Well, this very guide (Zon's Guardian Guide) we are reading and commenting with appreciation it's perhaps for starters??? I don't think so... OK it has elements for starters, too, but it's mainly a good, solid, well-done end-game guide, IMHO.
It's not a matter of "stacking pointless Might/Vitality", the fact is that with 5-slot essence gear we are loosing a lot of basic stats, i.e. Might, and I think the stat leg. is a good way to regain some of it. I already reach B/P soft cap without any B or P essence slotted AND without the GW legacies, so the most interesting question is: It is really worth it to go over the soft cap of Block and Parry?
Do you really feel that you don't get enough Block or Parry events when you are tanking? I know it's never enough, but I think we don't really need any boost in that direction... We are therefore free to experiment and raise - also in tanking mode - the PM, the Crit.rating, Resistance (if needed), etc. and maybe try to do some good damage, too, during our tanking.
Guardian guides been terribly outdated for years. People focusing on bad stats and trying to reach useless numbers/caps on avoidances and defences and incoming healing. Not factoring buffs, etc. I have had over 35k morale since 95 level and seems only now big growd is catching up..
And yes, ward block and parry are must have legacies in some form.
This was exactly Gabli's point: when you're using the 5 slot gear you won't be at the soft caps because of the might loss from DA armour, hence why these legacies are usefull. And imo might isn't a "basic" stat for tanking. Sure it ads to basic tanking stats (B/P), but a might legacy won't add as much as the GW B/P legacies.
Exactly. Thank you !
Originally Posted by siipperi
People focusing on bad stats and trying to reach useless numbers/caps on avoidances and defences and incoming healing. Not factoring buffs, etc. I have had over 35k morale since 95 level and seems only now big growd is catching up..
Now that is worth discussing.
Incoming Healing is only useless if your healer is a Minstrel as every other heal will probably over-heal you already but I think it's a good stat with a HoT-based healer like a Rune-Keeper.
Avoidances are "pointless" if ennemies are casters but mandatory otherwise and in most raid encounters I can think of, boss usually heavily rely on physical attacks : Durchest, all of Ost Dunoth and Orthanc except maybe Sarouman (debatable), Battle for Erebor, Fires of Smaug (the boss is a caster but can't be tanked while adds can hurt a lot through number and are using physical attacks). Most notable exception would be Flight to the Lonely Mountain were the dangerous attacks are not avoidable (Bererkers' Penetrate and Summoners' triple attack).
Anyway since you can get b/p soft-cap, it's only a question of whether using a few Evade essences over Morale ones. Ideally, have your evade on a single gear piece so you can choose whether to use evade or morale depending on the encounter's needs.
On a general basis, it was always better to reduce incoming damage than having a larger morale pool. With current HPS number healers can put this is questionable but having lower TPS means your healers have more time doing something else than healing you (healing others if needed, buffing the group, or whatever).
Now that is worth discussing.
Incoming Healing is only useless if your healer is a Minstrel as every other heal will probably over-heal you already but I think it's a good stat with a HoT-based healer like a Rune-Keeper.
Avoidances are "pointless" if ennemies are casters but mandatory otherwise and in most raid encounters I can think of, boss usually heavily rely on physical attacks : Durchest, all of Ost Dunoth and Orthanc except maybe Sarouman (debatable), Battle for Erebor, Fires of Smaug (the boss is a caster but can't be tanked while adds can hurt a lot through number and are using physical attacks). Most notable exception would be Flight to the Lonely Mountain were the dangerous attacks are not avoidable (Bererkers' Penetrate and Summoners' triple attack).
Anyway since you can get b/p soft-cap, it's only a question of whether using a few Evade essences over Morale ones. Ideally, have your evade on a single gear piece so you can choose whether to use evade or morale depending on the encounter's needs.
On a general basis, it was always better to reduce incoming damage than having a larger morale pool. With current HPS number healers can put this is questionable but having lower TPS means your healers have more time doing something else than healing you (healing others if needed, buffing the group, or whatever).
I never said these are useless as stats. What I said that trying to max out every stat is useless and basically bad building. Having them on good levels is what one should try to build towards but after certain point there is no reason to pick another essence towards that particular stat when it can be put towards morale. For example going over 13k avoidances is highly unnecessary, or getting absolutely maxed incoming healing or like over 20k critical defence, just because there is a cap or because number is nice high.
