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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2018

    Bullroarer Update 24.3 - Preview #1

    Bullroarer has been updated to build 2403.0061.8296.4454.

    Bullroarer will be available until Friday (09/20) 5:00 PM EST. Time is subject to change!

    News and Notes:

    A new race, Stout-axe Dwarf, is available for preview. Meet the lost civilization of Stout-axe Dwarves, and live their story of reemergence.

    • The Elevenses Emote now works more consistently, and food items will disappear if the emote is interrupted.

    • Some stats have been updated on Isengard gear to be more in line with modern values.
    • A new big bumblebee cosmetic pet has been added to the game and is available for Gúlmarks in the Vales of Anduin.
    • A new pig cosmetic pet has been added to the game and is available for Vales - Elf Tokens.

    • Fixed a locomotion issue with Stone-Giants in the Vales of Anduin - Gladdenmere.

    • High Elves now drop Elf-ears.
    • The Monster Play Character Selection screen has been updated with a more modern look.

    Quests and Adventure Areas
    • Corrected an issue that could cause travel vendor mounts to lose their established travel routes.

    • Class selection in the Character Creation screen now shows iconic class-specific armour appearances. The visual change is only for character generation, and does not affect the appearance of starting character armour.
    • Capped Earning Virtue alerts will no longer display on login when all Virtues are capped, and clicking on the alert will open the Virtue Traits panel.
    • When a player joins either a Quest or Instance Grouping Request, a new alert will show with a tooltip that shows a player is interested in grouping. Clicking on the alert will open either the Quest Grouping panel, or the Instance Finder, depending on the group that was joined. Unlike other alerts, this alert will auto-dismiss after 30 seconds.

    • The OpenAL Soft DLL has been updated.
    Last edited by LordOfTheSquids; Sep 18 2019 at 05:02 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2012
    Some stats have been updated on Isengard gear to be more in line with modern values.
    Could we get some clarification here?

    I copied my Ithil lvl caps to BR but all the gear remains the same (ToO sets & jewellery, GR pieces, LIs, even quest rewards and loot from Isen instances).

    Can we get pointed in the right direction??

    On another note, Stout-axes look SO neat! Video was such a tease, can't wait to watch the finished one.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by Laurelinarien View Post
    Could we get some clarification here?

    I copied my Ithil lvl caps to BR but all the gear remains the same (ToO sets & jewellery, GR pieces, LIs, even quest rewards and loot from Isen instances).

    Can we get pointed in the right direction??

    On another note, Stout-axes look SO neat! Video was such a tease, can't wait to watch the finished one.
    There hasn't been a database wipe since the previous rounds of BR - so any characters you copied over then can not be recopied over until the database has been cleared. If you notice in the email you got confirming the transfer it should have said your characters transfer/copy failed.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Hephburz-2 View Post
    There hasn't been a database wipe since the previous rounds of BR - so any characters you copied over then can not be recopied over until the database has been cleared. If you notice in the email you got confirming the transfer it should have said your characters transfer/copy failed.
    I had never copied these before. And the mail says the copy succeeded.

    Greetings, ****!
    Your World Transfer is complete! Below is the information for your transfer on 9/18/2019 6:04:41 PM:

    FROM WORLD: Ithil
    TO WORLD: Bullroarer

    Other details:
    Character copied: Laergwend
    Character copied: Frostbyte

    Also, I went to the NPCs that vendor the gear in Ox camp & Stangard, even checked quests rewards in Dunland. All of them look exactly the same.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by Laurelinarien View Post
    I had never copied these before. And the mail says the copy succeeded.

    Greetings, ****!
    Your World Transfer is complete! Below is the information for your transfer on 9/18/2019 6:04:41 PM:

    FROM WORLD: Ithil
    TO WORLD: Bullroarer

    Other details:
    Character copied: Laergwend
    Character copied: Frostbyte

    Also, I went to the NPCs that vendor the gear in Ox camp & Stangard, even checked quests rewards in Dunland. All of them look exactly the same.
    Sorry, I completely missed what you were asking in your first post. My mistake. In which case, this is probably a bug :P

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2012
    Maybe it's one of those notes that didn't make it into the preview XD

    Would've been nice to get a fix for the ToO Necklaces (i.e.: physical mastery in the purple one is higher than in the teal/gold ones)

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    Hello, The intro was pretty fun for the Stout-Axes but the boss towards the end, if you attack him, you are probably going to die, it was kind of unexpected but, i revived and let the NPCs finish him. About the only negative thing for the intro that i noticed. Some rats were up on top of things like the forge places but its not a major issue cause you probably wont be killing that one lol. When i got out the intro after checking the racial traits next thing i checked was the bare chest, it doesnt work. Will that be implemented for stouts to or stay just dwarfs? Im hoping it will be fixed and become a thing for Stouts. Also the females look the same as the males not sure if thats intended or not lol. The hair and facial stuff is pretty neat tho. Looking forward to see what else is going to be introduced, like the race* change jawn i heard about which guessing that will come later in next preview or 2.
    Last edited by JoRDee; Sep 19 2019 at 01:05 AM.

