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  1. #1

    Shrew Stomping Boots not working?

    So...not my 1st year of playing, So well aware of how to drag it to skill slot and use it.

    We good? We past that part? Good? You Sure?

    Lets move on...

    So, Day 1 of event, I manage to murder 10 shrews. All is right with the world... till it wasn't.

    Then the boot skill stopped working.. Chat is showing people murdering them no issue.. Shrew event ends.

    Later after few quests, I rejoin event, and boot no longer work. All Character I've taken in there, they do not work anymore.

    Closed game out, and went back in.. still present issue.

    Boots have red outline, and wont lock on a target (both skill bar and quest clicky don't work)

    Day 2. Same thing, Cept now the Boots don't have red outline. But clicking them just makes me walk up to a shrew. And nothing...

    Kill feed is basically same 1-2 people stomping 5+ at a time.. starting to think something is not right. I just had arena with 1 other, they stomped everything... 1 by 1.. I couldnt kill any of them.

    World Chat is to busy making grandma boot jokes to even attempt to help. Or..well like most of world chat ignoring any questions and talking about naru runs..

    I'm not leaving quest area ether..
    Capcom Stalker...
    English is not my 1st Language... So shhhh!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    Silly question maybe but are you picking up new boots each time?

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by ItaOperor View Post
    Silly question maybe but are you picking up new boots each time?
    Yep =/
    Capcom Stalker...
    English is not my 1st Language... So shhhh!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    Simple fix. After you stomp 10 shrews, go turn in, BEFORE, event ends.

    BTW the event is on a timer, so if you fail, which you did, you can't do it again right away.
    "I never feed trolls and I don't read spam" - Weird Al Yankovic

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Follow up to the 2nd post, Are you removing the previous boots from your hot bar and slotting the new boots to the hot bar? Some usable items from events will remain in your hot bars even though the item no longer exists. So you have to slot the new item (boot) before every game, making sure you remove the previous pair from the hot bar.
    Footman Ryvick DonHuntstead 120 Guardian

    Officer of Baruk Khazad

    Arkenstone Server

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2019
    You will need to slot the boots everytime you have:-

    1) Opened a bag.
    2) Logged Out.
    3) Dragged your greyed out boot icon of your hotbar.

    If you don't do any of the above, your hotkey that your boots are bound to should work every round.
    (As long as you've picked up the quest and interacted with the boot crate again).



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