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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2010

    @Vastin: Incoming damage in North Ithilien and Wastes is off the hook

    It is impossible to complete basic solo quests in e.g. Dum Boha. I'm a decently geared hunter and the signature mobs take me down in seconds with a couple hits. Before U23 I had no problems.

    There's no path to better gear for me: I can now afford the 4-slot herbalism gear, but nowhere near the 45 essences to fill them, and they're no better than my current T7 Minas Tirith gear without a full set of essences.

    Unless this is fixed, this looks like the end of my time in this game. This is very frustrating and upsetting.

    If the Wastes is this bad, I don't have much hope for Mordor...

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by beorf View Post
    It is impossible to complete basic solo quests in e.g. Dum Boha. I'm a decently geared hunter and the signature mobs take me down in seconds with a couple hits. Before U23 I had no problems.

    There's no path to better gear for me: I can now afford the 4-slot herbalism gear, but nowhere near the 45 essences to fill them, and they're no better than my current T7 Minas Tirith gear without a full set of essences.

    Unless this is fixed, this looks like the end of my time in this game. This is very frustrating and upsetting.

    If the Wastes is this bad, I don't have much hope for Mordor...
    Ask for high level to breeze you trough it. Waiting for fix will take ages/ if get any.
    Stop paying atention to such small things, SSG is blind to them.
    Do RT`s / when there is a raid/ do WP, go max level, get some gear, go back and finish the quests you need/ if you need / for deed or for TP.
    This is the way how lotro work. You find your own way to solve it.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by Pavlin View Post
    Ask for high level to breeze you trough it. Waiting for fix will take ages/ if get any.
    Stop paying atention to such small things, SSG is blind to them.
    Do RT`s / when there is a raid/ do WP, go max level, get some gear, go back and finish the quests you need/ if you need / for deed or for TP.
    This is the way how lotro work. You find your own way to solve it.
    This reply does nothing for folks that want to experience the content as near to on-level as possible, and does nothing to address the issue that needs, *NEEDS* to be fixed. Just because it's not being dealt with straight-away, doesn't mean that it won't get fixed, and encouraging people to just "go around it" instead of bringing it to the attention of the devs doesn't help get it fixed any faster.

    Yes, SSG has left a lot on the table, and there is a lot of work to be done - but they need to hear about it - they also need to know they are in danger of losing players (i.e. paying customers) if they don't fix it.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by Pavlin View Post
    Ask for high level to breeze you trough it. Waiting for fix will take ages/ if get any.
    Stop paying atention to such small things, SSG is blind to them.
    Do RT`s / when there is a raid/ do WP, go max level, get some gear, go back and finish the quests you need/ if you need / for deed or for TP.
    This is the way how lotro work. You find your own way to solve it.

    Jeez, I don't want someone to get me through it. This is the game I want to play, and have been playing for close to a decade. I'm a soloer and I like doing the quests slowly, on-level and experiencing the story as I go. I don't like grouping with strangers and I don't raid. And I don't want to skip back and forth to get 'er done. I can get 'er done easily enough by uninstalling.

    I was looking forward to buying Mordor, but now there doesn't seem much point. Seems like SSG is going to be focussed on levels 0-50 for the foreseeable future.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Update 23 effected the balance at many levels of the game negatively. They have fixed a couple of the issues, buy many still remain. Given that the level you are playing at is not heavily populated, I would not expect a fix in the near future. But that is pure speculation. Have you tried playing yellow line hunter? It's slower, but you can easily prevent the mobs from touching you. Or even blue/red build with have yellow may be good enough.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    You should be doing solo content in blue line as a hunter.

    anybody who says you should be red line ALL the time is just taking the piss out of you and consider you a '#######'

    Blue line you can MOVE this means you can kite higher lvl mobs and elites whilst dealing high quantities of dmg, obviously not as much as in red line, but you also aren't a cactus and react like a stunned mullet whenever anything gets close enough to attack you. You can supplement this with your self healz and you should be able to take most things down.

