I am not in RB, but I would welcome taking on Tarlang's Crown for Rep, and possible drops.
I am not in RB, but I would welcome taking on Tarlang's Crown for Rep, and possible drops.
Marancil CHN, Historian Calchiar CPT, Explorer Sturmdrang WDN, Woodsman Anancite GRD, Armourer Tarostel HNT, Armsman Angredeth HNT, Tinker Dromarong GRD, Dwarf
The Lord of the Rings Online: Community Discord | My in game image hosting: LotroShots
Sorry for the delay, I missed this post somehow.
Yes, we run that kind of stuff on a more ad hoc basis. The stuff on the calendar tends to be raids and 6 mans because getting 12 / 6 people together all at the same time, focused on the same thing, can be challenging otherwiseHowever, if someone requests something for the calendar we will add it !
Last edited by Proudcdn; Sep 28 2016 at 09:37 AM.
Personally I have anumber of toons in the Rare Breed ranks which I am leveling up slowly and will be running the CD, URU and BG instances shortly on my warden for the deeds I also have toons that still require parts on Tarlangs crown and other areas so happy to run those at any point
Last edited by Rimfin; Sep 13 2016 at 05:29 AM.
Welcome AC Players. Sad Turbine pulled the plugI myself was a long time AC player on Leafcull; Roewin was the name and my kin was Shadows of Dereth. If you find your self on Arkenstone looking for a home, check out Rare Breed.
We made it into the second issue of The Beacon. https://www.lotro.com/en/game/articl...beacon-issue-2
RB is a friendly group of folks who enjoy each other's company while we play. If you are looking for a drama free, fun, adult group to play with, chat one of our officers or apply on our website and we'll find you!
- Hafwen
Newly transferred to Arkenstone? Back to game after a lengthy pause? New to game entirely?
Come check us out !
Just coming back to game in preparation for Mordor? Check out Rare Breed.
If you have been lured back to LOTRO with the hype of Mordor and find yourself without a group of friends to enjoy the experience; check out RB !!!
Hi there!
I threw in an app on the site because I wasn't sure who to speak to. My mini's name is Valyona and I am returning to the game after a multi year break and looking for a good group of people to hang with while I re-learn it.
I'll be on a bunch in the next few days ^_^
Returning to game since Mordor's launch? Give us a look.
Has the launch of a new raid drawn you back to game and you are looking for a home? Check us out !!!
Looking for info on the new area? This is helpful! Thanks again, Dadi!
Is this kin still active?
Yes it is! It is mostly a social kin, with some grouping and T1 raiding. Feel free to visit our website or chat an officer in game.![]()
Hi Dadi, my main is a hunter who does PVP 90% of the time & is in a PvP kin. However, I have been working on a guardian (level 116) and really enjoying the class but I don't know many players who play guardians and am at a loss on several levels. Would Rare Breed be a good kin to join to learn how to tank raids and such as well as tweaking gear and stats? I am not a hard core raider but would be willing to put work into learning.
If it wouldn't be a good fit can you suggest another raiding kin? I am an older player and don't need family friendly but I do want to play with respectful folks (swearing, joking and such are no problem just don't want to play with aggressive a-holes)
Thanks in advance!
PS I have read many of your guides and appreciate them a lot!
'I'm a hunter, I have all the defensive capability of a wet dishrag' - Lothhil
Hi That sounds like a good starting point for me...I may PvP on the guard sometimes but my focus for her is doing PvE - I have had bad experiences with (some) hard core raiders as I need to learn the raids still and I know folks doing the end game raids need people 100% up to speed. I'll contact you or an officer ingame.
Thanks for the reply.
'I'm a hunter, I have all the defensive capability of a wet dishrag' - Lothhil
Have you returned to game after a break? Did the new raid pique your interest? Rare Breed is looking for more like minded people to call their kin home.
Are you still recruiting? I’m a fairly new Lotro player who ya spent the past 14 years playing WoW (mostly hardcore raiding and dungeons.) I have since quit WoW and I am looking to make Lotro my new home. I am looking for a fun social guild that likes to enjoy all aspects of the game, most importantly the social stuff. Your original kin description seems like you would be right up my alley! If you are still recruiting, my in game character is Turalyus. Feel free to send me a tell or in game mail. Look forward to hearing from you!
Yes, we are still recruiting.
If you would like to apply please click this link: http://rarebreed.guildlaunch.com/rec...php?gid=233773.
One of our recruiting officers will contact you in game.
Thanks !