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  1. #26
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    I'm glad that those who have purchased this deal are happy with it. To be honest though, I've lost alot of "Oohs and Aahs" from lotro mounts as the store and other festivals shove mounts down my throat. It gets to the point where they are just not "special" anymore. Too many different kinds and they are all starting to look too similar to each other to really stand out.

  2. #27
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    I thought about making the purchase, but there are three horses that are just kind of 'meh' to me. The Warden, Champ, and Captain horses don't really wow me enough to drop $150 for the bundle. If we could mix and match any 9 store only steeds (like some of the premium monthly steeds I missed) I'd definitely be a taker.

    My favorite horse that my main has right now is actually the Eglain reputation mount. I think that's a sharp looking horse.

  3. If Turbine gave me a refund of TP or money for all the class steeds I already own, I would happily buy the All Class Mounts Pack.
    Unfortunately, the more steeds you have already purchased, the less "bang for your buck" this deal offers.
    --= Windy Acres Ranch -- http://SteelAndMagic.com =--

  4. #29
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    If this were available with TP, I'd probably pick it up (10k-15k)
    [u][url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CmEsCKAb7r0"]Sauron vs. Tom Bombadil[/url][/u][COLOR="Red"] [/color][COLOR="Orange"] A fun what-if video I hope brings a smile[/color][COLOR="Red"][/color]

  5. #30
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    Hello, everyone. Thank you all very much for the feedback regarding the All Class Mounts Pack.
    In order to provide a wider variety of choices, I'd like to remind everyone that we currently have other mount packs available on the LOTRO Market:

    Light Armour Steed Pack: Includes Lore-master, Steed of the Minstrel, and Steed of the Rune-keeper

    Medium Armour Steed Pack: Includes Steed of the Burglar, Steed of the Hunter, and Steed of the Warden

    Heavy Armour Steed Pack: Includes Steed of the Captain, Steed of the Champion, and Steed of the Guardian

    Tri-steed Pack: Includes Steed of Night, Steed of Minas Ithil, and Steed of Bright Days

    These are account wide and will be delivered to all of your characters, pre-existing and ones created in the future.

  6. #31
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by QuartermasterS View Post
    Hello, everyone. Thank you all very much for the feedback regarding the All Class Mounts Pack.
    In order to provide a wider variety of choices, I'd like to remind everyone that we currently have other mount packs available on the LOTRO Market:
    A third of the mounts but the price only halves. And they're still prepackaged like mount colors and dyes to keep us from getting exactly what we want.

    Nice try.

  7. #32
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    I would really like to meet the person who is in charge of pricing the mounts and have him explain why the mounts are so absurdly expensive...

    Im looking at the steed packs and thinking to myself if this is an April fools joke in November....

    The disproportion in price between the mounts and the other parts of the game is just ridiculous...

    75$ for 3 mount skins .... rofl... This might be the reason why in my 3 years playing i remember seeing maybe half a dozen store bought mounts... And a couple were won in the lottery....
    Last edited by zagreb000; Nov 05 2013 at 09:47 AM.

    Only fools and dead men never change their mind

  8. #33
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by zagreb000 View Post
    I would really like to meet the person who is in charge of pricing the mounts and have him explain why the mounts are so absurdly expensive...
    These are prestige items, like luxury automobiles and yachts. The price will not detour wealthy players. In fact, that high price keeps them rare, adding to their appeal.

  9. #34
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Vexendynamus View Post
    These are prestige items, like luxury automobiles and yachts. The price will not detour wealthy players. In fact, that high price keeps them rare, adding to their appeal.
    I took all that into account... But are they really that prestige and rare? atm there is around 20 of them in the store... most look alike... in the real world all those luxury items are highly priced because such an item has some value in it self....

    Only thing that makes these mounts "rare" items is the over the top price... The fact not a lot of people buy them....

    Only fools and dead men never change their mind

  10. #35
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by zagreb000 View Post
    I took all that into account... But are they really that prestige and rare? atm there is around 20 of them in the store... most look alike... in the real world all those luxury items are highly priced because such an item has some value in it self....

    Only thing that makes these mounts "rare" items is the over the top price... The fact not a lot of people buy them....
    Well for not many buying them I sure see plenty of people riding them & quite often.

  11. #36
    Join Date
    May 2009
    When 9 mounts costs nearly twice as much as content for 11 whole regions, you know that is bad marketing. Full stop.
    Superior Grand Master Spectator of Wall-Paint Drying

  12. #37
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Eartholloth View Post
    Well for not many buying them I sure see plenty of people riding them & quite often.
    I have played the game for around 15 hours now since i posted first time on the topic.... doing ale association and festival quest, meaning i have ridden around the, currently most populated areas and i havent seen one yet....

