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  1. #26
    Echoweaver's Avatar
    Echoweaver is offline Meddler in the Affairs of Wizards
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    I love reading lore flamewars. I stand by my lore cred, but watching lore masters throwing citations back and forth is both educational and entertaining. From this thread, I've learned that Bilbo is a Fallohide.

    I love the new Bilbo. The look in his eyes is just right. I also agree that the peach fuzz on his chin is an odd choice.
    Anor veteran on Landroval: Ardith and Wensleydale
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  2. #27
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    if they have a beard and swim they can be lm and rk for one more thing

  3. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bakenellan View Post
    In a couple of months we'll have beardless Dwarves (some probably in pink dresses) running all around the world. One bearded hobbit is hardly a disaster or even a compensation We need beards for hobbits!
    We already seen beornings and high elves running around in The Shire. How it can be even more wrong?

  4. #29
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    Dec 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by Echoweaver View Post
    I love the new Bilbo. The look in his eyes is just right. I also agree that the peach fuzz on his chin is an odd choice.
    I like how Bilbo looks too, just not the beard part
    Pontin Level 140 Hobbit Burglar Leader of Second Breakfast Crickhollow Server.
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    Taken many Screenshots of Middle-earth, Also a Moderator of the LotRO Community Discord server

  5. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pontin_Finnberry View Post
    I like how Bilbo looks too, just not the beard part

    A few months ago something happened that occasionally happens with LOTRO: we found something buried in the files from long ago, and nobody could quite remember where it came from. It's so big a game, and has been around for so long now (more than a decade!) that it's basically impossible for any one person to remember everything about it. So what did we find? This art for Bilbo, added to the game years ago by an artist that's gone on to other projects, and no one can remember exactly why the art was made, or why it never got hooked up. It's a great Bilbo... with the one exception that when the artist made his muttonchops, he seems to have gotten a little carried away and kept on adding hair, resulting in a bearded Bilbo that doesn't quite fit. I think it's safe to say we can change it, because otherwise it's a pretty great Bilbo.


  6. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by LabadalofDorlomin View Post
    This thread is hilarious...
    Quote Originally Posted by Wolfhelm View Post
    Almost as amusing as you hinting that people were closet racists for having the temerity to disagree with your opinions on elvish skin tones
    Please explain? I have zero idea what you are talking about!
    ----A casual stroll through the lunatic asylum shows that faith does not prove anything----


  7. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by MadeOfLions View Post

    A few months ago something happened that occasionally happens with LOTRO: we found something buried in the files from long ago, and nobody could quite remember where it came from. It's so big a game, and has been around for so long now (more than a decade!) that it's basically impossible for any one person to remember everything about it. So what did we find? This art for Bilbo, added to the game years ago by an artist that's gone on to other projects, and no one can remember exactly why the art was made, or why it never got hooked up. It's a great Bilbo... with the one exception that when the artist made his muttonchops, he seems to have gotten a little carried away and kept on adding hair, resulting in a bearded Bilbo that doesn't quite fit. I think it's safe to say we can change it, because otherwise it's a pretty great Bilbo.

    It looks great.... put your efforts into important things and leave our Bilbo and his face warmer alone.... he has got a great sea adventure to come and will be all the warmer for keeping it.
    ----A casual stroll through the lunatic asylum shows that faith does not prove anything----


  8. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by MadeOfLions View Post

    A few months ago something happened that occasionally happens with LOTRO: we found something buried in the files from long ago, and nobody could quite remember where it came from. It's so big a game, and has been around for so long now (more than a decade!) that it's basically impossible for any one person to remember everything about it. So what did we find? This art for Bilbo, added to the game years ago by an artist that's gone on to other projects, and no one can remember exactly why the art was made, or why it never got hooked up. It's a great Bilbo... with the one exception that when the artist made his muttonchops, he seems to have gotten a little carried away and kept on adding hair, resulting in a bearded Bilbo that doesn't quite fit. I think it's safe to say we can change it, because otherwise it's a pretty great Bilbo.

    Ah ha interesting, well hopefully he can get shaved soon and look like a shire hobbit again.
    Last edited by Pontin_Finnberry; Sep 23 2019 at 07:10 PM. Reason: typos
    Pontin Level 140 Hobbit Burglar Leader of Second Breakfast Crickhollow Server.
    other classes: Minstrel, Guardian, Captain, Hunter.

    Taken many Screenshots of Middle-earth, Also a Moderator of the LotRO Community Discord server

  9. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arabani View Post
    Right, wich only means that having beard was not the custom among Shire Hobbits. Look at the exact wording and the opositions: Stoors grew , which means they did it intentionally - while other Hobbits decided not to. Says nothing about mustaches, by the way. Only Harfoots were unable to have facial hair by nature, but we can also safely assume that there were marriages between different kind of hobbits over the years and so the curent genetic pool of an average Shire hobbit is somewhere in between.