    Red line only for grps when there is someone else to stop things from touching you. you are a glass cannon..remember that, always.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by beorf View Post
    It is impossible to complete basic solo quests in e.g. Dum Boha. I'm a decently geared hunter and the signature mobs take me down in seconds with a couple hits. Before U23 I had no problems.

    There's no path to better gear for me: I can now afford the 4-slot herbalism gear, but nowhere near the 45 essences to fill them, and they're no better than my current T7 Minas Tirith gear without a full set of essences.

    Unless this is fixed, this looks like the end of my time in this game. This is very frustrating and upsetting.

    If the Wastes is this bad, I don't have much hope for Mordor...
    I have a mini in Ithilien. She was fine before u23. haven't played her since. did they mess with difficulty?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2017


    I'll certainly look at the general balance in that level range. We've mostly been focused on 120 and the 1-50 range lately, so this band hasn't been getting as much attention.


  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    Have you imbued your LI bow?

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Sep 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by NeoBasilisk View Post
    Have you imbued your LI bow?
    good point for Mordor and onwards, but was never necessary before Mordor, so shouldnt now.
    The dps difference between imbued and unimbued was still bearable when we did content before Mordor.
    It sure would help to have maxxed out ILI directly after getting to lvl100... but it sure cant be required for lvl100-105 content.
    Diskutierer, Fragenbeantworter, Twinker, Händler, Handwerker und Gründer der 'Gemeinschaft der freien Völker' auf Belegaer.
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  11. #11
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    I think something may be going on with Gondor levels in general. I died last night 4 times with my hunter in Central Gondor, and I'm not used to dying so often! I'm level 106 doing quests that are 6 levels below me. One of my deaths happened after I had killed everything. I took a huge DOT pulse and BAM I was dead even though I'd had a 1/4 health moment before and I had just hit a heal skill. The elite half trolls (or maybe it was the sorcerers that come with them?) were doing a real number on me, so I wonder if it's some kind of issue related to DOT attacks in general. I think all 4 of my deaths happened when fighting those half-trolls. Large chunks would just disappear from my health bar suddenly, faster than I'm used to losing health. Had to do a lot more kiting, cleansing and drinking morale potions to stay alive fighting them.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by CloudCastle View Post
    I think something may be going on with Gondor levels in general. I died last night 4 times with my hunter in Central Gondor, and I'm not used to dying so often! I'm level 106 doing quests that are 6 levels below me. One of my deaths happened after I had killed everything. I took a huge DOT pulse and BAM I was dead even though I'd had a 1/4 health moment before and I had just hit a heal skill. The elite half trolls (or maybe it was the sorcerers that come with them?) were doing a real number on me, so I wonder if it's some kind of issue related to DOT attacks in general. I think all 4 of my deaths happened when fighting those half-trolls. Large chunks would just disappear from my health bar suddenly, faster than I'm used to losing health. Had to do a lot more kiting, cleansing and drinking morale potions to stay alive fighting them.
    Same here in the Iron Hills, huge DOTs - over 10k damage (wound resistance) every 2 seconds. Potion doesn't work.
    You will grind your hamsterwheel and you will be happy.
    From f2p to p2w: nothing here is accidental

  13. #13
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    Jan 2017


    Hmm. My current impression is that at 105 player damage tends to be pretty potent - you can drop an enemy pretty fast with a decent build, which will make small pulls if anything a bit too easy. This is without a maxed LI - even non-LI weapons do reasonable damage at 105.

    The mob DPS is probably a bit high, IMO, which can make large pulls potentially deadly for classes that can't CC or tank their way through them, so I'll look at some tweaks there in upcoming builds - but nothing major I think, and this is just my initial impression. I need to play through with more classes/builds. Builds that rely on self-healing in particular may run into trouble, and would probably be better off focusing on DPS in this area.