  8. #8
    cdq1958's Avatar
    cdq1958 is offline Hero Of the Small Folk 2013
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    Quote Originally Posted by JoRDee View Post
    Hello, The intro was pretty fun for the Stout-Axes but the boss towards the end, if you attack him, you are probably going to die, it was kind of unexpected but, i revived and let the NPCs finish him. About the only negative thing for the intro that i noticed. Some rats were up on top of things like the forge places but its not a major issue cause you probably wont be killing that one lol. When i got out the intro after checking the racial traits next thing i checked was the bare chest, it doesnt work. Will that be implemented for stouts to or stay just dwarfs? Im hoping it will be fixed and become a thing for Stouts. Also the females look the same as the males not sure if thats intended or not lol. The hair and facial stuff is pretty neat tho. Looking forward to see what else is going to be introduced, like the class change jawn i heard about which guessing that will come later in next preview or 2.
    Of course the looks should be the same, at least for non-Dwarves. Tolkien said so. Only Dwarf NPCs should have the ability to notice the differences. And yes, Dis was a stretch too far in my opinion.
    "No sadder words of tongue or pen are the words: 'Might have been'." -- John Greenleaf Whittier
    "Do or do not. There is no try." -- Yoda
    On planet Earth, there is a try.
    Indeed, in a world and life full of change, the only constant is human nature (A is A, after all :P).
    We old vets need to keep in mind those who come after us.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2007

    Stoutaxe class traits unavailable from Bobo in E & G

    Class traits for Stout-axe characters of all classes are unavailable from the NPC Bobo in the Eyes & Guard

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Sep 2015
    For those wondering about passives and racials for Stout Axes:



    Skill Tooltips:

    Special Animation:

    When jumping from a reasonable height the stout-axe lands with a "thump" sound and unsettles dust. Pretty cool animation.
    Knight | Captain | Arkenstone

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Apr 2018
    Can someone post the new PVP UI pls
    44 Bulldog

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Oct 2018

    Available Classes?

    Hello could somebody please list what are the available classes for the new dorfs?
    and - can they officially be female??

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by LordOfTheSquids View Post
    Bullroarer has been updated to build 2403.0061.8296.4454.

    • Some stats have been updated on Isengard gear to be more in line with modern values.
    Where? What items have been changed?

    Beorning armour still has exact same stats for all 3 setups. Including In-combat Power Regen and no vitality for the tank-spec.

    The Wyrmscale capes have not been touched, with the Acrobat version having worse critical rating than the Blademaster or Wizard versions (despite all 3 having the same stat slices but for Might / Will / Agility).

    None of the Vermillion, Alabaster or Burnt Scroll recipes got updated.

    A brief look at the instance drops shows that none got changed either.

    The epic drops are the same.


    What 'Isengard' items got changed?
    Last edited by Hallandil; Sep 18 2019 at 09:52 PM.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by cdq1958 View Post
    Of course the looks should be the same, at least for non-Dwarves. Tolkien said so. Only Dwarf NPCs should have the ability to notice the differences. And yes, Dis was a stretch too far in my opinion.
    Tolkien said they are very similar in appearance, however, no suggestion is ever made about them being very similar in personality, so I would expect some style differences with the way they let their hair/beards grow and the clothes that they wear. They probably should have the option to wear makeup as well.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    May 2012
    Dear SSG,

    I really love the hairstyles of this race, there are stunning. However, for facial details, I suggest we should add human branding on their faces due to their enslaved history such as carved mark or iron mark.

    Quote Originally Posted by Caremellio View Post
    Hello could somebody please list what are the available classes for the new dorfs?
    and - can they officially be female??
    I started a post with picture of all classes and both genders in here.
    Unfortunately, as we expected, female dwarves share same appearances with their male partners. SSG used the lore to cover their laziness in this case .
    Wose, Huorn, and Earth Kin are playable races; when will that day come true?

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Mar 2015
    Re: Stoutaxes,

    I like the designs such as they are. However, I would like some long haired options and a couple of more fuller beard options. (I like hairy dwarfs) There were a few things I couldn't get in the tavern. Am I to assume that not all the work has been done on the Stoutaxes, so some options aren't available to test or at least max out the skill/deed etc to test out in world? This is about my third time into the server, so I could easily be getting confused.

