I'm also having the same problem that a lot of folks have reported here. So, the initial install went fine, no problems there.
However now that I'm trying to launch the bullroarer version of the game, it says "an update error has occurred: unable to decrypt and deserialize the data downloaded from the server"
I know from prior experiences trying to troubleshoot things that looking at the logs folder can provide insight for the developers and anyone else trying to troubleshoot...So I went to the liberty of copying what was written in the log file
2023.03.15 21:18:24[I] Patcher::Initialize : Licensee: "licensing@daybreakgames.com"
2023.03.15 21:18:24[I] Patcher::Initialize : Licensed Products: "Desktop"
2023.03.15 21:18:24[E] Patcher::LoadHappyCloudLibrary : Happy Cloud regkey not found, response is: 0
2023.03.15 21:18:24[W] LocaleManager::LocateLocalizedResource : Failed to locate resource [ "ButtonFont.en-US.ttf" ]!
2023.03.15 21:18:24[W] LocaleManager::LocateLocalizedResource : Failed to locate resource [ "ButtonFont.en.ttf" ]!
2023.03.15 21:18:24[I] Patcher::Initialize : Current Locale Name: "en_US"
2023.03.15 21:18:24[I] Patcher::Initialize : Current Language: "English"
2023.03.15 21:18:24[I] Patcher::Initialize : Current Country: "UnitedStates"
2023.03.15 21:18:24[I] Patcher::Initialize : Current BPC47 Name: "en-US"
2023.03.15 21:18:24[I] Patcher::Initialize : Setting up RSS Feed Displayer...
2023.03.15 21:18:24[I] Patcher::Initialize : Setting up Ad Viewer...
2023.03.15 21:18:24[W] LocaleManager::LocateLocalizedResource : Failed to locate resource [ "Launcher_en-US.qm" ]!
2023.03.15 21:18:24[W] LocaleManager::LocateLocalizedResource : Failed to locate resource [ "qt_en-US.qm" ]!
2023.03.15 21:18:24[W] LocaleManager::LocateLocalizedResource : Failed to locate resource [ "qt_en.qm" ]!
2023.03.15 21:18:24[W] Data Center URL: QUrl( "http://gls-bullroarer.lotro.com/GLS.DataCenterServer/Service.asmx" )
2023.03.15 21:18:24[W] LocaleManager::LocateLocalizedResource : Failed to locate resource [ "splash_screen_en-US.bmp" ]!
2023.03.15 21:18:25[I] Patcher::changeEvent : Retranslating the UI...
2023.03.15 21:18:25[I] Patcher::DoDownload : Starting content download phase...
2023.03.15 21:18:25[W] "Request fatally failed, reason [Error downloading http://installer.lotro.com/lotro/QA/Caradhras//3300.0065.0826.1038//CEF3/2924/cef_binary_3.2924.1575.g97389a9_windows64/Release/widevinecdmadapter.dll - server replied: Not Found][203] (try:0) [File:widevinecdmadapter.dll.part000001]!"
2023.03.15 21:18:25[W] QFile::remove: Empty or null file name
2023.03.15 21:18:25[W] "Request fatally failed, reason [Error downloading http://installer.lotro.com/lotro/QA/Caradhras//3300.0065.0826.1038//CEF3/2924/cef_binary_3.2924.1575.g97389a9_windows64/Release/d3dcompiler_43.dll - server replied: Not Found][203] (try:0) [File:d3dcompiler_43.dll.part000002]!"
2023.03.15 21:18:25[W] "Request failed, reason [Operation canceled][5] (try:0) [File:d3dcompiler_43.dll.part000001]!"
2023.03.15 21:18:25[W] QCoreApplication::postEvent: Unexpected null receiver
2023.03.15 21:18:25[W] "Request failed, reason [Operation canceled][5] (try:0) [File:d3dcompiler_43.dll.part000003]!"
2023.03.15 21:18:25[W] QCoreApplication::postEvent: Unexpected null receiver
2023.03.15 21:18:25[W] QFile::remove: Empty or null file name
2023.03.15 21:18:25[W] QNetworkReplyImplPrivate::error: Internal problem, this method must only be called once.
2023.03.15 21:18:25[W] QNetworkReplyImplPrivate::error: Internal problem, this method must only be called once.
