My personal opinion about this is simple. I'm GONNA STOP PAYING VIP RIGHT NOW. And no, it's not only a QQ. I don't play a lot of pvp those days (primary thanks to turbine's ideas about needing a lot of ASOE to upgrade weapons). But when I play (2h or so each day of the weekend) creeps are always more than freeps, get over it, this is a pvmp map with a lot of people, and now even more and more with server merges, it's not about 1 vs 1, I have seen a lot of times the minority buffs on freeps during my play, and 90% of the fights there were a lot more creeps than freeps, it's understandable, CREEPS ARE FREE, just pay the class and you have it forever, no farm after farm to get weapons, gear, essences, virtues, tomes...and on and on...
Creeps will always be more than freeps, and doing what you are doing you are just making a lot of subscriptors to stop paying, I pay to play moors and I think I'm not the only one, there's no new PVE content needed to pay, no raids, no instances, just farm to get your gear and go to have fun in PVMP. Why should I keep doing that if my hunter that I have been playing for 5 years keeps dying again and again in warg packs 5+ with almost no cd on skills, macros and hips + sprint on first hits??
Yes, some freep classes need nerfs, and i say SOME, not all. And yes, some creeps classes need more DPS, and I say some NOT ALL (I have seen BA hitting me for almost 9k with all mits capped, audacity maxed etc...) If I am 30k morale thats also 3-4 shots
SOLUTION: stop paying VIP, dont play game or just rol a creep with 200k morale pool