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Caremellio View Post
    Hello could somebody please list what are the available classes for the new dorfs?
    and - can they officially be female??
    Classes: Burglar, Champion, Guardian, Hunter, Minstrel, and Rune-Keeper.

    And YES, they can be flagged as either male or female. However, as others have said in the thread, and as expected due to SSG's previous official statements, females use the exact same appearance options as the males.

    Quote Originally Posted by Smapper View Post
    Can someone post the new PVP UI pls
    Shhh. Listen. Listen to the sound of suffering. Resolve to relieve it. Lift others up. Be kind.

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    +1% tactical mitigation would fit better as +1% common mitigation as the race passive for the stouts.

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Absotulety loves new look of Uruk Hai. Intro final boss looks so good, and that details on armor
    Been casual, been farmer, been raider- now farming to be casual raider

    Main- burg Etheliar, and warden- Lilianwyn. Got some alts too eight, or nine.
    Snowy EU

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Apr 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by JoRDee View Post
    Hello, The intro was pretty fun for the Stout-Axes but the boss towards the end, if you attack him, you are probably going to die, it was kind of unexpected but, i revived and let the NPCs finish him. About the only negative thing for the intro that i noticed. Some rats were up on top of things like the forge places but its not a major issue cause you probably wont be killing that one lol. When i got out the intro after checking the racial traits next thing i checked was the bare chest, it doesnt work. Will that be implemented for stouts to or stay just dwarfs? Im hoping it will be fixed and become a thing for Stouts. Also the females look the same as the males not sure if thats intended or not lol. The hair and facial stuff is pretty neat tho. Looking forward to see what else is going to be introduced, like the race* change jawn i heard about which guessing that will come later in next preview or 2.
    NPC can tank him without much problems, if you attack and die, you just don't allow them hold agro.

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by LordOfTheSquids View Post
    • High Elves now drop Elf-ears.
    • The Monster Play Character Selection screen has been updated with a more modern look.
    Although it is nice that you at least patch something regarding PvMP, wouldn´t it be more important to finally make the captains healing mark work again on monster players?

  22. Sep 19 2019, 06:24 AM

  23. Sep 19 2019, 06:28 AM

  24. #22
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Good intro :-)

    * Could use a pop-up right at the start saying how to adjust gamma, for anyone who starts the game with this class
    * It's very odd not being able to hand the quest to become Novice straight away; handing in to someone by you, who then vectors you to Dwalin would be helpful - it took me longer than it should have to work out why my riding skill wouldn't work and for newer players there's other closer quests they are likely to try first before finding Dwalin. Not having Novice can cause quite a few problems.
    * I liked the way we got to speak to Nagli again, but it felt a bit abrupt. Maybe we'll see him later on?
    * Dwarf Burg *grin* I always said they should be in game, given there is a Dwarf Burg npc.
    * I was wondering how you'd get us to EL. Doing the "it's a long story, I must tell you sometime" worked for me.

    On a separate note, what's the 3 blue boxes for on the Character page?
    Last edited by DancesInTrees; Sep 19 2019 at 06:56 AM.
    A vote for Sapience is a vote for progress! Vote today!

  25. #23
    Join Date
    Apr 2015
    Can we please keep ICPR on at least one of the Orthanc set pieces? It is very much a relevant stat for the legendary servers, especially for hunters, whereas mastery is so easy to cap, adding even more does not make much sense.

    And if you guys are looking at updating 75 gear, maybe have a crack at the Great River jewelry sets? The set bonuses are currently way too weak, especially compared to what we had in Lothlorien.

  26. #24
    Join Date
    Aug 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by icefriend View Post
    Can we please keep ICPR on at least one of the Orthanc set pieces? It is very much a relevant stat for the legendary servers, especially for hunters, whereas mastery is so easy to cap, adding even more does not make much sense.

    And if you guys are looking at updating 75 gear, maybe have a crack at the Great River jewelry sets? The set bonuses are currently way too weak, especially compared to what we had in Lothlorien.
    No one's against ICPR in those pieces, problem is ICPR for BEORNINGS :/ :/ Anyone who looked at those would've noticed it was as wrong as a stat can be. Ofc, as Hallandil noted, the other issue is no real tanking spec in the ToO sets because of the uniformed stats across the 3 (not to say "exactly the same"). It happens for all the classes tho.

    Still, I don't think this supposed "Isengard items change" made it into the preview. Maybe next time.

  27. #25
    Join Date
    Apr 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by Laurelinarien View Post
    Still, I don't think this supposed "Isengard items change" made it into the preview. Maybe next time.
    They are in the preview, icpr is gone from the hunter pieces, which is why i made the post.


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