    Now - if there are problems with specific instances, camps, or boss skills, by all means bug them. Not all content is designed to the same difficulty standards, so as we normalize the general difficulty of the game, some specific instances or skills may become unreasonably difficult to deal with, and some pulls may simply be too big, and bringing those to our attention should get them dealt with fairly quickly. Issues like extremely deadly dots or boss skills with the potential to one-shot a decently geared tank are things we are particularly on the lookout for at the moment.


  14. #14
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    Jan 2017


    Quote Originally Posted by Happybudgy View Post
    Same here in the Iron Hills, huge DOTs - over 10k damage (wound resistance) every 2 seconds. Potion doesn't work.
    Yes, DOT scaling is definitely a potential issue we're looking at now. Many of the old dots in the game had badly broken scaling systems that had seen them devolve into almost pointless effects, but when I linked them to the modern progressions some of them may have gone too high.

    If you throw the names of some mosters/dots that seem especially egregious it'll help us pinpoint what ranges the problem is worst at and rescale it more accurately. I've been playing through quite a bit of content myself looking for them, but mostly in the lower level ranges, and not as much in the 60-100 ranges which is where I think the problem is more significant at the moment.


  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    This is what it looks like:


    At level 119 the damage per 2 seconds is 10,865.

    Is that what you are refering to? I am killing them fast enough, but the 'wound' is what kills me.
    You will grind your hamsterwheel and you will be happy.
    From f2p to p2w: nothing here is accidental

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vastin View Post
    Yes, DOT scaling is definitely a potential issue we're looking at now. Many of the old dots in the game had badly broken scaling systems that had seen them devolve into almost pointless effects, but when I linked them to the modern progressions some of them may have gone too high.

    If you throw the names of some mosters/dots that seem especially egregious it'll help us pinpoint what ranges the problem is worst at and rescale it more accurately. I've been playing through quite a bit of content myself looking for them, but mostly in the lower level ranges, and not as much in the 60-100 ranges which is where I think the problem is more significant at the moment.

    I just started in Northern Mirkwood (so lvl115 content) this week and the Trolls and the DEER are doing insanely huge dots. Like [10-50k per tic] Hopefully that's not working as intended.

    Sorry I didn't capture data beyond that.
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  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vastin View Post
    Yes, DOT scaling is definitely a potential issue we're looking at now. Many of the old dots in the game had badly broken scaling systems that had seen them devolve into almost pointless effects, but when I linked them to the modern progressions some of them may have gone too high.

    If you throw the names of some mosters/dots that seem especially egregious it'll help us pinpoint what ranges the problem is worst at and rescale it more accurately. I've been playing through quite a bit of content myself looking for them, but mostly in the lower level ranges, and not as much in the 60-100 ranges which is where I think the problem is more significant at the moment.

    yea... there for sure is an issue.
    Just tried playing the final part of the current epic book with my hunter. previous three chars had no issues there, but my hunter dies within seconds, if drakelings are near to him. they hit for roughly 200-600, but their aura deals roughly 5000 damage per second... ###?
    Diskutierer, Fragenbeantworter, Twinker, Händler, Handwerker und Gründer der 'Gemeinschaft der freien Völker' auf Belegaer.
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  18. #18
    Rosadora is offline Never too old to Rock and Roll
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vastin View Post
    Yes, DOT scaling is definitely a potential issue we're looking at now. Many of the old dots in the game had badly broken scaling systems that had seen them devolve into almost pointless effects, but when I linked them to the modern progressions some of them may have gone too high.

    If you throw the names of some mosters/dots that seem especially egregious it'll help us pinpoint what ranges the problem is worst at and rescale it more accurately. I've been playing through quite a bit of content myself looking for them, but mostly in the lower level ranges, and not as much in the 60-100 ranges which is where I think the problem is more significant at the moment.

    My hubby and I did the epic quest to get past the fell watchers to go to East Angmar. After this lat update we rode past them, he died from misadventure, I didn't. He was a level 43 hunter, I was a level 43 captain. Another player could not get past even though he too had done the quest before the last update.. Also, although he had the Gabilshatur stable location before the update, afterwards it was greyed out. Other players tested out the stones and found the DoT to be unbalanced. Same with the Annuminas book quest to from nd out Amarthiels plans. The N P C rangers die from the DoT. It's a big issue with DoT and scaling. ????

