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  1. #1

    Question Spring Festival 2015 feedback

    I love festivals & specially spring & i love to check what is new. Spring always have the pretiest dress & all those flowers put me in good mood. This year something unexpected happen, there is nothing new. Do someone forgot to add the 2015 reward to the spring festival? Is it linked to some new quest i haven't check yet?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    I can confirm no new items for this year's festival.

    But there's tons of great old stuff.
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  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    so saaaaad.... I'll catch up with the mounts and consumables for alts... but it is a real shame there is nothing new this year.

    disappointeeeed elf lady here :/

  4. #4
    No new anything? :/ Well that is a bummer - I always look forward to new cosmetics and steeds and it's the main reason I play the festivals. How sad!
    The Lonely Mountain Band
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  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    I could've dropped this news early, but didn't want to. There have been no new festival items added to the game database since U16 hit, so it was obvious that the Spring Festival would have no new rewards. A real shame, as we've gone from only getting unisex robes, a hooded cloak and a blanket horse each year, which was bad enough, to getting literally nothing new at all.

    It would be lovely to hear from a bluename why this has been overlooked / decided upon??

    Something seems oddly amiss with Anniversary being pants and now this.... *sad panda*
    All posts to be taken with a pinch of tasty salt.... preferably rubbed on a Tater

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2007

    Thumbs down

    Not even a new festival horse? Sadness.

    If they're too short of budget to pay someone to do the art, they could have the community do it again -- they ran a design-a-horse festival a number of years back (resulting in the Perlino and Cremelo steeds, I think...). Blanket-horses are relatively easy to slap a piece of art on that someone outside the company sends in as a photoshop file...

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by matalan View Post
    I could've dropped this news early, but didn't want to. There have been no new festival items added to the game database since U16 hit, so it was obvious that the Spring Festival would have no new rewards. A real shame, as we've gone from only getting unisex robes, a hooded cloak and a blanket horse each year, which was bad enough, to getting literally nothing new at all.

    It would be lovely to hear from a bluename why this has been overlooked / decided upon??

    Something seems oddly amiss with Anniversary being pants and now this.... *sad panda*
    oh, sad news indeed

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Is the Spring Festival open yet? (Last year it opened in late May.) Did anyone check it out on Bullroarer?
    Member of The Lonely Mountain Band!
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  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by stupidflanders View Post
    Is the Spring Festival open yet? (Last year it opened in late May.) Did anyone check it out on Bullroarer?
    It opened today

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    A real SHAME!

    Normally i play festivals with all my alts in my main server (over 20), help kinmates with festival quests and i like to get a few new items each time, this year i dont know if will play the festival at all... thanks Turbine.

    Sergio :-(
    Moved from Riddermark to Landroval on 2/10/1015!

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    There are three items listed in a tab called Fresh Items or something like that. I thought those cosmetics were new but I may be mistaken.

    I had hoped a barterer would have Anfalas LI upgrade items... wishful thinking I know.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Rufkin View Post
    There are three items listed in a tab called Fresh Items or something like that. I thought those cosmetics were new but I may be mistaken.
    the "fresh rewards" items are the 2014 rewards

  13. #13
    Orivien's Avatar
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    A horse-collector in me is very disappointed I still have a lot of tokens from last year and I have nothing new to spend them on. I wish somebody told us now it was actually a mistake and they forgot to put new items in After years it is kinda sad to have nothing new this time. I am already curious if summer festival is going to be the same.

  14. #14
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    What's the point of the festival if there aren't new items that we can barter from it? At the very least, a new horse and cloak is required.
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  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by miriadel View Post
    It opened today
    Well then. I guess the Bullroarer question is moot. Did anyone even get a chance to check out the Spring festival on Bullroarer? I think the Anniversary festival was still going on before U16 dropped.

    Pretty quiet launch. I guess back in March it was tentatively announced here: https://www.lotro.com/forums/showthr...28Tentative%29 But I don't see anything on the homepage, or on the LOTRO Twitter feed. Is it in the Launcher? I know sometimes these events are opened up a little early, and then the official announcement is released later. Maybe later this week?

    Very sad to hear that there are no new cosmetics.
    Member of The Lonely Mountain Band!
    Sullo - 130 Hunter; Hadforod - 125 Champ

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tirian-Hammerfist View Post
    What's the point of the festival if there aren't new items that we can barter from it? At the very least, a new horse and cloak is required.
    Not everybody has got all the old items yet...
    You can also do it to complete any festival-related deeds you have left. Or because you just find the quests fun.

    But if you already have got all the items and finished all the deeds and are tired of the quests, then there is indeed not much reason to participate in the festival. Luckily it is not mandatory in any way.

  17. #17
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    There are essence reclamation scrolls for 200 spring leafs
    Silverlode Server

  18. #18
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    What's disquieting is the fact that adding a new cosmetic mount and some wearables is a relatively small design and programming task. It just underscores the reduction in resources available at Turbine. In light of that, I do have a greater appreciation of what they accomplished in U16.

  19. #19
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    If you give away gold bars, someone will complain they're too heavy.
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  20. #20
    Join Date
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    As you may have noticed, the Spring Festival went live and there were no new rewards this year. This was not intentional. We actually have some new rewards for you, they however decided that they were not going to show up.

    In light of this, we are turning off the festival for now and will reschedule it to go live a little closer to summer, on June 9th. This will be around the time of Update 16.1 and will fit in with what we already have as a scheduled downtime for the update.

    We appreciate everyone’s understanding and we do hope you will enjoy the new rewards once we have turned back on the Spring Festival and everything is working as intended.



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