Just interested to see what classes are least seen on Anor I really want to give it a go and was planning on playing a few unique choices that aren't majorly popular in the grand scheme. What classes are most and least seen on Anor?
Just interested to see what classes are least seen on Anor I really want to give it a go and was planning on playing a few unique choices that aren't majorly popular in the grand scheme. What classes are most and least seen on Anor?
Darkdozerous - R12 - Defiler
Evildozerous - R8 - Rune-Keeper
If I had to guess and from what I've noticed, I see very few Loremasters and Burglars. You can never go wrong with a Guardian either. As with every MMO out there DPS are generally numerous, especially Hunters and Runekeepers.
I've seen a few LMs, but Burgs have been a rare sighting.
Brandy: Cupcakes of Doom.
Landro: Trueheart Companions.
I would have to agree with Burg being the least played then LM .
Well on the flip side, every time I shoot a warg I have to sort through another 16 hunter's arrows to find mine not to mention the stank of all the minstrel breath. Those folks need to brush!
It does seem that in Moria there are LOTS of people playing any class that can insta cast and tag mobs just because of some of the choke points for mob kill quests.
Last edited by bear1968; Mar 24 2019 at 12:07 PM.
Burglars are by far, the slowest class to level up. Most people choose not to play for this reason.
Hunters are arguably the fastest leveling class. Hunters are the most played from what I've noticed.
Not all who wander are lost.
-Naroldir, Elf Hunter, Crickhollow
There are many hunters, but the fewest play as damagedealer.
That Anor could need :-)
Burgler are not so common, as LM.
I think we see less Minstrels. As we start the Areas were full of them.