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vastin View Post
    Yes, DOT scaling is definitely a potential issue we're looking at now. Many of the old dots in the game had badly broken scaling systems that had seen them devolve into almost pointless effects, but when I linked them to the modern progressions some of them may have gone too high.

    If you throw the names of some mosters/dots that seem especially egregious it'll help us pinpoint what ranges the problem is worst at and rescale it more accurately. I've been playing through quite a bit of content myself looking for them, but mostly in the lower level ranges, and not as much in the 60-100 ranges which is where I think the problem is more significant at the moment.

    Jangovar around Utterby and south of that place north of Utterby (can't open map because I am in a mine). Also, big cats, same area. Thank you for looking at this.

    The npc that accompanies us during the first quests in the Iron Hills, Spall, gets hit by it too (but his hp is so high, it doesn't kill him).
    You will grind your hamsterwheel and you will be happy.
    From f2p to p2w: nothing here is accidental

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    Thanks for looking into it Vastin.

    I have no problems with outgoing damage (my LI is imbued and leveled, but not maxed -- I haven't been grinding for starlits). I can take regular mobs down in 2-4 shots, signatures in maybe 10-20. However, they seem to have some sort of burst damage (or crits) that just out-DPSes me.
    Encounters with signature mobs are often fatal, but even 2-3 regular mobs (even those frogs) can be fatal.

    My gear is basically Minas Tirith quest gear and crafted teal jewellery filled with T7 Agility & Vitality essences. I'm Tortoised at 105 and my stats are:
    Stat Value
    Morale: 27,348
    Power: 5,545
    Armour: 26,637
    Might: 87
    Agility: 10,566
    Will: 91
    Fate: 354
    Crit Rating: 17,149
    Finesse: 8,994
    Physical Mastery: 30,326
    Tactical Mastery: 13,242
    Resistance: 12,833
    Physical Mitigation: 29,323
    Tactical Mitigation: 13,667

    Quote Originally Posted by Vastin View Post

    If you throw the names of some monsters/dots that seem especially egregious it'll help us pinpoint what ranges the problem is worst at and rescale it more accurately.
    Here are the ones that particularly stick in my mind:
    North Ithilien: Mordor Firestarter, Ithilien Buck
    Wastes: Half-troll Executioner in Dum Boha. That's as far as I've gotten in the Wastes.