Also some people go on their builds way over caps on certain stats that can be capped with buffs, food and so on.
going over 13k avoidances is highly unnecessary, or getting absolutely maxed incoming healing or like over 20k critical defence
What's up with these numbers ? Avoidances soft cap is 15.1k
For critical defence, ideally you should reach about 23.5k rating to get 70% (+10% in blue line) so that you fully mitigate devastating hits when HD's jewelry procs (close to 30% uptime since it procs from attacks and not hits). If you think there is no point mitigating devastating hits because it's only 10% or the times you are hit, then you might as well stick to 6.5k rating to get 40% and still fully mitigate critical hits. Since a lot of that 17k rating difference can't be converted to morale because of its source (heavy shield, LI titles or gems, gold cloak, HD jewels) I actually only need two CritDef essences to get that cap. I quite frankly take the 7% mitigation on 10% of the hits these essences give me over 1.7k max morale anytime.
Now you are absolutely right concerning stat gains from food/IDOME and such, but I have simply not felt the need for that since level 85 :/
What's up with these numbers ? Avoidances soft cap is 15.1k
For critical defence, ideally you should reach about 23.5k rating to get 70% (+10% in blue line) so that you fully mitigate devastating hits when HD's jewelry procs (close to 30% uptime since it procs from attacks and not hits). If you think there is no point mitigating devastating hits because it's only 10% or the times you are hit, then you might as well stick to 6.5k rating to get 40% and still fully mitigate critical hits. Since a lot of that 17k rating difference can't be converted to morale because of its source (heavy shield, LI titles or gems, gold cloak, HD jewels) I actually only need two CritDef essences to get that cap. I quite frankly take the 7% mitigation on 10% of the hits these essences give me over 1.7k max morale anytime.
Now you are absolutely right concerning stat gains from food/IDOME and such, but I have simply not felt the need for that since level 85 :/
I have about that rating without block/parry essences so can't see people running much lower rating on guardian, especially if you use set that gives might. And no I dont see point of getting that high critical defence. I run quite low myself and never get into any trouble, then again I have 20k more morale than most T2 tanks.
Very good and insightful discussion here, thank you. Can some specific numbers be posted for full builds to show exactly the differences we are looking at. It sounds like a 20k morale difference in one build with a cost to other stats. Just not clear what the differences are.
I've switched completely over to MT barter essence armor for my tank build, with 5 BB gold jewellery pieces and 3 crafted essence jewellery pieces. This puts me at 44,047 morale unbuffed. I've seen people mention keeping the 3 piece BB set for the extra 20% crit D, I kind of like keeping the 2 piece set for increased forced attack duration. What are your thoughts on this? I could swap in slightly better morale essences to get to maybe 45k, but as is I am pretty much maxed unless I swap BB jewellery for essence. What do you think? I have 2 Finesse, 3 Evade, 2 Tact Mit, and 1 Incoming Healing essence slotted, and the rest are morales.
I've switched completely over to MT barter essence armor for my tank build, with 5 BB gold jewellery pieces and 3 crafted essence jewellery pieces. This puts me at 44,047 morale unbuffed. I've seen people mention keeping the 3 piece BB set for the extra 20% crit D, I kind of like keeping the 2 piece set for increased forced attack duration. What are your thoughts on this? I could swap in slightly better morale essences to get to maybe 45k, but as is I am pretty much maxed unless I swap BB jewellery for essence. What do you think? I have 2 Finesse, 3 Evade, 2 Tact Mit, and 1 Incoming Healing essence slotted, and the rest are morales.
I personally dont find the 3 piece BB set bonus that usefull, i went for crafted jewellery to get more morale. Reason behind this is that i'll get more heals as block heals, WH and thrill of battle are all percentage based.
While it isn't a necessity i still use the 2 piece for force agro duration as well (quite handy for durchest).
Edit: here's some pics of my current tanking build (mostly T6 greater essences from EM so morale could still be higher). No buffs but a hope token in this screenie.
Edit 2: tac mit is usually at 20.8k, forgot to change a virtue, so with a cappy and ward up i'm at the overcapped rating.
