99 little bugs
take one down and patch it around
124 little bugs in the code
New lotteries are up. Yes!
Is there anyway at all that turbine could implement a way to notify us that a lottery is up? Maybe by signing up for an e-mail or something?