Build 2 is a vast improvement for Burglar. Thank you! FB/DES is as it should be and I no longer run out of power in ~35s. I was able to make it through a parse without using a power pot.
DPS Brawler needs some more fine tuning. If I run my old rotation with most setup buffs being dex I run out of power in 35-40s. I CAN use more low strike buffs to build power but it comes at a far too steep cost to dps. I went from 500k average parses on live to 450k average parses on BR. I actually kind of like the feel of combat with watching power ebb and flow based on builder decisions but I HATE that it is costing me dps on a class that already struggles to be relevant in that role. I think you need to decrease the costs of skills across the board for this class. If you got the alternate route of raising the power restore on low strike buff it would leave us with some wild power swings of going from oop to full and back. Alternatively you could increase the dps of some other skills to compensate for less dex buff uses? Either way, something needs to be adjusted.
Also, as on live, Battle Fury still does nothing but give you 3 mettle. Battle flow tooltip % does not change. Skill damage tooltips do not change. Is this ever going to be fixed?