    As for Bilbo, he is old, very old.
    your right about the marriages since it is well known that the differences between the three hobbit clans/tribes were dull in late 3rd age
    BUT there are some famillys with........ lets say "purest blood" (i dont like this phrase at all, i m using it only to make you understand what i mean).
    Bilbos familly was one of them and we all know(?), that the leaders(thains), of the halflings were fallohide descadents.
    now i m not native english talker but what i understand, and the way i have learned it, grew means something that have the abillity to grow, if it was intentionally,
    the writter should have said that they have a beard or facial hair.
    lotr enthousiast since 1996, over 12 years lotro player, lifetimer, Loyal member of the Spartans Kinship and Subleader, now in Evernight imigrants from Eldar

  10. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by Altair6 View Post
    It's obviously something to do with having possessed a ring of power. Cirdan has a beard and we all know Gandalf has one. Maybe Frodo will grow one eventually. Tho' I doubt Galadriel will.

    Gollum we can dismiss because he was so old that his hair had mostly fallen out. He may have spent many bearded years under the mountain.

    As for Elrond, well, who knows. Does the book say he doesn't have a beard?

    All the dwarves had one, obviously, 'cos dwarves.

    As for the Kings of Men, well, they're wraiths now, so we can't see if they have one or not. (Bet they do tho'.)

    you gave me a good laugh! tks!
    well elves dont grow beards too ,
    which makes me think.....
    hobbits dont grow beards....
    hobbits are having slightly pointed ears....
    i really going against the lore here, telling us that hobbits are a lost branch of men!
    i strongly believe that hobbits are a lost branch of elves :P
    or maybe a race that is completelly unique and has nothing to do with the blood of men!
    eru created the elves and the men,
    aule created the dwarves,
    hobbits are eru's secret weapon to defeat the evil!
    :P :P :P
    lotr enthousiast since 1996, over 12 years lotro player, lifetimer, Loyal member of the Spartans Kinship and Subleader, now in Evernight imigrants from Eldar

  11. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by MadeOfLions View Post

    A few months ago something happened that occasionally happens with LOTRO: we found something buried in the files from long ago, and nobody could quite remember where it came from. It's so big a game, and has been around for so long now (more than a decade!) that it's basically impossible for any one person to remember everything about it. So what did we find? This art for Bilbo, added to the game years ago by an artist that's gone on to other projects, and no one can remember exactly why the art was made, or why it never got hooked up. It's a great Bilbo... with the one exception that when the artist made his muttonchops, he seems to have gotten a little carried away and kept on adding hair, resulting in a bearded Bilbo that doesn't quite fit. I think it's safe to say we can change it, because otherwise it's a pretty great Bilbo.

    yes its a good work just remove some of the hair
    lotr enthousiast since 1996, over 12 years lotro player, lifetimer, Loyal member of the Spartans Kinship and Subleader, now in Evernight imigrants from Eldar

  12. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wolfhelm View Post
    Good, so Tolkien must have meant what he said when he wrote "No Harfoot or Fallohide had any trace of a beard."
    check your private mail mate
    lotr enthousiast since 1996, over 12 years lotro player, lifetimer, Loyal member of the Spartans Kinship and Subleader, now in Evernight imigrants from Eldar

  13. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by MadeOfLions View Post

    A few months ago something happened that occasionally happens with LOTRO: we found something buried in the files from long ago, and nobody could quite remember where it came from. It's so big a game, and has been around for so long now (more than a decade!) that it's basically impossible for any one person to remember everything about it. So what did we find? This art for Bilbo, added to the game years ago by an artist that's gone on to other projects, and no one can remember exactly why the art was made, or why it never got hooked up. It's a great Bilbo... with the one exception that when the artist made his muttonchops, he seems to have gotten a little carried away and kept on adding hair, resulting in a bearded Bilbo that doesn't quite fit. I think it's safe to say we can change it, because otherwise it's a pretty great Bilbo.

    Glad to hear that!
    Come join House of the Heavenly Arch, a Discord server for LGBT Fans of LOTR: https://discord.gg/9QfKMPJ
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  14. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by TharbadThief View Post
    That would actually be debatable. This is as debatable as the existence of 6' tall hobbits .
    When a hobbit and a Numenorean love each other very much...

    Anyhow, yes, it's a fine Bilbo, once he wipes the fuzz off his chin

  15. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by MadeOfLions View Post

    A few months ago something happened that occasionally happens with LOTRO: we found something buried in the files from long ago, and nobody could quite remember where it came from. It's so big a game, and has been around for so long now (more than a decade!) that it's basically impossible for any one person to remember everything about it. So what did we find? This art for Bilbo, added to the game years ago by an artist that's gone on to other projects, and no one can remember exactly why the art was made, or why it never got hooked up. It's a great Bilbo... with the one exception that when the artist made his muttonchops, he seems to have gotten a little carried away and kept on adding hair, resulting in a bearded Bilbo that doesn't quite fit. I think it's safe to say we can change it, because otherwise it's a pretty great Bilbo.


