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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2009

    Move lotro folder out of My Documents?

    Is it possible to move the LOTRO folder to another default location (instead of My Documents)?

    Apologize if this question posted and answered before; could not find it in forums.

    Thanks in advance for any replies.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2011

    Re: Move lotro folder out of My Documents?

    Well, why?

    The LOTRO folder in your My Documents folder is for settings and screenshots. It's very small.
    A spaceship from another star / They ask me where all the people are
    I tell them I'm the only one / There was a war, but I must have won

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2007

    Re: Move lotro folder out of My Documents?

    More than that... the folder in My Documents contains the stuff you'd want to back up and move to a new machine when you get one. The bulk of LotRO is installed somewhere under Program Files.
    <<Insert clever sig here>>

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2011

    Re: Move lotro folder out of My Documents?

    its not possible to move the "the lord of the rings online" folder out of my documents, the location is hard coded into lotro and can not be changed. the only option to move the lotro folder is to move the whole of my documents to another location but even then the "the lord of the rings online" folder will remain in my documents
    Blissfully smoking pipe-weed together on Snowbourn since 14/04/07
    spend all day smoking pipeweed and dreaming of gold

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2007

    Re: Move lotro folder out of My Documents?

    Quote Originally Posted by Nakiami View Post
    Well, why?
    Well, I'm not sure if the OP has the same reason as I do, but it used to really bug me when programs put their data into "My Documents" instead of into "Application Data" where it belongs. I wanted a folder in which to put my own documents, and I don't like other applications taking over my area.

    Eventually I gave up on trying to keep "My Documents" for actually being my documents, and made a subfolder under "My Documents" with my own name as the folder name. Now I use that to put my own documents into. I've added a desktop shortcut to that subfolder and removed the desktop shortcut to "My Documents" and I mostly ignore that the badly named parent folder exists, except when I want to get into the application settings that end up there.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2009

    Re: Move lotro folder out of My Documents?

    Thanks for (helpful) replies. Yes 'tis true *I* prefer to choose which folders show up (and clutter) in "My Documents", as opposed to allowing Programs to do so.

    Given there doesn't seem to be a way to redirect lotro from My Documents, there seems to be an acceptable workaround: mark lotro folder "hidden" and voila. Game seems to run fine. Just sharing that in case others may wish to do the same.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2011

    Re: Move lotro folder out of My Documents?

    Quote Originally Posted by vonvoorg View Post
    Given there doesn't seem to be a way to redirect lotro from My Documents, there seems to be an acceptable workaround: mark lotro folder "hidden" and voila. Game seems to run fine. Just sharing that in case others may wish to do the same.
    setting a folder hidden afaik is just cosmetic, if it prevents lotro from writing or reading to the "the lord of the rings online" folder (which i dont think it will) then you will have to manualy re-set all your ingame display settings every time you start lotro and lotro will most likley crash when you exit

    just checked the lore book for lotro flash boost and ther emay be away arround moving the lotro folder from my docs, if you realy want to move the lotro folder, you may want to investigate symbolic or junction links which i believe can be used to create a kind of forwarding of a folder or file to another location much like lotro flash boost does
    Last edited by Finglonger_UK; May 03 2012 at 07:50 AM.
    Blissfully smoking pipe-weed together on Snowbourn since 14/04/07
    spend all day smoking pipeweed and dreaming of gold

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2010

    Re: Move lotro folder out of My Documents?

    Well, if you´re having capacity problems on your OS drive/partition, you could also move your "MyDocuments" folder to a bigger drive.

    To do that :

    click on "start", then on your <accountname>(im using w7), it will open a new window, find "My Documents" and right click on it -> properties, switch to the location tab and change here the location for the new "My Documents", it will start a copy process to the new location.

    I did this once, and never had to backup anything in case of a bad "virulence". Have the folder on D: and was the best "w7 trick" in years!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2013
    [QUOTE=entername;6149731]Well, if you´re having capacity problems on your OS drive/partition, you could also move your "MyDocuments" folder to a bigger drive.