    Here's a typical example of how it goes:
    ### Chat Capture: Combat 11/08 11:40 AM ###
    MYHUNTER applied a benefit with Improved Focus on MYHUNTER.
    MYHUNTER scored a critical hit with Improved Swift Bow on the Mordor Firestarter for 8,986 Beleriand damage to Morale.
    MYHUNTER scored a hit with Improved Swift Bow on the Mordor Firestarter for 2,429 Beleriand damage to Morale.
    MYHUNTER scored a hit with Improved Swift Bow on the Mordor Firestarter for 2,199 Beleriand damage to Morale.
    MYHUNTER scored a critical hit with a ranged attack on the Mordor Firestarter for 1,425 Beleriand damage to Morale.
    MYHUNTER scored a partially evaded hit with a ranged attack on the Mordor Firestarter for 557 Beleriand damage to Morale.
    MYHUNTER scored a critical hit with a ranged attack on the Mordor Firestarter for 1,437 Beleriand damage to Morale.
    MYHUNTER scored a hit with Upshot on the Mordor Firestarter for 6,590 Beleriand damage to Morale.
    The Mordor Firestarter scored a partially parried hit with a weak swipe attack on MYHUNTER for 1,657 Common damage to Morale.
    MYHUNTER scored a hit with a melee attack on the Mordor Firestarter for 374 Beleriand damage to Morale.
    MYHUNTER scored a hit with a melee attack on the Mordor Firestarter for 323 Beleriand damage to Morale.
    MYHUNTER scored a hit with a melee attack on the Mordor Firestarter for 456 Beleriand damage to Morale.
    MYHUNTER scored a hit with a melee attack on the Mordor Firestarter for 325 Beleriand damage to Morale.
    MYHUNTER scored a hit with Improved Quick Shot on the Mordor Firestarter for 1,262 Beleriand damage to Morale.
    MYHUNTER scored a hit with a melee attack on the Mordor Firestarter for 484 Beleriand damage to Morale.
    MYHUNTER scored a hit with a melee attack on the Mordor Firestarter for 325 Beleriand damage to Morale.
    The Mordor Firestarter scored a partially evaded hit with Crippling Poison on MYHUNTER.
    MYHUNTER scored a partially blocked hit with Improved Quick Shot on the Mordor Firestarter for 783 Beleriand damage to Morale.
    MYHUNTER tried to use Crippling Shot on the Mordor Firestarter but he resisted the attempt.
    MYHUNTER scored a hit with a melee attack on the Mordor Firestarter for 363 Beleriand damage to Morale.
    MYHUNTER scored a hit with a melee attack on the Mordor Firestarter for 346 Beleriand damage to Morale.
    MYHUNTER scored a critical hit with Improved Quick Shot on the Mordor Firestarter for 4,261 Beleriand damage to Morale.
    MYHUNTER tried to use Crippling Shot on the Mordor Firestarter but he resisted the attempt.
    The Mordor Firestarter scored a hit with a weak swipe attack on MYHUNTER for 2,409 Common damage to Morale.
    MYHUNTER scored a hit with a melee attack on the Mordor Firestarter for 354 Beleriand damage to Morale.
    MYHUNTER scored a critical hit with a melee attack on the Mordor Firestarter for 563 Beleriand damage to Morale.
    MYHUNTER scored a critical hit with Improved Quick Shot on the Mordor Firestarter for 4,261 Beleriand damage to Morale.
    MYHUNTER tried to use a melee attack on the Mordor Firestarter but he blocked the attempt.
    MYHUNTER scored a hit with a melee attack on the Mordor Firestarter for 221 Beleriand damage to Morale.
    MYHUNTER scored a hit with Improved Quick Shot on the Mordor Firestarter for 1,421 Beleriand damage to Morale.
    The Mordor Firestarter tried to use a mighty swipe attack on MYHUNTER but he parried the attempt.
    MYHUNTER scored a partially blocked hit with a melee attack on the Mordor Firestarter for 248 Beleriand damage to Morale.
    MYHUNTER scored a critical hit with a melee attack on the Mordor Firestarter for 563 Beleriand damage to Morale.
    MYHUNTER scored a hit with Improved Quick Shot on the Mordor Firestarter for 1,193 Beleriand damage to Morale.
    MYHUNTER scored a hit with a melee attack on the Mordor Firestarter for 403 Beleriand damage to Morale.
    MYHUNTER scored a hit with a melee attack on the Mordor Firestarter for 263 Beleriand damage to Morale.
    MYHUNTER scored a hit with Improved Quick Shot on the Mordor Firestarter for 1,447 Beleriand damage to Morale.
    The Mordor Firestarter tried to use Primary Weapon: Disarmed on MYHUNTER but he resisted the attempt.
    MYHUNTER tried to use a melee attack on the Mordor Firestarter but he evaded the attempt.
