Did Dark Delving: Cleared in shadow then went back lighting up rune stones, nada.
I've made progress translating the 9 pages of "gibberish". Will post the cypher key and what I've translated them into so far using this site(https://quipqiup.com/):
a=h a=b
c=h too sometimes
r=s & r=r sometimes
1. Znqnbanqns dr walql tal gly qlindjr = Zaragharaf is where the key remains
2. Ujelq bunqe. Yku wdhh jlle tk oqlrljt tclrl: Under guard. You will need to present these:
3. Edsslqljt rtkjl, enqg nje rtqkjb. = Different stone, dark and strong.
4. Rltqdlvle sqki tal ello odt, = Retrieved from the deep pit,
5. Ujelq bunqe ks tal bjnwdjbkjl. = Under guard of the gnawingone.
6. Bkhe, idjle nje skqble dj ikqdn. = Gold, mined and forged in moria.
7. Ujtdh yku akhe talrl dtlir, tal wny wdhh qlindj rcut. = Until you hold these items, the way will remain shut.
8. Jkjl aut tal hdjl ks Euqdj iny gjkw ks dt, aut = None but the line of Durin may know of it, but
9. Euqdjr skhg, alwnql want huqgr djrdel. = Durins folk, Beware what lurks inside.
"Most of the trouble in the world is caused by people wanting to be important." - T.S. Eliot
I found 83 "pages" of Nameless in wiki: https://lotro-wiki.com/index.php/Category:Nameless However I see reference above to 9 pages of gibberish and old chests. Where are old chests--I have no clue for them (I don't think)
Could that have something to do with Gun Ain/Avair ? I highly doubt it as she has nothing to do with dwarves and I don't think you can find her somewhere except during instances or special quests.
Looks like some people solved it.
Where actually is Zaragharaf?
Remember the Bat Cave? The area just in front of that
Thanks! Honestly the slightly different spelling threw me off.
I checked Rockbelly Pit on the offchance, but it would make more sense if it were in Moria.
Must be in The Foundations of Stone. Also found an anvil there, that I don't remember from the old days 13.2S 96.4W
Arequain Belechael, Legate of Celosien, Minas Brethil, Lebennin
I'm stuck on the nameless too. What was that nameless woman from Angmar. Gun Ain?
Sometimes, no matter how hard you look, there is no best light.
Skumfil? I ran over all that :/
You don't need to go and get these pieces of purple paper first do you?
Any chance of a dev/CM letting us know whether this quest is only available today? Or is it 'from' today?
Now we only have to figure out where is the deep pit from which to get a different stone![/QUOTE]
Potential Spoiler
Rumours reach my ears of enedwaith; Zudrugund
lil 'obbit of Evernight..
The Ascensio
I won't spoil anything but i am puzzled.
Why the heck is the answer to ''Nameless'' found where it's found ?
Can anyone explain this ? XD
lotr enthousiast since 1996, over 12 years lotro player, lifetimer, Loyal member of the Spartans Kinship and Subleader, now in Evernight imigrants from Eldar
Congratulations to the folks who have figured it out!
Just a quick note: You do have to have completed Introduction: Northern Mirkwood in order to run The Secret Stone.
Also, this event unlocked today, but is available from this point onwards. There had been a question about whether this was a today-only thing.