Did anyone catch the new titles from updated mount collections?
Can't log into Bullroarer to check currently, but if the 2016 festival steed title is decent, it's the last chance to grab the Steed of Gloaming Autumn from harvestmath fest.
Éalá Éarendel engla beorhtast,
ofer middangeard monnum sended,
ond sóðfæsta sunnan léoma,
torht ofer tunglas, þú tída gehwane,
of sylfum þé symle inlíhtes!
"Leaving the game plan is a sign of panic, and panic is not in our game plan." - Chuck Noll
1) The Steeds of Gondor
The Steed of the Ship-kings
Faltharan's Steed
The Steed of the North Ithilien Wilds
The Steed of Elessar's Host
Title: Rider of the White City
2) 2013 Festival Steeds
The Lissuin Horse
The Teal Fireworks Laden Horse
The Horse of the Midsummer
The Horse of Plenty
The Spooky Horse of the Bat
The Wintertide Steed
Title: The Joyful Rider
3) 2014 Festival Steeds
The Steed of Spring Gardens
The Steed of Odogil
The Steed of Wedmath Celebration
The Horse of Bounty
The Horse of the Autumn Sun
The Steed of Winter Winds
Title: The Revelling Rider
4) 2015 Festival Steeds
The Steed of New Bloom
The Steed of the Woodland Realm
The Steed of Narie
The Steed of the Yield
The Steed of the Anorien Autumn
The Steed of the Ithilin Winter
Title: The Rollicking Rider
5) 2016 Festival Steeds
The Steed of Ethuil
The Windfells Goat
The Steed of the Summer Sea
The Farmer's Second Favourite Steed
The Steed of the Gloaming Autumn
The Steed of Winter's Light
Title: The Delightful Rider
6) Autumn Adventurer
The Harvestmath Horse
The Sable Harvestmath Horse
The Autumnfest Horse
The Harvest-brew Horse
Title: Rustler of Fallen Leaves
7) Goat-Herder
The Prized Nimble Redhorn-goat
The Prized Tame Redhorn-goat
The Treasure Laden Goat
The Nimble Black Goat
The Wild Mountain-goat
The Prized Thorin's Hall Goat
The Prized Ale Association Goat
The Harvest-brew Goat
The Windfells Goat
Title: Goatherd
8) Rider of Rohan
The Prized Eorlingas Horse
The Prized Helmingas Horse
Title: Rider of Rohan
9) Rider of the Free Peoples
The Eriador's Horse
The Elf Ambassador's Horse
Title: Rider of the Free Peoples
10) Spring in Your Step
The Simbelmyne Horse
The Springtime Horse
The Blue Roan Horse
The Springfest Horse
Title: Spring in His Step
11) Sun-Strider
The Lithe Festival Horse
The Pale Golden Summer Horse
The Summerfest Horse
The Summerdays Horse
Title: Sun-strider
12) Treasure Mounts
The Treasure Laden Goat
The Treasure Laden Horse
The Cave-claw Masked Horse
Title: Wandering Vault-keeper
13) Veteran of the Third Age
The Steed of the Burglar
The Steed of the Captain
The Steed of the Champion
The Steed of the Guardian
The Steed of the Hunter
The Steed of the Lore-master
The Steed of the Minstrel
The Steed of the Rune-keeper
The Steed of the Warden
Title: Veteran of the Third Age
14) Winter-Rider
The Yule Festival Horse
The Yule Festival Snow Horse
The Yule Festival Glittering Horse
The Yule Festival Frosty Horse
The Yule Festival Snowy Horse