    If we turn the "frill" settings down, will the fuzzy beard disappear?

  16. #41
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    Quote Originally Posted by Starsmith View Post
    When a hobbit and a Numenorean love each other very much...

    Please DON'T give Peter Jackson any more ideas!!

  17. #42
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    Quote Originally Posted by LabadalofDorlomin View Post
    Please explain? I have zero idea what you are talking about!
    It was a case of mistaken identity. Got you mixed up with someone else sorry.
    “If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went.”
    - Will Rogers

  18. #43
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    Quote Originally Posted by MadeOfLions View Post

    A few months ago something happened that occasionally happens with LOTRO: we found something buried in the files from long ago, and nobody could quite remember where it came from. It's so big a game, and has been around for so long now (more than a decade!) that it's basically impossible for any one person to remember everything about it. So what did we find? This art for Bilbo, added to the game years ago by an artist that's gone on to other projects, and no one can remember exactly why the art was made, or why it never got hooked up. It's a great Bilbo... with the one exception that when the artist made his muttonchops, he seems to have gotten a little carried away and kept on adding hair, resulting in a bearded Bilbo that doesn't quite fit. I think it's safe to say we can change it, because otherwise it's a pretty great Bilbo.

    Why not e-mail the artist and find out?

  19. #44
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    Quote Originally Posted by MadeOfLions View Post

    A few months ago something happened that occasionally happens with LOTRO: we found something buried in the files from long ago, and nobody could quite remember where it came from. It's so big a game, and has been around for so long now (more than a decade!) that it's basically impossible for any one person to remember everything about it. So what did we find? This art for Bilbo, added to the game years ago by an artist that's gone on to other projects, and no one can remember exactly why the art was made, or why it never got hooked up. It's a great Bilbo... with the one exception that when the artist made his muttonchops, he seems to have gotten a little carried away and kept on adding hair, resulting in a bearded Bilbo that doesn't quite fit. I think it's safe to say we can change it, because otherwise it's a pretty great Bilbo.

    So, if it was never hooked up, and its been hidden in the game files for years, and its not consistent with the game lore, and there was no problem with the regular Bilbo, why did it get added now?

  20. #45
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wolfhelm View Post
    It was a case of mistaken identity. Got you mixed up with someone else sorry.
    No apology needed ... I just couldn't understand what you meant ..
    ----A casual stroll through the lunatic asylum shows that faith does not prove anything----


  21. #46
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    Quote Originally Posted by Drarin View Post
    So, if it was never hooked up, and its been hidden in the game files for years, and its not consistent with the game lore, and there was no problem with the regular Bilbo, why did it get added now?
    Cause its better looking bilbo? (besides the beard), also cause they like to update the game when/where they can, just like they been doing with other graphics on landscape like they did with bree-land, shire etc.
    Pontin Level 140 Hobbit Burglar Leader of Second Breakfast Crickhollow Server.
    other classes: Minstrel, Guardian, Captain, Hunter.

    Taken many Screenshots of Middle-earth, Also a Moderator of the LotRO Community Discord server

  22. #47
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    Quote Originally Posted by Drarin View Post
    So, if it was never hooked up, and its been hidden in the game files for years, and its not consistent with the game lore, and there was no problem with the regular Bilbo, why did it get added now?

    Yeah, it does seem a little strange that before they implemented the "new and improved" Bilbo NOBODY said, "Um, hold on everyone...this one's got a beard."

    Ah well, I guess we can just be thankful some of them still remember who Bilbo is.

  23. #48
    I love the "new" old Bilbo. <3 And cmon guys, he is really old now! He deserves a grey beard!

  24. #49
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    Quote Originally Posted by Drarin View Post
    So, if it was never hooked up, and its been hidden in the game files for years, and its not consistent with the game lore, and there was no problem with the regular Bilbo, why did it get added now?
    My guess is that despite the art work gone into the new Bilbo (although years ago), it probably wasn't added because it doesn't fit with lore. There had to be some reason why all that work time got wasted by not adding it back then, and I think that may have been it.

    Maybe it got added now and the beard was simply not noticed. I have to be honest, and I didn't notice it until I saw this thread.

    But now it's been raised and everyone knows about it, I see the new Bilbo making a swift trip to the Barber, sometime during the downtime before a near patch.
    Sometimes, no matter how hard you look, there is no best light.

  25. #50
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arnenna View Post
    My guess is that despite the art work gone into the new Bilbo (although years ago), it probably wasn't added because it doesn't fit with lore. There had to be some reason why all that work time got wasted by not adding it back then, and I think that may have been it.

    Maybe it got added now and the beard was simply not noticed. I have to be honest, and I didn't notice it until I saw this thread.

    But now it's been raised and everyone knows about it, I see the new Bilbo making a swift trip to the Barber, sometime during the downtime before a near patch.
    Yeah, servers goes down for four hours just to allow Bilbo visit Barber


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