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  1. #1
    maartena's Avatar
    maartena is offline The Wise
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    Second Breakfasts is moving to ARKENSTONE

    Hello all!

    Just a small announcement: Second Breakfasts will move kinships to the ARKENSTONE server, as soon as they let us!

    Let the adventures continue on new home soil!
    Moved from Riddermark to Arkenstone on 9/29/2015!
    Disclaimer: The definition of "Soon™" and "In The Near Future™" is based solely on SSG's interpretation of the words, and all similarities with dictionary definitions of the word "Soon™", "Near", and "Future" are purely coincidental and should not be interpreted as a time frame that will come to pass within a reasonable amount of time.

  2. #2
    maartena's Avatar
    maartena is offline The Wise
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    Yep, we're still going to Arkenstone. I discovered that Arkenstone will also be the unofficial "Oceanic" time zone server, which means we get players really around the clock. (prime time Aussie play time STARTS at around 12 AM PST / 3 AM EST).
    Moved from Riddermark to Arkenstone on 9/29/2015!
    Disclaimer: The definition of "Soon™" and "In The Near Future™" is based solely on SSG's interpretation of the words, and all similarities with dictionary definitions of the word "Soon™", "Near", and "Future" are purely coincidental and should not be interpreted as a time frame that will come to pass within a reasonable amount of time.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2014

    Just a question

    Do you mind answering a question about your choice? Why did you pick Arken? I saw a similar kin second breakfast on Crick did that play into your decision.

    I have characters on Crick that I am moving to Arken and characters on Ridder and Bradni that I am splitting between Crick and Arken.

    I guess I am unsure of my moves and wonder why others picked their destinations.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2014
    I had to do a double-take before I realized you were not talking about the famous Crickhollow kin. *phew*
    Keep calm, and snuggle.

  5. #5
    maartena's Avatar
    maartena is offline The Wise
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kobalos View Post
    Do you mind answering a question about your choice? Why did you pick Arken? I saw a similar kin second breakfast on Crick did that play into your decision.

    I have characters on Crick that I am moving to Arken and characters on Ridder and Bradni that I am splitting between Crick and Arken.

    I guess I am unsure of my moves and wonder why others picked their destinations.
    Several factors came in to play.

    First off, before I started investigating I decided that Brandywhine and Landroval weren't going to be part of my choices. I played a little bit on both servers, and Brandywhine is the biggest troll server ever, and Landroval just wasn't for me, I didn't like the community.

    So, when these transfers were first announced, I focussed mostly on Gladden, Meneldor, Crickhollow and Arkenstone as those were the "most likely" to stay. Of course we now know that Meneldor didn't make the cut, and I have a level 60-ish mini there left behind. At first, I primarily looked at the login numbers, and I wanted to provide an environment with many players for my kinship, so my first choice became Gladden. I started to level a character there, and actually leveled a mini all the way to level 100. Unfortunately, the immaturity in world chat on Gladden was not what I was looking for. Every night it seemed there were 13 year olds trolling, boasting about sparring, and any time a discussion broke out it seemed to end with: "Oh yeah, well come at me bro I am at south bree" followed by a lot of trash talking I wasn't waiting for. It got so bad I often had to filter out world chat.

    I also created low level characters and asked for help on all three servers I was considering, and on both Crickhollow and Arkenstone my low level characters were helped. Of course I wasn't expecting "freeloading" help, I was very much prepared (and had harvested) the right amount of wood and hides for the armor and weapons I was wanting someone to make for me. On Gladden my requests for help largely went ignored. Later I learned that the reason Gladden has a large amount of logins is not because they have a large amount of level 100s (although still slightly more than Arkenstone and Crickhollow) but because they are the Steam "Preferred Server", and generally attract a younger crowd. Now that could be something you might be looking for, but for me the community on Gladden was too immature, and I now think that Gladden is actually "troll server #2", right after Brandywhine.

    That said, I believe both Crickhollow and Arkenstone have GREAT communities. They seem stable, much more mature, much more pleasant to be in. Of course there are going to be trolls on ALL servers, and I am pretty sure that these mergers will mean that trolls will move just as much as more mature people, so I don't know what the future brings.

    As for what made the final decission: Yes, the fact that there is a kin named "Second Breakfast" on Crickhollow made the final decission to be Arkenstone. Although my kin name is "Second Breakfasts" with an S, and that kin name was available on Crickhollow (I still have a toon name holding it, that reminds me i need to get rid of it) I felt the name was too close, and it would cause confusion. I didn't want to be seen as the newcomer that is coming in with a kin name that is too similar and cause friction. Additionally, I asked the kinship. Most people (75% actually) just said: Where the kin goes, I will go. Three unique replies all favored Arkenstone specifically, which also helped.

    So, there you have it. The "less mature" crowd on Gladden really made me happy I took the time to play there and really determine that server wasn't for me. The one level 100 I have there, will be pulled off and moved to Arkenstone as well.
    Moved from Riddermark to Arkenstone on 9/29/2015!
    Disclaimer: The definition of "Soon™" and "In The Near Future™" is based solely on SSG's interpretation of the words, and all similarities with dictionary definitions of the word "Soon™", "Near", and "Future" are purely coincidental and should not be interpreted as a time frame that will come to pass within a reasonable amount of time.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2014
    Thank you, I have not ventured to Glad and I really hate all the immaturity on the chat. I will be splitting up characters on Ark and Crick.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2011

    very helpful!

    Thanks for adding the detailed reasoning, that's very helpful as I haven't had the time to investigate all the choices. I may take Last Exiles there as well. Bummer that several good kins are going to Gladden though, I know I'll miss some players but don't want immature WC.

  8. Aug 27 2015, 01:38 AM

  9. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2013

    Thumbs up

    Hello all!

    Just a small announcement: Second Breakfasts will move kinships to the ARKENSTONE server, as soon as they let us!

    Let the adventures continue on new home soil!

    Welcome to arkenstone

  10. #9
    maartena's Avatar
    maartena is offline The Wise
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    Quote Originally Posted by bflat View Post
    Welcome to arkenstone
    Thank you

    I already consolidated some toons I had on Landroval and Gladden on to Arkenstone right now, and I have a placename holder for the kinship and for my main.

    There are a few other kins moving to Arkenstone, others are going to Crickhollow and Gladden.
    Moved from Riddermark to Arkenstone on 9/29/2015!
    Disclaimer: The definition of "Soon™" and "In The Near Future™" is based solely on SSG's interpretation of the words, and all similarities with dictionary definitions of the word "Soon™", "Near", and "Future" are purely coincidental and should not be interpreted as a time frame that will come to pass within a reasonable amount of time.



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