Why no freeps on this server strive for pvp balance is beyond me. I've tried multiple times to point out that the way they are approaching the subject is not right. I understand that possibly I am not the right person to approach freeps about this subject. I don't mean to call specific people out, and I don't want to start a fight or argument, but until certain groups of people start to change the way they act on this server, pvmp will always suffer. This server is so small that the actions of just a few can effect the gameplay of the entire pvmp population. Its beyond time that we try to improve the pvmp atmosphere here on Windfola. I know I'm probably not part of the solution, however I think aggressive play is the winning ideal. Turbine has finally done what we have been asking for years... this entire update is about pvmp, if we can't make this work its on us. That being said, try to keep the opposite team in mind just a bit when playing, if its 20v6, remember that without those 6, your 20 have no fun..... that being said, maybe switch over to a creep once in a while instead of ezmoding your way to rank 12. Just a thought.