    In total during my 3 years being in some highly populated kins, as i said i have seen maybe half a dozen... I consider myself a mount enthusiast of sorts (spent many hours doing my meta deeds just for the mounts).... Mounts are something i would notice ....I even often browse the market, and wiki pages for mount pics. I liked plenty of mounts over the years and came close to buying many times but i cant cause i know i would feel cheated for my tp every time i would mount my store bought steed

    Maybe i missed them all and it would be wrong to jump to conclusions that people dont buy them at all... But im just not seeing it... And im pretty convinced the price is unfair... Especially to those who cant afford the price but would really like to own a shiny new mount...

    Turbine makes it a choice for some players... If they buy a mount or two they might not be able to afford the expansion....

    Dont you think it would be nice to see all the variety of mounts being ridden around middle earth?? Imo it would bring something extra to the atmosphere and the wonderfully created world we have now if the price was more accessible....

    The type of mount you choose could be a way a player expresses him self... Is he a warrior type, casual stroller, hands on, etc.... Now it only tells me: "well he has plenty of cash to throw around"....

    Only fools and dead men never change their mind

  13. #38
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    There are far too many things on here that I could quote and reply to, but in the end, they all come down to two basic things:

    "Why are you charging so much real money for an item that only exists in a video game?"

    The same reason they have the LOTRO Store in the first place - to generate revenue to pay for company costs. If you are opposed to spending money on virtual goods, then stop using the LOTRO Store. No more extra Milestones, no expanding your bank beyond the last coin upgrade, no more Legendary Item goodies, no more deed accelerators, none of that. It's ALL just data!

    These are prestige (luxury, fancy, call it what you will) mounts, AND also are Fast Mounts (for those without advanced riding traits), AND they come with free War-Steed cosmetics of themselves! You pay 1995 TP for them, or you do not. As has already been pointed out, you're making a bargain getting the 9-pack just for a single character, and this purchase applies to every single character you have, every character you make in the future, on every server you play on.

    I have nine character slots. I have nine characters, all on a single server. (One of each class, of course.) I would be getting an EXTREME bargain just for this, even if I never start up characters on other servers. That's, if I were to get this package. Which brings me to the SECOND basic point this thread has been bringing up:

    "If you don't think it's worth the price, then don't buy it."

    THIS one, I agree with, wholeheartedly. As I said above, I'd be getting something like 10x my value if I got this package. But, like many of you, I don't NEED every class steed on every character. At most, I would get each one their own. As I already HAVE one, it's already barely break-even to get this package, and probably comes out behind given the crazy bulk rates on the high point packages. So I'm not GOING to buy this. To me, it is not something I would get enough of the intended use out of.

    And before anyone calls me out for supporting the "if you don't want to pay, don't buy it" stance, consider: It really DOES apply. Not just to this, but to the entire LOTRO Store, and indeed to a great many purchases in real life! Excepting only the utter necessities, anything you buy, you have the choice between voluntarily paying the asking price, and living without. And nothing on the LOTRO Store - NOTHING - is a necessity. You can theoretically go through the entire game without ever buying anything from it. (Even the original Riding trait, although it would make for a lot of long walks. Fortunately, that trait is so cheap, it can be deed farmed in a matter of a few days.)

    The price point given IS a fair price, considering the value of what you are getting.

    It IS an absurd package, and I expect that most players will pass on it. Better to pick and choose which class steeds you want, unless you really DO want them all on everybody. Or even most on multiple characters - just utilizing 8 steeds total would be enough. But, as others have said, a bundle like this is an outright luxury. Luxuries are absurdly expensive even in real life. You don't pay hundreds of dollars for a single meal because you have to - you do it because you CAN. Because you want to flaunt your wealth.

    This bundle is like buying a Rolls Royce. Or rather, buying several Rolls Royces of different colors and styles, for use by the whole family. I can put it no blunter than this.

    Still - if even one player in every thousand buys it, that's still a lot of revenue for Turbine. And, in the end, revenue for Turbine IS a good thing - both in the sense of some of that money being poured back into the game, and in the sense of "no reason to cancel a game that still makes money".
    (I should probably change this to a real sig now, but I'm busy playing LotRO.)

  14. #39
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Duke_Darkwood View Post
    There are far too many things on here that I could quote and reply to, but in the end, they all come down to two basic things:

    "Why are you charging so much real money for an item that only exists in a video game?"
    This is false.... A gross misinterpretation...
    It has more to do with "The disproportion in price between the mounts and the other parts of the game "

    Quote Originally Posted by Duke_Darkwood View Post
    The price point given IS a fair price, considering the value of what you are getting.

    This bundle is like buying a Rolls Royce. Or rather, buying several Rolls Royces of different colors and styles, for use by the whole family. I can put it no blunter than this.
    This is also false... Its not like buying a rolls royce... Its like owning a rolls royce and paying for a paint job hundreds time more then you paid for the actual car.....

