My current count of decorated houses is 30, all on Gladden server. I would like to know what folks think about them, but I can hardly expect anyone to want to spend the time looking at all of them. That being said, I am listing my current houses here in the hopes some might want to see some of them. I like to call the decorating style I employ "A Slice of Life", meaning I try to decorate houses that look lived in.
1 High Road, Dartdell – Bree-land Homesteads (Kinship House built on the ruins of an Arnorian outpost. One of my very favorite projects)
6 Chestnut Street, Dartdell – Bree-land Homesteads (Bakery/Crafting house)
Tol Falthui, Duvendor – Belfalas Homesteads ('Gondors Best' Kinship Island)
7 Bay Road, Duvendor – Belfalas Homesteads (Gondorian Summer Home)
'Walkers Under the Star" Kinship Estates (8 houses that comprise a single estate)
1 - 7 Fairwood Lane, Eryn-E-Moth – Falathlorn Homesteads (Kinship house. Guest house, Library, Stables, Art Studio, Crafting Hall, Barracks)
6 Waterbank Road, Eryn-E-Moth – Falathlorn Homesteads (House of Meditation)
3 Brookbank Street, Ewefields - Shire Homestead (Stable)
4 Brookbank Street, Ewefields – Shire Homesteads ('The Under the Hill Gang' Kinship House)
6 Harrow Road, Ewefields – Shire Homesteads (The Stumble Inn - Bed & Breakfast)
1 Brookbank Street, Ewefields – Shire Homesteads (The Hungry Hobbit - Eatery)