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Thread: 5 boxer

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2011

    5 boxer

    When will the 5 boxer be banned? He is ruining the game experience for PAYING customers, using 3RD PARTY software to create an ADVANTAGE over other people. Of course Turbine doesnt give 2 craps about it, like they have completely forgotten about PvP and the bullcrap that happens because of what you allow to happen. Hopefully this game will die quickly. chop chop
    retired warden mouse clicker turtlemoss, countless storebought creeps

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    Turbine has made it very clear multi-boxing is acceptable and they've routinely ignored questions about the third party software that almost certainly goes hand-in-hand with successful muti-boxing. So good luck, he's not getting banned. All you can hope for is that it's pretty likely someone like that is probably apt to eventually celebrate the anniversary of Kurt Kobain's death "tribute" style.



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