    MYHUNTER scored a devastating hit with a melee attack on the Mordor Firestarter for 621 Beleriand damage to Morale.
    The Mordor Firestarter scored a hit with Melee Disarm on MYHUNTER.
    MYHUNTER scored a hit with Improved Quick Shot on the Mordor Firestarter for 1,165 Beleriand damage to Morale.
    MYHUNTER scored a partially parried hit with a melee attack on the Mordor Firestarter for 213 Beleriand damage to Morale.
    MYHUNTER scored a hit with a melee attack on the Mordor Firestarter for 351 Beleriand damage to Morale.
    MYHUNTER scored a partially blocked hit with Improved Quick Shot on the Mordor Firestarter for 660 Beleriand damage to Morale.
    MYHUNTER scored a hit with a melee attack on the Mordor Firestarter for 498 Beleriand damage to Morale.
    MYHUNTER scored a hit with a melee attack on the Mordor Firestarter for 342 Beleriand damage to Morale.
    The Mordor Firestarter scored a partially evaded hit with a weak swipe attack on MYHUNTER for 1,538 Common damage to Morale.
    Nothing to dispel.
    MYHUNTER scored a hit with Improved Merciful Shot on the Mordor Firestarter for 6,616 Beleriand damage to Morale.
    MYHUNTER scored a critical hit with a melee attack on the Mordor Firestarter for 706 Beleriand damage to Morale.
    MYHUNTER scored a hit with a melee attack on the Mordor Firestarter for 240 Beleriand damage to Morale.
    MYHUNTER scored a hit with Improved Quick Shot on the Mordor Firestarter for 1,556 Beleriand damage to Morale.
    MYHUNTER scored a hit with a melee attack on the Mordor Firestarter for 483 Beleriand damage to Morale.
    MYHUNTER scored a partially evaded hit with a melee attack on the Mordor Firestarter for 170 Beleriand damage to Morale.
    The Mordor Firestarter tried to use a melee double attack on MYHUNTER but he evaded the attempt.
    MYHUNTER scored a hit with Improved Quick Shot on the Mordor Firestarter for 1,521 Beleriand damage to Morale.
    The Mordor Firestarter scored a partially evaded hit with a melee double attack on MYHUNTER for 1,538 Common damage to Morale.
    MYHUNTER scored a hit with a melee attack on the Mordor Firestarter for 381 Beleriand damage to Morale.
    MYHUNTER tried to use a melee attack on the Mordor Firestarter but he evaded the attempt.
    MYHUNTER scored a hit with Improved Quick Shot on the Mordor Firestarter for 1,554 Beleriand damage to Morale.
    MYHUNTER scored a hit with a melee attack on the Mordor Firestarter for 500 Beleriand damage to Morale.
    MYHUNTER scored a critical hit with a melee attack on the Mordor Firestarter for 572 Beleriand damage to Morale.
    MYHUNTER scored a hit with Improved Quick Shot on the Mordor Firestarter for 1,471 Beleriand damage to Morale.
    The Mordor Firestarter scored a partially evaded hit with a minor swipe attack on MYHUNTER for 1,922 Common damage to Morale.
    MYHUNTER scored a hit with a melee attack on the Mordor Firestarter for 521 Beleriand damage to Morale.
    MYHUNTER scored a critical hit with a melee attack on the Mordor Firestarter for 572 Beleriand damage to Morale.
    MYHUNTER scored a critical hit with Improved Quick Shot on the Mordor Firestarter for 4,302 Beleriand damage to Morale.
    MYHUNTER scored a hit with a melee attack on the Mordor Firestarter for 488 Beleriand damage to Morale.
    MYHUNTER scored a hit with a melee attack on the Mordor Firestarter for 339 Beleriand damage to Morale.
    MYHUNTER scored a partially blocked hit with Improved Quick Shot on the Mordor Firestarter for 832 Beleriand damage to Morale.
    MYHUNTER scored a hit with a melee attack on the Mordor Firestarter for 487 Beleriand damage to Morale.
    MYHUNTER scored a devastating hit with a melee attack on the Mordor Firestarter for 625 Beleriand damage to Morale.
    The Mordor Firestarter tried to use a weak swipe attack on MYHUNTER but he evaded the attempt.
    MYHUNTER scored a critical hit with Improved Quick Shot on the Mordor Firestarter for 4,302 Beleriand damage to Morale.
    MYHUNTER scored a partially evaded hit with a melee attack on the Mordor Firestarter for 295 Beleriand damage to Morale.
    MYHUNTER scored a hit with a melee attack on the Mordor Firestarter for 244 Beleriand damage to Morale.
    MYHUNTER scored a hit with Improved Penetrating Shot on the Mordor Firestarter for 2,160 Beleriand damage to Morale.