    Quote Originally Posted by Duke_Darkwood View Post
    Still - if even one player in every thousand buys it, that's still a lot of revenue for Turbine. And, in the end, revenue for Turbine IS a good thing - both in the sense of some of that money being poured back into the game, and in the sense of "no reason to cancel a game that still makes money".
    This price is a deterrent for many players... Drop the price, sales will increase many times over.....
    Last edited by zagreb000; Nov 05 2013 at 09:45 AM.

    Only fools and dead men never change their mind

  15. #40
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    Price for the following mount packs have been discounted for this weekend only:

    - Light Armour Steed Pack
    - Medium Armour Steed Pack
    - Heavy Armour Steed Pack

  16. #41
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    I checked it and maybe I do not know what the original price was, but the store at the moment does not show the discounted difference on the bundles. They are currently $59.99 for the individual packs. Is that the discounted price or the original price and the discount is not showing yet?

  17. #42
    Join Date
    May 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by QuartermasterS View Post
    Price for the following mount packs have been discounted for this weekend only:

    - Light Armour Steed Pack
    - Medium Armour Steed Pack
    - Heavy Armour Steed Pack
    I cannot seem to find this. Where should I be looking? Thank you in advance.

  18. #43
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by gixxer1025 View Post
    I cannot seem to find this. Where should I be looking? Thank you in advance.
    Light Armour Steeds Bundle (Steeds of the Lore-Master, Minstrel and Rune-Keeper):

    Medium Armour Steed Bundle (Steeds of the Burglar, Hunter and Warden):

    Heavy Steeds Armour Bundle Steeds of the Captain, Champion and Guardian):

    These bundles are only available in the new Market and grant the associated mounts to all characters on an account, present and future.

    Quote Originally Posted by Menelorn View Post
    I checked it and maybe I do not know what the original price was, but the store at the moment does not show the discounted difference on the bundles. They are currently $59.99 for the individual packs. Is that the discounted price or the original price and the discount is not showing yet?
    IIRC, the non-discounted price is 75 $ per three-steed bundle.

    The complete bundle with all nine class steeds is 150 $. One third of that would be 50 $. Adding a little to that for the convenience of being able to buy a more tailored-to-your-needs package would set the expected price for the three-steed bundles to something like 55-60 $, in my opinion. So with the current discount these are where I think they should be in relation to the nine-steed bundle. To me, 75 $ per three-steed bundle seems a little too much of a convenience charge.
    German, female, migrated from CodeMasters in 2011, Premium member, slow-leveller, pure PvEer and opposed to Forced Emotes - wherever I fit into the statistic, it's not in its middle.

  19. #44
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Oh good grief, $75 for a couple of in game horse? That's extortionate, i only paid that much for one of my lifetime accounts, i'd NEVER pay that amount of money for a few ride-able pixels, anyone who does has serious issues and Turbine has even more issues if they think that's even close to a fair price.

  20. #45
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    Sometimes I question Turbine's pricing, and I wonder if they know how much money they could be making if they made things more accessible to a wider range of people. But, they probably rely on the instant-gratification-type consumers who will buy things because they believe they have no other choice. I'm all for spending money for Turbine, but this is an outrageous price, let's be honest. Especially because, while what you're getting is a really good deal (all class mounts account-wide), it just doesn't justify $150--I agree that more should be offered such as warsteed dye packs account-wide and the journeyman riding trait.

    You could get a third of the goods for half the price.. still absurd. At this point, Turbine's marketing team is hoping customers will opt for the $150 mount pack BECAUSE the smaller packs are so absurdly priced.

    Mounts have become a complete joke in this game, because what have we seen happen? Festival mounts, which used to be unique and cleverly designed, are now ALL sorrel, and ALL are covered in a measly little caparison - ie. a BLANKET. So, while the mounts found easily attainable in-game are sub-par at best, the mounts which look better and have had more time spent on their design are worth $20 or more. I would think Turbine was bat****, but its a genius idea: offer junk for free and hopefully it'll push more people to buy the insanely priced mounts.

    I really have no idea if Turbine is even listening, because a simple glance across the forums would tell them people would spend MORE if things were cheaper. If you're all so concerned with taking our money, it shocks me that you aren't listening and jumping at the opportunity this presents.
    Last edited by Sooule; Dec 16 2014 at 05:32 PM.

  21. #46
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    Im actually quite happy with this purchase.
    Its a little over $16 per steed (includes warsteed) for all current and future toons.
    The account wide mounts in the store are almost double that per steed.
    Saved me money than buying them individually or in the 3-steed bundles.

    To me, its worth the higher price, because Im paying less per steed.
    Im on the bandwagon of "if you dont want it or cant afford it, youre not forced to buy it."
    Save up or just dont get it.
    To each their own.

