As some of you have notived, your old beta titles are selctable once again. So if you participated in the Moria or Rohan Betas you should now be able to select those titles to display here.
Go to your profile (click either Private messages, or choose forums actions, and either General Settings or Edit Profile) and then choose "Permission Groups".
You'll see a list of all the titles you can switch to. These are based on your game account information. So if you had a Moria Beta key and you redeemed it you can once again be "Counter of Stairs".
And for a new twist, we can now pull out things you bought in game or things we've given you codes for and give you forum titles and other things for that, too. So, as of today if you have earned any of the following titles (usually through a code we or someone has given you) you can choose to use that title here on the forums as well.
- The Well met
- The Wise
- The Sociable
Sometime tomorrow, we'll be adding the Weatherstock titles as well.
To see these new titles you may need to log out and log back in.