Last edited by SpicyMacHaggis; Feb 21 2016 at 11:03 AM.
Thanks for the replies. I do have the new crafted shield, but it appears that Spicy does not. A slight correction, the EM morales are T6 Greaters, so 818 morale each. I need to do some more RT's for the pocket (Phial of Bear's Strength). That looks like the best option for tanking and dpsing depending on what essences you slot. Any thought on my question from above about DPS set up and when to stop stacking PM (before buffs)? About 76k make sense? I think I am 2-3 jewellery items from there, as I am sitting at about 70k now.
About Devastating Hit mitigation vs max Morale pool, both certainly are viable.
In my opinion, max Morale is better fow low hitting ennemies (packs) while the critical defence option is safer against large hit bosses as you negate the possibility of large spike damage.
The crafted shield is absolutely not a "no-brainer" in my opinion when compared to the one droped from Osgiliath cluster. Crafted one has much more block & parry, but you need 0 of these ratings if you use the correct legacies. Then it's about deciding if you would rather have +161 evade rating (craft) or +36 Vit & +72 Might (no-one cares about fate) with the instace drop. Since I reach evade soft cap without the crafted shield, I'd rather use the instance one.
SpicyMacHaggis, you tank without +5% parry bonus from red line ? If it is to save points to get Bring On The Pain, that cooldown is awesome for AoE tanking but meh for boss, and since you don't have Sweeping Cut's bleed I suppose this is not an AoE tank build. Same for Radiate, is it only spread Stagger debuff ?
Either you have an AoE build and you use Radiate to spread the dots for threat generation, or you have a ST build and radiate is pretty pointless.
For AoE tanking, yellow is actually superior as it has much better threat generation and fairly good survival skills as BOTP, Redirect, WH and Pledge are usually enough to save you from most situations.
One might argue that with "broken" threat copies from Challenge threat generation is not really usefull though.
I also believe Block gems on LIs are a mistake. I prefer the ones that give 303 Critical Defence, Block, Parry and Evade + 30 Vitality. You loose only little block rating (which you probably don't need anyway), while gaining some HPs, Critical Defence and Evade (harder avoidance to get as a Guardian). Partial Block (or Parry) mitigation is really meaningless to me not because the event itself is somewhat rare (for physical attacks, assuming b&p&e soft cap it should besically happen twice as often as devastating hits), but because those hits are already mitigated as is and are not dangerous.
Thanks for the replies. I do have the new crafted shield, but it appears that Spicy does not. A slight correction, the EM morales are T6 Greaters, so 818 morale each. I need to do some more RT's for the pocket (Phial of Bear's Strength). That looks like the best option for tanking and dpsing depending on what essences you slot. Any thought on my question from above about DPS set up and when to stop stacking PM (before buffs)? About 76k make sense? I think I am 2-3 jewellery items from there, as I am sitting at about 70k now.
On second thought, I think I can get my PM high enough without slotting PM/Might in the pocket item, so I think I will just get one and slot it with morale essences, making it useful for DPS and Tanking. I believe that item takes the longest time to acquire (other than 5 slot armor possibly, which I probably won't be pursuing.)
About Devastating Hit mitigation vs max Morale pool, both certainly are viable.
In my opinion, max Morale is better fow low hitting ennemies (packs) while the critical defence option is safer against large hit bosses as you negate the possibility of large spike damage.
The crafted shield is absolutely not a "no-brainer" in my opinion when compared to the one droped from Osgiliath cluster. Crafted one has much more block & parry, but you need 0 of these ratings if you use the correct legacies. Then it's about deciding if you would rather have +161 evade rating (craft) or +36 Vit & +72 Might (no-one cares about fate) with the instace drop. Since I reach evade soft cap without the crafted shield, I'd rather use the instance one.
SpicyMacHaggis, you tank without +5% parry bonus from red line ? If it is to save points to get Bring On The Pain, that cooldown is awesome for AoE tanking but meh for boss, and since you don't have Sweeping Cut's bleed I suppose this is not an AoE tank build. Same for Radiate, is it only spread Stagger debuff ?