    The Mordor Firestarter scored a partially parried hit with a weak swipe attack on MYHUNTER for 1,664 Common damage to Morale.
    MYHUNTER scored a hit with a melee attack on the Mordor Firestarter for 536 Beleriand damage to Morale.
    MYHUNTER scored a partially evaded hit with a melee attack on the Mordor Firestarter for 203 Beleriand damage to Morale.
    MYHUNTER scored a hit with Improved Quick Shot on the Mordor Firestarter for 1,483 Beleriand damage to Morale.
    MYHUNTER tried to use a melee attack on the Mordor Firestarter but he evaded the attempt.
    MYHUNTER scored a hit with a melee attack on the Mordor Firestarter for 294 Beleriand damage to Morale.
    MYHUNTER scored a hit with Improved Quick Shot on the Mordor Firestarter for 1,616 Beleriand damage to Morale.
    The Mordor Firestarter scored a partially evaded hit with a minor swipe attack on MYHUNTER for 1,922 Common damage to Morale.
    MYHUNTER scored a hit with a melee attack on the Mordor Firestarter for 562 Beleriand damage to Morale.
    MYHUNTER scored a hit with a melee attack on the Mordor Firestarter for 272 Beleriand damage to Morale.
    MYHUNTER scored a critical hit with Improved Quick Shot on the Mordor Firestarter for 4,698 Beleriand damage to Morale.
    MYHUNTER tried to use Crippling Shot on the Mordor Firestarter but he resisted the attempt.
    MYHUNTER scored a hit with a melee attack on the Mordor Firestarter for 469 Beleriand damage to Morale.
    MYHUNTER scored a critical hit with a melee attack on the Mordor Firestarter for 636 Beleriand damage to Morale.
    MYHUNTER scored a hit with Improved Quick Shot on the Mordor Firestarter for 1,760 Beleriand damage to Morale.
    The Mordor Firestarter scored a critical hit with a weak swipe attack on MYHUNTER for 3,614 Common damage to Morale.
    MYHUNTER scored a hit with a melee attack on the Mordor Firestarter for 516 Beleriand damage to Morale.
    MYHUNTER scored a hit with a melee attack on the Mordor Firestarter for 306 Beleriand damage to Morale.
    MYHUNTER scored a hit with Improved Quick Shot on the Mordor Firestarter for 1,301 Beleriand damage to Morale.
    MYHUNTER scored a hit with a melee attack on the Mordor Firestarter for 416 Beleriand damage to Morale.
    MYHUNTER scored a hit with a melee attack on the Mordor Firestarter for 375 Beleriand damage to Morale.
    MYHUNTER scored a hit with Improved Quick Shot on the Mordor Firestarter for 1,451 Beleriand damage to Morale.
    The Mordor Firestarter scored a critical hit with a mighty swipe attack on MYHUNTER for 8,129 Common damage to Morale.
    MYHUNTER scored a partially parried hit with a melee attack on the Mordor Firestarter for 217 Beleriand damage to Morale.
    MYHUNTER scored a hit with a melee attack on the Mordor Firestarter for 266 Beleriand damage to Morale.
    MYHUNTER scored a critical hit with Improved Quick Shot on the Mordor Firestarter for 4,698 Beleriand damage to Morale.
    MYHUNTER scored a hit with a melee attack on the Mordor Firestarter for 402 Beleriand damage to Morale.
    MYHUNTER scored a partially parried hit with a melee attack on the Mordor Firestarter for 180 Beleriand damage to Morale.
    MYHUNTER scored a hit with Improved Quick Shot on the Mordor Firestarter for 1,595 Beleriand damage to Morale.
    The Mordor Firestarter tried to use a weak swipe attack on MYHUNTER but he evaded the attempt.
    MYHUNTER scored a hit with a melee attack on the Mordor Firestarter for 541 Beleriand damage to Morale.
    MYHUNTER scored a critical hit with a melee attack on the Mordor Firestarter for 636 Beleriand damage to Morale.
    MYHUNTER scored a hit with Improved Quick Shot on the Mordor Firestarter for 1,863 Beleriand damage to Morale.
    MYHUNTER scored a hit with a melee attack on the Mordor Firestarter for 438 Beleriand damage to Morale.
    MYHUNTER tried to use a melee attack on the Mordor Firestarter but he evaded the attempt.
    MYHUNTER scored a hit with Improved Quick Shot on the Mordor Firestarter for 1,756 Beleriand damage to Morale.
    The Mordor Firestarter scored a hit with a melee double attack on MYHUNTER for 2,409 Common damage to Morale.
    The Mordor Firestarter incapacitated you.
    The Mordor Firestarter scored a partially parried hit with a melee double attack on MYHUNTER for 1,664 Common damage to Morale.