2023.03.15 21:18:25[W] "Request fatally failed, reason [Error downloading http://installer.lotro.com/lotro/QA/Caradhras//3300.0065.0826.1038//CEF3/2924/cef_binary_3.2924.1575.g97389a9_windows64/Release/natives_blob.bin - server replied: Not Found][203] (try:0) [File:natives_blob.bin.part000001]!"
2023.03.15 21:18:26[W] QFile::remove: Empty or null file name
2023.03.15 21:18:26[W] "Request fatally failed, reason [Error downloading http://installer.lotro.com/lotro/QA/Caradhras//3300.0065.0826.1038//CEF3/2924/cef_binary_3.2924.1575.g97389a9_windows64/Resources/cef_extensions.pak - server replied: Not Found][203] (try:0) [File:cef_extensions.pak.part000001]!"
2023.03.15 21:18:26[W] "Request failed, reason [Operation canceled][5] (try:0) [File:cef_extensions.pak.part000002]!"
2023.03.15 21:18:26[W] QCoreApplication::postEvent: Unexpected null receiver
2023.03.15 21:18:26[W] "Request failed, reason [Operation canceled][5] (try:0) [File:cef_extensions.pak.part000003]!"
2023.03.15 21:18:26[W] QCoreApplication::postEvent: Unexpected null receiver
2023.03.15 21:18:26[W] "Request failed, reason [Operation canceled][5] (try:0) [File:cef_extensions.pak.part000004]!"
2023.03.15 21:18:26[W] QCoreApplication::postEvent: Unexpected null receiver
2023.03.15 21:18:26[W] QFile::remove: Empty or null file name
2023.03.15 21:18:26[W] QNetworkReplyImplPrivate::error: Internal problem, this method must only be called once.
2023.03.15 21:18:26[W] QNetworkReplyImplPrivate::error: Internal problem, this method must only be called once.
2023.03.15 21:18:26[W] QNetworkReplyImplPrivate::error: Internal problem, this method must only be called once.
2023.03.15 21:18:26[W] "Request fatally failed, reason [Error downloading http://installer.lotro.com/lotro/QA/Caradhras//3300.0065.0826.1038//CEF3/2924/cef_binary_3.2924.1575.g97389a9_windows64/Resources/cef.pak - server replied: Not Found][203] (try:0) [File:cef.pak.part000002]!"
2023.03.15 21:18:26[W] "Request failed, reason [Operation canceled][5] (try:0) [File:cef.pak.part000001]!"
2023.03.15 21:18:26[W] QCoreApplication::postEvent: Unexpected null receiver
2023.03.15 21:18:26[W] "Request failed, reason [Operation canceled][5] (try:0) [File:cef.pak.part000003]!"
2023.03.15 21:18:26[W] QCoreApplication::postEvent: Unexpected null receiver
2023.03.15 21:18:26[W] "Request failed, reason [Operation canceled][5] (try:0) [File:cef.pak.part000004]!"
2023.03.15 21:18:26[W] QCoreApplication::postEvent: Unexpected null receiver
2023.03.15 21:18:26[W] "Request failed, reason [Operation canceled][5] (try:0) [File:cef.pak.part000005]!"
2023.03.15 21:18:26[W] QCoreApplication::postEvent: Unexpected null receiver
2023.03.15 21:18:26[W] "Request failed, reason [Operation canceled][5] (try:0) [File:cef.pak.part000006]!"
2023.03.15 21:18:26[W] QCoreApplication::postEvent: Unexpected null receiver
2023.03.15 21:18:26[W] "Request failed, reason [Operation canceled][5] (try:0) [File:cef.pak.part000007]!"
2023.03.15 21:18:26[W] QCoreApplication::postEvent: Unexpected null receiver
2023.03.15 21:18:26[W] QFile::remove: Empty or null file name
2023.03.15 21:18:26[W] QNetworkReplyImplPrivate::error: Internal problem, this method must only be called once.
2023.03.15 21:18:26[W] QNetworkReplyImplPrivate::error: Internal problem, this method must only be called once.
2023.03.15 21:18:26[W] QNetworkReplyImplPrivate::error: Internal problem, this method must only be called once.
2023.03.15 21:18:26[W] QNetworkReplyImplPrivate::error: Internal problem, this method must only be called once.
2023.03.15 21:18:26[W] QNetworkReplyImplPrivate::error: Internal problem, this method must only be called once.