Either you have an AoE build and you use Radiate to spread the dots for threat generation, or you have a ST build and radiate is pretty pointless.
For AoE tanking, yellow is actually superior as it has much better threat generation and fairly good survival skills as BOTP, Redirect, WH and Pledge are usually enough to save you from most situations.
One might argue that with "broken" threat copies from Challenge threat generation is not really usefull though.
I also believe Block gems on LIs are a mistake. I prefer the ones that give 303 Critical Defence, Block, Parry and Evade + 30 Vitality. You loose only little block rating (which you probably don't need anyway), while gaining some HPs, Critical Defence and Evade (harder avoidance to get as a Guardian). Partial Block (or Parry) mitigation is really meaningless to me not because the event itself is somewhat rare (for physical attacks, assuming b&p&e soft cap it should besically happen twice as often as devastating hits), but because those hits are already mitigated as is and are not dangerous.
When you start using a lot of essence pieces your might stat goes down, and along with it your block rating. The more essences you use, the more important block rating from other sources become.
About Devastating Hit mitigation vs max Morale pool, both certainly are viable.
In my opinion, max Morale is better fow low hitting ennemies (packs) while the critical defence option is safer against large hit bosses as you negate the possibility of large spike damage.
The crafted shield is absolutely not a "no-brainer" in my opinion when compared to the one droped from Osgiliath cluster. Crafted one has much more block & parry, but you need 0 of these ratings if you use the correct legacies. Then it's about deciding if you would rather have +161 evade rating (craft) or +36 Vit & +72 Might (no-one cares about fate) with the instace drop. Since I reach evade soft cap without the crafted shield, I'd rather use the instance one.
SpicyMacHaggis, you tank without +5% parry bonus from red line ? If it is to save points to get Bring On The Pain, that cooldown is awesome for AoE tanking but meh for boss, and since you don't have Sweeping Cut's bleed I suppose this is not an AoE tank build. Same for Radiate, is it only spread Stagger debuff ?
Either you have an AoE build and you use Radiate to spread the dots for threat generation, or you have a ST build and radiate is pretty pointless.
For AoE tanking, yellow is actually superior as it has much better threat generation and fairly good survival skills as BOTP, Redirect, WH and Pledge are usually enough to save you from most situations.
One might argue that with "broken" threat copies from Challenge threat generation is not really usefull though.
I also believe Block gems on LIs are a mistake. I prefer the ones that give 303 Critical Defence, Block, Parry and Evade + 30 Vitality. You loose only little block rating (which you probably don't need anyway), while gaining some HPs, Critical Defence and Evade (harder avoidance to get as a Guardian). Partial Block (or Parry) mitigation is really meaningless to me not because the event itself is somewhat rare (for physical attacks, assuming b&p&e soft cap it should besically happen twice as often as devastating hits), but because those hits are already mitigated as is and are not dangerous.
I realise blead spreading is superior for aoe agro, but i generally dont have agro problems in aoe situations hence why i went for botp. Concerning radiate: stagger spreading is actually quite nice in aoe situations, the attack duration debuff helps more than one would think.
Generally i use this build for tanking 6-mans without a healer (i.e. fornost, SG and stuff). I get your point of there being better options for a single target build against hard hitting bosses, where the extra parry will be more usefull than botp.
As for yellow: I admit i havent played around a lot with yellow tanking, but seeing as i generally tank without a healer, the loss of bolstering blocks might be an issue. I'll give yellow a shot someday and see how it goes.
In short there's builds suited for every situation, but since i only have 2 trait trees and don't want to spend tp to unlock more i generally use this build. It has always worked great for me, but there will definitely be better options depending on the situation.
Anyways, lots of usefull info in your post, thanks for that.
Last edited by SpicyMacHaggis; Feb 22 2016 at 07:07 AM.
On second thought, I think I can get my PM high enough without slotting PM/Might in the pocket item, so I think I will just get one and slot it with morale essences, making it useful for DPS and Tanking. I believe that item takes the longest time to acquire (other than 5 slot armor possibly, which I probably won't be pursuing.)
Thanks to regular RT raids back on Imladris I managed to get it quite early. It was exclusively for my tanking build but nowadays I'm slotting it in the Moors too.
