Since this is a thread about bugs, I'll add two I noticed:
I'm leveling a new captain, he's in the 50s now. After I completed "A lesson from Boromir" I noticed the _In Defence of Middle Earth_ buff so I assume it was that quest that activated the skill. After research and asking forum questions I discovered that it was coming from the transformation of Motivating Speech into Improved Motivating Speech.
If indeed it was the quest that granted that skill, it would be great to have that listed as a reward. Currently the Boromir quest says "1 Class Trait Point" and nothing else.
Bug 1: Class quests should show skill benefits bestowed as well as Class Trait Points awarded.
I also had to read my passive skills very carefully to notice that halberds give you a 5% damage benefit. Somewhere on the forums I read that it used to be that halberds also gave you a threat benefit, but if that is still active, I can't find it documented on any skill. Personally I look for any reason to use a halberd in any game, but that's just preference. I realize most people like a BAS, but give me a halberd any day. My favorite console games are the ones where they took into account that I could hit the mobs before they could hit me with a halberd. Form up! CLoD!
Not sure how to address the "you must now read your passive skills carefully" issue except maybe to have the trainer mention it in their startup speech. Or have the tooltip for any halberd you equip show the passive benefit?
Bug 2: Passive skills might be ignored if they are not read carefully now.