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    To the OP.

    While you wait for SSG to make an adjustment to outgoing mob damage, some suggestions based on the combat log against the signature you posted.

    1. Use upshot or heartseeker after focus to start fight instead of swiftbow. ( i usually camo, improved focus, heartseeker, penetrating, upshot to start fight )
    2. use blood arrow after you have lost 10% of your morale
    5. if you don't use heartseeker or barbed arrow, then you can always fear the mob and wait until they get distance.

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by beorf View Post
    Here's a typical example of how it goes:
    Hmm. The weird thing is if I total up the damage I did from the combat log, I get 108,135, but the mob only had around 57k health. His damage totals 28,466 which is indeed just enough to kill me.
    Last edited by beorf; Nov 08 2018 at 08:48 PM.

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by flirtswithmediocrity View Post
    To the OP.

    While you wait for SSG to make an adjustment to outgoing mob damage, some suggestions based on the combat log against the signature you posted.
    Yes, for tough situations, I usually use Burn Hot, Heartseeker and oils/food, and nowadays even Set Trap, but generally not for trash landscape stuff which this should be. So I just used my usual trash landscape rotation for this.

  24. #24
    Join Date
    Apr 2015
    Tower Guards in Lang-Rhuven put a 24k wound dot (mitigated = ~6k per tick), other mobs in that area hit 115 lvl guard (with tank gear for t2c on 115 lvl) for 1-6k.

    The Roving Threats hit like trucks: the spider puts a dot that brings 110k morale down to 0 in under 10 seconds; troll starts with ground slam for 67k and goes in no time to 635k aoe hits (not really doable with group of 106-120 players - 6 melee, 1 healer, 1 hunter).

    Without player's assistance (tanking+dpsing) NPCs in "Retaking Cair Andros" die halfway through the instance.

    Mordor Firestarters in March of the King (quest: Snuffing them out) also hit much harder than they used to.

    while on it, please have a look at mobs' damage in quest "The Riches of Rhun" - for 115 lvl it is doable, but doubt a 105 can complete it as intended (might be possible to just hide outside the tent during the final fight).
    Last edited by Dorri_Hammerfist; Nov 08 2018 at 05:03 PM. Reason: added

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by Vastin View Post
    Yes, DOT scaling is definitely a potential issue we're looking at now. Many of the old dots in the game had badly broken scaling systems that had seen them devolve into almost pointless effects, but when I linked them to the modern progressions some of them may have gone too high.

    If you throw the names of some mosters/dots that seem especially egregious it'll help us pinpoint what ranges the problem is worst at and rescale it more accurately. I've been playing through quite a bit of content myself looking for them, but mostly in the lower level ranges, and not as much in the 60-100 ranges which is where I think the problem is more significant at the moment.

    The salamanders in Moria: The Waterworks have a crazy fire dot in comparison to the rest of their damage that seems unintentional.


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