2023.03.15 21:18:26[W] "Request fatally failed, reason [Error downloading http://installer.lotro.com/lotro/QA/Caradhras//3300.0065.0826.1038//CEF3/2924/cef_binary_3.2924.1575.g97389a9_windows64/Resources/cef_100_percent.pak - server replied: Not Found][203] (try:0) [File:cef_100_percent.pak.part000001]!"
2023.03.15 21:18:26[W] QFile::remove: Empty or null file name
2023.03.15 21:18:26[W] "Request fatally failed, reason [Error downloading http://installer.lotro.com/lotro/QA/Caradhras//3300.0065.0826.1038//CEF3/2924/cef_binary_3.2924.1575.g97389a9_windows64/Resources/cef_200_percent.pak - server replied: Not Found][203] (try:0) [File:cef_200_percent.pak.part000001]!"
2023.03.15 21:18:26[W] QFile::remove: Empty or null file name
2023.03.15 21:18:26[I] Patcher::DoRawDownload : Starting raw content download phase...
2023.03.15 21:18:26[I] NeedDirectXSetup : Need DirectX setup? false
2023.03.15 21:18:26[I] RawDownloadFlow::RetrievePrereqs_Continue : ---FileName: "vcredist_x86.exe"
2023.03.15 21:18:26[I] RawDownloadFlow::RetrievePrereqs_Continue : product code found, so assume it's installed
2023.03.15 21:18:26[I] RawDownloadFlow::RetrievePrereqs_Continue : ---FileName: "vcredist_x86.exe"
2023.03.15 21:18:26[I] RawDownloadFlow::RetrievePrereqs_Continue : product code found, so assume it's installed
2023.03.15 21:18:26[I] RawDownloadFlow::RetrievePrereqs_Continue : ---FileName: "vcredist_x64.exe"
2023.03.15 21:18:26[I] RawDownloadFlow::RetrievePrereqs_Continue : product code found, so assume it's installed
2023.03.15 21:18:26[I] RawDownloadFlow::RetrievePrereqs_Continue : ---FileName: "VC_redist.x86.exe"
2023.03.15 21:18:26[I] RawDownloadFlow::RetrievePrereqs_Continue : marker file exists, assume product is installed.
2023.03.15 21:18:26[I] RawDownloadFlow::RetrievePrereqs_Continue : ---FileName: "VC_redist.x64.exe"
2023.03.15 21:18:26[I] RawDownloadFlow::RetrievePrereqs_Continue : marker file exists, assume product is installed.
2023.03.15 21:18:26[I] Patcher::Go : Start up the connection "thread"
2023.03.15 21:18:29[C]
2023.03.15 21:18:29[C] PatchFlow::AdmitFailure
2023.03.15 21:18:29[C] PatchFlow::AdmitFailure [ "Unable to decrypt and de-serialize the data downloaded from the server." ]
2023.03.15 21:18:29[E] Patcher::OnPatchingFailed : Error msg: "Unable to decrypt and de-serialize the data downloaded from the server."
2023.03.15 21:19:29[I] Patcher::Go : Start up the connection "thread"
2023.03.15 21:19:29[W] PatchFlow::OnDataCenterUpdated - InitPatchClient failure - strError: ""
2023.03.15 21:19:29[C]
2023.03.15 21:19:29[C] PatchFlow::AdmitFailure
2023.03.15 21:19:29[C] PatchFlow::AdmitFailure [ "" ]
2023.03.15 21:19:29[E] Patcher::OnPatchingFailed : Error msg: ""
2023.03.15 21:20:29[I] Patcher::Go : Start up the connection "thread"
2023.03.15 21:20:31[C]
2023.03.15 21:20:31[C] PatchFlow::AdmitFailure
2023.03.15 21:20:31[C] PatchFlow::AdmitFailure [ "Unable to decrypt and de-serialize the data downloaded from the server." ]
2023.03.15 21:20:31[E] Patcher::OnPatchingFailed : Error msg: "Unable to decrypt and de-serialize the data downloaded from the server."
To my knowledge I'm fairly certain the preview server is still live, and I was able to use the copy tool on the live client to copy over 2 of my characters; however I'm still scratching my head trying to figure out why this isn't working. I've admittedly not played on Bullroarer on this specific computer before (current computer is less than a year old) but I've done various betas before and up until now, never had a problem. If someone has ideas on how to fix it or whatnot...I'd appreciate it (also willing to discuss the issue via email or whatever if here is not the most appropriate)