Gonna check the crafted shield. Been using a teal drop from a Way of Smiths skraid. Before then, for quite a long while, I used the 95 Fangorn crafted. (It served me for so long that I'm keeping it as a souvenir )
I realise blead spreading is the superior way for aoe agro, but i generally dont have agro problems in aoe situations hence why i went for botp. Concerning radiate: stagger spreading is actually quite nice in aoe situations, the attack duration debuff helps more than one would think.
Generally i use this build for tanking 6-mans without a healer (i.e. fornost, SG and stuff). I get your point of there being better options for a single target build against hard hitting bosses, where the extra parry will be more usefull than botp.
As for yellow: I admit i havent played around a lot with yellow tanking, but seeing as i generally tank without a healer, the loss of bolstering blocks might be an issue. I'll give yellow a shot someday and see how it goes.
In short there's builds suited for every situation, but since i only have 2 trait trees and don't want to spend tp to unlock more i generally use this build. It has always worked great for me, but there will definitely be better options depending on the situation.
Anyways, lots of usefull info in your post, thanks for that.
Funny set combination to mess around is ToO + osgiliath thrill set to reduce thrill CD down to 50% up time, I use that in RC trash pulls (and rare few older instances that we care to run) and I dont need to use anything but thrill as a skill from boss to boss pulls with 2 dps. Can still keep decent 42k morale with overcapped mitigations.
Funny set combination to mess around is ToO + osgiliath thrill set to reduce thrill CD down to 50% up time, I use that in RC trash pulls (and rare few older instances that we care to run) and I dont need to use anything but thrill as a skill from boss to boss pulls with 2 dps. Can still keep decent 42k morale with overcapped mitigations.
I'm aware of that set bonus, i usually tank RC in red though (except for last boss).
Wow, I've missed a lot of discussion since I last read this thread. I'll weigh in with my opinions. Some of these questions, I think, are just personal preference/play style.
Most of my success in tanking difficult content has been in Ruined City T2C, and much of my thoughts with regards to gear and traits are angled towards that type of boss fight: a somewhat hard-hitting single target with adds I don't want to kill.
On Ward Block & Parry rating legacies, I don't use either. Since I don't see much value in overcapping BPE (i.e. exceeding the soft cap of 15,161), I strongly advise against the Block legacy, and I'd only recommend considering the Parry legacy if you're having trouble reaching the soft Parry cap. On my main belt, I use:
Shield damage
Shield-smash damage
Forced Attack Duration
Warrior's Heart healing
I've maxed Shield damage; I don't think I've gotten many others past Tier 35 yet.
On my swap belt, I use:
Catch a Breath CD/Morale healing
Catch a Breath Power healing
Stoic Bubble Strength
Warrior's Heart healing
Guardian's Pledge Magnitude
I've maxed Warrior's Heart healing, and I'm working on tiering up the CaB legacies to tier 44 as well. Tiering up the others past the low 30s isn't a priority for me.
For my shield, I replaced the L95 Fangorn crafted one with the new Anorien crafted model. I've never had the heavy shield drop in Osgiliath, so, unless it does in the future, the choice is moot for me. As a dwarf, I like the 804 Parry on it and hate the useless 1206 Block. Sure, more of the main stats would be nice; I'd have to look more closely into how it would affect my Parry rating.
For relics, I use partial avoidance mitigation relics (Gem of Faith/True Rune of the First Battle) on my standard tanking LI's and crit/incoming healing relics (Gem of Endurance/Rune of Defence) on my swap LI's. (True Setting of the North is a constant on all of these LI's.) I want to reduce incoming damage most of the time and get big heals when I use a CD skill (Juggernaut, Pledge, Warrior's Heart, Bring On the Pain...possibly even Honorable Combat in my Deep Red build).
I have 2 blue trait setups: one with shallow blue (Pledge and Shield-smash) and deep yellow (Bring On the Pain and Warrior's Fortitude), and the other with deep blue (all the way to Juggernaut). This deep blue build forgoes Thrill of Danger for the more reliable Invigorating Parry to manage power. Because this depends on a) getting sufficient parry responses and b) getting critical hits with parry chain skills, I use the gold Hammerhand DPS bracelet/ring/pocket and keep my crit chance around 20%. I felt much more comfortable managing my power in my most recent RC run than I did when I used Thrill of Danger instead. I make no pretense that this method is best for multi-target tanking as well.
