Congrats on rank 13 to one of the best minis I've ever seen. Keep up the good work and keep hittin like a truck you sexy little ginger hobbit
Congrats on rank 13 to one of the best minis I've ever seen. Keep up the good work and keep hittin like a truck you sexy little ginger hobbit
(Retired... Maybe un-retired?) Arkenstone: Immanitas R12 Burg, Gorbat R12 Reaver, Sueahpro R11 Mini, Falsified R9 RK, -The Blood Hand
Crickhollow: Orphluk R9 Warg, Orphelun-1 R8 RK. -The Blood Hand.
grats bozak!! good luck on the way to rank 14
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Grats Bozak!
~Riddermark~ 2010-2015
~Landroval~|BigLloyde (GRD)||Borofir (CH)||Backwaush (DEF)||Aurmpit (RVR)|
~Arkenstone~|Mrjingles-1 (WRG)||Achselhohle (DEF)|
Well done, Kulemin. Top dog mini for sure. Hope you push for 14, as it's been fun seeing you go from greenie to 2nd Marshall
BromancesWithWargs, R10 WL, Dark Impulse, Brandywine
[COLOR="#0000FF"]Tbow, Simerian, Airlyn, Thunderblades, Thunderstaff, Creepingdeath, Cathdadhis, Optimal, Thunderspear[/COLOR]
[COLOR="#FF0000"]Pentacle, Thunderkiss-1, CharlottesWeb, Throatrip, FailFace, AllOverYourFace [/COLOR]
Yay good job Bozak!!
Nice going, you little pro. Keep it up.
Income/This/Behind/Thanks - Reshi/Warrden/Iwill - Post/Overcompensation
Big gratz to a really amazing player. Cheers Bozak!
Arkenstone: Blulum (r12 Reaver), Tumblytwo-1 (r11 Champion), Gnaral (r7 Warg), Gnarfang (r7 Spider) - Malicious (Freep) / Nefarious (Creep)
R.I.P. "The Blood Hand" 05/21/14
grats little man, it doesn't matter your legs taste the sweetest of all freep meats, my warg is waiting for you lil one.....
Cheers Bozak. Like the new name tbow.
Meshoot, rank 10 Blackarrow; Hazghnaz, rank 7 Reaver; Blackdingus, r6 Defiler
Officer of Freepaphiles, Riddermark; Founder of DANCES WITH FREEPS, Gladden
Aka Grumpis the honorable Mustelidian Pew Pew of love and cheery brightness.
>:} Memento Mori {:<
grats boz!!
Malufet R12 Champion
Lufet R9 RuneKeepeer
Inactive Atm
Congrats Bo!
The higher we soar the smaller we appear to those who cannot fly.
Hinellas R15 Darkthreat R5 Landroval Riddles in the Dark
Mezmorized R4 Riddermark Lake Evendim Swim Team
Breathmint - R6 Landroval Rootcanal -R5 Riddermark
Late to the party here but still....
Grats on rank Bozak!!!
Loki - Voodoo - Cheezy
Thanks all for the grats.
Great fights last night, good to see creeps back out working together and wrecking face... next time feel free to tab past me. I'm mostly useless anyway.
Words can only hurt you if you try to read them... don't play their game!