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Lightning RK is close to being nicely balanced, indeed. I would prefer to see their skill range being made bigger and maybe a slight overall damage increase. They are almost like a melee class currently, but without the mitigations for it.
Fire RK needs a serious buff and should be looked at before lightning. It is not at all useful for questing, small dungeons, raids, PvMP. I think its only purpose currently is to get the trait skills on the top, in order to boost the other two lines and that's it.
Healing RK, in my opinion, is not okay at all. While the numbers are great and seem to be where they need to be, numbers alone are not enough for them to be considered as main healers for hard content. People don't want their high heals, people want someone who can buff or debuff. Out of all the healers, blue RKs deal the least amount of personal damage, have almost no DPS utility for the group, outside of Flurry of Words, a nerfed defensive utility in the form of Our Fates Entwined and a pretty good DNF, which I still think is lesser compared to an on demand in-combat target revivals (I put it on key players, who rarely die and it almost makes me feel that I've wasted it, as I could have used it on a less equipped DPS player, but the risk of losing the main tank or co-healer can lead to a wipe), are pretty immobile and are the squishiest. Even Minstrels have a shield and extra mitigations from their trees.
- Compared to Minstrels, who can buff DPS and provide anthem support, as well as minor debuffs here and there from their cries and ballads. Easier access to AoE healing as well.
- Compared to Beornings, who have vital debuffs, extremely powerful raid wide healing, easy to play, no power management and the best of all, serious (for a healer) personal DPS. With a two handed axe, yellow Beorning's own DPS is quite high and can be considered a mini-DPS player by themselves, helping the group with more than just healing.
I cannot speak for the DPS lines, as I play only Blue, but what I'd like to see as a start is a rework of Flurry of Words. It being one of our only 'support' skills, wouldn't it be amazing if it was a ground targeted spell, like the stones or Captain's banners? I'd like to see it (at least as a Blue tree trait) being an instant cast, ground targeted debuff, with increased duration to at least 20 seconds. Even if they remove its damage component to balance this, I would still use it nonstop, as the 3% added crit chance is very helpful and is a step further for the improved Support for Healing RKs.
I honestly would pay money to see our Frost Spells reworked and made useful, maybe part of the Blue Tree. Thematically, it would fit as well. Yellow is lightning, Red is fire, Blue is ice. We already have a healing 'ice' spell called Rune-sign of Winter. Its added -10% incoming damage buff is also a very nice touch, which I'd love to see added in some form to the other frost spells as well. Maybe rework Essence of Winter to make monsters take extra % Tactical Damage, rather than the 'mostly useless' Power costs debuff?
We once had pretty neat ice spells called Frozen Epilogue and Distracting Winds. I would love to see them being brought back, with slightly reworked or changed effects, to make them compete with the Beorning debuffs or Minstrel buffs. Anything really, which would allow us to get a spot and be an organic and viable addition to a group - for the scenarios where the kinship or pug cannot find either a Beorning or Minstrel. I think all healers, including Blue Captains, should be made viable and able to get the job done, without one class being wanted over the other. That is what I call balance.
I also agree that DNF should be kept as it is for Blue line, as it fits the 'healer' theme, but have increased cooldown for the DPS lines, to allow their damage spells to be buffed more.