For my 1H weapons, my current setup is not what I think my final goal will end up being. Here's what I'm using now:
Main 1H weapon:
Guardian AoE Melee Targets
Guardian's Ward Duration
Whirling Retaliation Damage
Guardian Bleed Damage
Stamp Cooldown
(Partial avoidance mitigation relics)
Swap weapon:
Guardian's Pledge Cooldown
Turn the Tables Cooldown
Charge Duration
Other unimportant legacies
(Crit/Incoming healing relics)
Here's what I think my end goal will be:
Main 1H weapon:
AoE Skill Damage
Guardian Bleed Damage
Bash Damage
Stamp Cooldown
Fate or maybe something else
(Partial avoidance mitigation relics)
Swap weapon:
Guardian's Pledge Cooldown
Guardian AoE Melee Targets
Charge Duration
Turn the Tables Cooldown
Guardian Bleed Damage
(Crit/Incoming healing relics)
Originally Posted by siipperi
Funny set combination to mess around is ToO + osgiliath thrill set to reduce thrill CD down to 50% up time, I use that in RC trash pulls (and rare few older instances that we care to run) and I dont need to use anything but thrill as a skill from boss to boss pulls with 2 dps. Can still keep decent 42k morale with overcapped mitigations.
What is the specific name of this ToO set, and how does one acquire it? I remember looking for it awhile ago and not being able to find it on the wiki.
On Ward Block & Parry rating legacies, I don't use either. Since I don't see much value in overcapping BPE (i.e. exceeding the soft cap of 15,161), I strongly advise against the Block legacy, and I'd only recommend considering the Parry legacy if you're having trouble reaching the soft Parry cap.
As stated before if you fully optimize your armour by going for the 5-slot armour, you won't be at the soft caps for BP (without BP essences at least) in which case these legacies really shine.
Originally Posted by Lifthil
I have 2 blue trait setups: one with shallow blue (Pledge and Shield-smash) and deep yellow (Bring On the Pain and Warrior's Fortitude), and the other with deep blue (all the way to Juggernaut). This deep blue build forgoes Thrill of Danger for the more reliable Invigorating Parry to manage power. Because this depends on a) getting sufficient parry responses and b) getting critical hits with parry chain skills, I use the gold Hammerhand DPS bracelet/ring/pocket and keep my crit chance around 20%. I felt much more comfortable managing my power in my most recent RC run than I did when I used Thrill of Danger instead. I make no pretense that this method is best for multi-target tanking as well.
Invigorating parry in a blue build seems pointless as you shouldn't have power problems at all when you trait the ward power cost and relentless assault.
Combine this with smart usage of CaB/Thrill/power pot and you should never have problems. Thrill of danger can always be picked up when going for war-chant targets which is epic for tanking as it also decreases the cd of your parry/block response skills with 5 secs.
In theory warchant should also decrease the cd of CaB so you can restore power even more often. I think this is bugged though, as you will see the icon of CaB off CD sometimes, but when you hover over it the tooltip states it's still on CD. This only happens if you trait the warchant targets.
This thread has opened my eyes to a few things. I had ignored the Drape of Fallen Royalty cloak, even though I had it vaulted. I've looked at that cloak again compared to the new crafted one for tanking, and I am now using the Drape of Fallen Royalty. I also used to use the partial mitigation/block gem relic, but after looking at the stats of the True Gem of the Watchwood, I now use the Watchwood instead. ( 10% Partial Block and Parry Mitigation, 727 Block, 35 Might vs 303 Crit Defence, 303 B/P/E, 30 Vitality ) I still use the True Setting of the North and True Rune of the First Battle.
Lifthil - I personally wouldn't slot Warrior's Heart Healing on my Main belt and swap belt. Light Damage would be a good legacy on your Main belt instead. If you imbue your tank weapon you can get a higher percentage on Bash Damage, Whirling and Sweeping Cut Damage, AOE Damage, Stamp Cooldown/Damage, and slightly higher stat legacies. To me, bleed damage legacy only makes sense on a dps weapon, 1h or 2h.