    Warsteed colors, on the other hand... are quite overpriced!
    I would not object to Turbine adding appropriate color packs to the steed bundles.
    However, it does boil down to Turbine being able to at least break even at end's meet.

  22. #47
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by hucklebarry View Post
    Asking people to drop $150.00 and not gain any content seems like a stretch. Providing more "toys" such as speed boosts and dyes that can be configured, and actually make a gameplay change might tempt some folks to buy this. For a total package like I'm suggesting... I might feel tempted for that price. Asking someone to trade 3 AAA launch titles for some cosmo just ends up with me shaking my head no matter how many times I look at it. Of course this is all IMHO.
    Asking people to drop $150 on ANYTHING single one-use pixellated and cosmetic is plain ridiculous when there is a GAME to play, and I'd rather get that stuff in game as a reward rather than throwing money at it!! It's a page right out of the Zynga playbook.

    I'm playing the game to PLAY the game, not to spend $150 on mounts that could have been worked into a class quest at level 100 or something.

    And for the folks that like to toss in "money keeps the lights on at Turbine blah blah blah, I've got news for you: i'd rather go back to paing for content rather than paying $150 for shinies that I basically clicked one button to get. This is why I played Farmville only about three months....I smelled that kind of game and knew it was a waste of my time!
    Crickhollow---Citridyla, Ythrondis, and Hraf. Meneldor--Dockerson, Kariadriel and Thasgar. Gladden--Gamoskorin, Henessy, and Lanthreldras. Firefoot--Amberson and Liedvar. Brandywine--Audny, Egilwine, and Gardihauk. I'm an altoholic, pie-eating fool! :)

  23. #48
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    A long, expensive level 100 quest chain sounds like a good idea for a class steed.
    Each character can only complete one class steed quest chain.
    Same goes for the Bree, Thorin and Rivendell store steeds.
    One long, expensive level 100 and Kindred Rep required quest chain.
    Completion of quest chain rewards only one appropriate steed for the completing character.
    Win-Win for the gamers that have the money to throw at Turbine and the gamers that want it in game.

    Is there a Shire Steed coming?
    Unless thats ready the Bounder event steed from a while back...

  24. #49
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    I guess my perspective is that there really is a good variety of steeds to acquire in-game, with various levels of difficulty; the normal plain steeds, the festival steeds, the luck-based festival steeds (like the treasure mounts and white skeleton horse), the meta-deed steeds, and the reputation steeds. So I don't have any problem with some steeds being store exclusive, because there are plenty of other options, and many of them are really quite nice. I personally love the Mathom Society horse, among others; it only requires kindred status with the Mathom Society and a few gold, which should be attainable for nearly any player. I don't think there is any need to make store-exclusive steeds available through some in-game quest, because they do not affect actual gameplay, and, again, players have many other good options. When I first started playing LOTRO, I certainly didn't have money to buy cosmetic horses; I had a hard time buying quest packs so I could level my character. I never minded that other players had cool horses that were out of my reach.

    War-steed cosmetics are a slightly different story, IMO, because color options are not available through other means, and the basic grey doesn't look good with most of the free available cosmetics. And the war-steed cosmetics that come with store-bought steeds don't come with the colors, so you'd have to buy war-steed dyes, in addition to buying the store horse, to actually match the appearance.

  25. #50
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Nuuma View Post
    A long, expensive level 100 quest chain sounds like a good idea for a class steed.
    Each character can only complete one class steed quest chain.
    Same goes for the Bree, Thorin and Rivendell store steeds.
    One long, expensive level 100 and Kindred Rep required quest chain.
    Completion of quest chain rewards only one appropriate steed for the completing character.
    Win-Win for the gamers that have the money to throw at Turbine and the gamers that want it in game.
    Serious necro thread... : P
    Google brought me here ; D

    I was checking my collections tab and got depressed at the state of my ''veteran of the third age'' deed.. eternal 0/9...
    Since you decided to gate such a cool title behind extremely expensive store only steeds , i got to ask :
    Is there any plans to finally do something like the quote above states ?

    I am a dedicated Lotro player that has 99% of the deeds in the game completed , but there is NO chance , not even 1 in a billion ,
    that i am going to spend close to 150$ for those steeds..

    Make them acquirable through gameplay , 1 per character , cappy gets captain steed , minny gets minstrel steed etc.
    I don't care how hard it would be to acquire them , just make it possible.
    Chances are you are going to earn more money by a valar that some deed-freak will pay just for the steed , than from the steeds themselves alone.
    Also , allowing us to start building towards the collection deed with our level-capped characters , increases the chances people will buy the last few remaining steeds just to finish the collection.
    Some of them are a bit ugly anyway , so i guess there is little incentive other the deed itself...
    Last edited by BotLike; May 03 2017 at 09:51 AM.


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