    I would like to move the folder too but it's not the space that's my problem.
    Since 'UserPreferences.ini' is in MyDocuments, and I have and SSD drive and a Hard Drive on this pc, the game loads the user data using the Hard Drive, not the SSD, even though it is installed on the SSD. I would like it to load everything from the SSD for better performance, but I don't need the MyDocuments folder to be on the SSD too.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Lamulfa View Post
    Since 'UserPreferences.ini' is in MyDocuments, and I have and SSD drive and a Hard Drive on this pc, the game loads the user data using the Hard Drive, not the SSD, even though it is installed on the SSD. I would like it to load everything from the SSD for better performance, but I don't need the MyDocuments folder to be on the SSD too.
    It will not make any difference to performance. The MyDocuments is not used when you are playing the game unless you:

    1) You change your settings. Performance is not an issue. You playing with UI panels.

    2) You take a screen shot. The vast majority of the performance hit will be common cost of preparing and writing the screenshot. Again you stop playing in order to do the screenshot. I do not see how this would impact.

    Mostly it is used during game startup, character logout, character login and character esit. These files are extremely small. You will never notice the performance difference. What causes the disk drives to beat themselves to death is:

    1) Loading all the art work in Program files directory to the cache. Artwork will be continuously loaded and unloaded as you play the game and move about. You got the game assets on an SSD. You are good here.

    Ultimately the issue is that putting these files on a SSD versus a hard disk might cut the time 50%. Going from 2 milliseconds to 1 milliseconds. Does not do anything. Got a 2 minute character loading time on your magnetic disk. Cut that 50% to 1 minute via a SSD. That is worthy improvement.

    I do get that some people want to move this data for organizational issues. It is unfortunate it is not allowed. Most games work this way. There is a hard coded save file location. In the old days there was a save subdirectory withing the application structure in program. These days My Documents is very popular because many people back up My Documents. All operating systems do not have an application directory. To make it simple the creators of the application use My Documents because they know it is there.
    Last edited by Yula_the_Mighty; Jul 28 2014 at 11:36 AM.
    Unless stated otherwise, all content in this post is My Personal Opinion.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Kind of necro posting, I know, but since there's already a thread about the subject I might just as well use it.

    My reason for not wanting the LOTRO settings in the Documents folder is simply that I use Onedrives function to redirect, backup and sync the Documents folder between computers. And I have LOTRO installed on several computers with different hardware and it doesn't work well with the same settings. I appreciate that the plugins, ui settings and so on are synchronized between the computers but not the hardware dependent settings, they should be stored elsewhere or get different names for different computers.

    What makes matter even worse is that I sometimes need to log in on both computers, for example inviting a new alt into the kin (got a personal kin as well as a public one) so it's not just as simple as copy the settings and copy them back for the pc I'm using since I can be using them both at the same time.

    Anyone got a solution for this problem? Maybe it is possible to not sync (backup) a certain file in Onedrive?

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jul 2020
    Quote Originally Posted by Giron View Post
    Kind of necro posting, I know, but since there's already a thread about the subject I might just as well use it.

    My reason for not wanting the LOTRO settings in the Documents folder is simply that I use Onedrives function to redirect, backup and sync the Documents folder between computers. And I have LOTRO installed on several computers with different hardware and it doesn't work well with the same settings. I appreciate that the plugins, ui settings and so on are synchronized between the computers but not the hardware dependent settings, they should be stored elsewhere or get different names for different computers.

    What makes matter even worse is that I sometimes need to log in on both computers, for example inviting a new alt into the kin (got a personal kin as well as a public one) so it's not just as simple as copy the settings and copy them back for the pc I'm using since I can be using them both at the same time.

    Anyone got a solution for this problem? Maybe it is possible to not sync (backup) a certain file in Onedrive?
    You might try the procedure described by Reddit user "Not_So_Calm" found here:
    As that thread explains, however, there is no simple solution if you are using OneDrive. There are other cloud services which make excluding specific files or folders quite easy.



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