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  1. #1

    Hidden Nuggets we see all the time...

    I was just wandering what little, hidden nuggets from the books and lore players have found within the game, like something an NPC says, or a shingle hanging on an unused building. Perhaps someone has spotted something done in the tunnels or mines that caught their eye. Post them here so we can all enjoy them.

    As an example, I'll start with a very obvious one that we all see every time we login, but I'll bet, many never caught the tie-in to the books. A few weeks ago, while deep in thought and kinda staring at the screen (scary huh), I read the following words and something clicked. I thought to myself, "Why does that look so familiar?", and then it hit me...

    Directly below the login in the Launcher is the message center, where we always see the following :

    Click, friend, and enter.

    Jul 03, 2007 15:15 EST
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    Notice that heading? - Click, friend, and Enter. Simple, but actually taken from a very important part in the Fellowship's Journey - the Elven moon-runes over the door to The Mines of Moria. The phrase was at first misinterpretted by Gandalf, but he eventually hit upon his mistake and they gained access just in the nick of time (the movie erroneously has Frodo catching Gandalf's mistake)... the phrase to open the door was 'say, friend, and enter'.

    So has anyone else spotted little golden nuggets like this elsewhere?
    Last edited by Adder; Jul 27 2007 at 10:30 AM.
    [CENTER][FONT=Book Antiqua][B][SIZE=4][I][COLOR=orange]Adder[/COLOR][/I][/SIZE][/B][/FONT][/CENTER]
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  2. #2
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    Re: Hidden Nuggets we see all the time...

    I've experienced none myself, however I have heard of some Evendim quests referring directly to Tolkien. This would include a quest where you must find a little toy dog on the beach. I don't remember exactly how it went, but Tolkien (or family) lost a little toy dog in the sand also.

    Appreciated if someone could fix what I said, and make it correct. I don't know the exact information, but do know something similar exists .
    [CENTER][FONT=Tahoma][SIZE=2][COLOR=green][COLOR=green][B][COLOR=royalblue]- Windfola - [COLOR=deepskyblue]House of Blackrock[/COLOR] - Founder -[/COLOR][/B][/COLOR][/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][/CENTER]
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  3. #3
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    Re: Hidden Nuggets we see all the time...

    I never considered the Click etc to be hidden, it's just obvious marketing. They know their target demographic.
    Founder/Lifetime Subscriber

  4. #4
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    Talking Re: Hidden Nuggets we see all the time...

    The other day I was running past Bag End and fell off the side of a small "cliff" and into a little pond. I wondered why I had never seen that pond before, and then realized it was the "watering hole" that Sam had talked about himself swimming in with Rose Cotton and her brothers. It was really cute how they added it in. Very obscure, but it was still there.

  5. #5

    Re: Hidden Nuggets we see all the time...

    Quote Originally Posted by Shianjin View Post
    I've experienced none myself, however I have heard of some Evendim quests referring directly to Tolkien. This would include a quest where you must find a little toy dog on the beach. I don't remember exactly how it went, but Tolkien (or family) lost a little toy dog in the sand also.

    Appreciated if someone could fix what I said, and make it correct. I don't know the exact information, but do know something similar exists .
    I've seen a few posts about this but don't remember the particulars.

    Quote Originally Posted by forlorn_hope View Post
    I never considered the Click etc to be hidden, it's just obvious marketing. They know their target demographic.
    I didn't really mean that that particular nugget was hidden, it is obviously right there in front of us at each login, yet how many actually caught it or know where it comes from.

    Quote Originally Posted by Chrysoprase View Post
    The other day I was running past Bag End and fell off the side of a small "cliff" and into a little pond. I wondered why I had never seen that pond before, and then realized it was the "watering hole" that Sam had talked about himself swimming in with Rose Cotton and her brothers. It was really cute how they added it in. Very obscure, but it was still there.
    THAT's what I'm talking about! Thanks Chrysoprase.
    [CENTER][FONT=Book Antiqua][B][SIZE=4][I][COLOR=orange]Adder[/COLOR][/I][/SIZE][/B][/FONT][/CENTER]
    [CENTER][COLOR=orange][URL="http://forums.lotro.com/showthread.php?t=80048"][COLOR=orange][FONT=Book Antiqua][B]Hidden Nuggets we see all the time...[/B] [/FONT][/COLOR][/URL][/COLOR][FONT=Book Antiqua][COLOR=lemonchiffon]- Hall of Fame Forum[/COLOR][/FONT][/CENTER]
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  6. #6
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    Re: Hidden Nuggets we see all the time...

    Adder I'd be more suprised that people don't know where it comes from. I mean it was even in the movie! Or was it? hmm...

    /me watches Fellowship again just to make sure.
    Mad Bombar - Dwarf Minstrel on Elindilmir

  7. #7
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    Re: Hidden Nuggets we see all the time...

    There are some characters that show up in the Lone Lands in your 30's, won't mention which one just REALLY made me gush, but when I saw the character I knew immediately who it was and was giddy ( was in closed beta ). It's a pretty obscure character that if you've just read the Hobbit and the Trilogy you may not know who it is or how awesome it was to see them.

    There's also three large trolls that are turned to stone around a campfire in the Trollshaws. It's kind of expected I suppose, but it's kinda out of the way from the quest routes and I loved finding it.

  8. #8
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    Re: Hidden Nuggets we see all the time...

    Theres a hobbit quest where a hobbit says he sneaked on a cart. This cart holding pipe weed was then taken far away by some brigands to a strange place with a huge tower in it and they talked to an old scary man whom they referred to as sharkey. (The hobbit ended up in Isengard and saw Saruman and shows how some of the shire pipe weed ended up in Isengard)

    On the test server Roheryn theres a secret tavern where you could insta lvl your test character. The tavern is called the Eyes and Guard (Isengard) tarvern.

    Most enemies North of Breetown serve Angmar while most enemies south of Breetown serve Isengard and in some quests you see some interfaction rivalry.

    The statues in Thorins gate during the intro are changed when you enter Thorins gate in the persistent world.

    You see Gandalf telling Thorin he'll get a "burglar" for the quest they're on in the dwarf intro.

    All of the lands in the game are physically connected to one and other with no load screens between them except for Ered Luin which is isolated.

  9. #9
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    Re: Hidden Nuggets we see all the time...

    Ered Luin connects with the Shire.

  10. #10
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    Re: Hidden Nuggets we see all the time...

    I stumbled upon Bilbo's three trolls completely by accident as I was running away from actual trolls up in the Trollshaws. It completely made my day- I'll have to go back to the area and see them again.

    The fact that there are giants, which are only briefly mentioned in the Hobbit, is completely awesome.

    When I first saw Harry Goatleaf, I gushed. Also when I saw Bill Ferny's house, also gushed.

    The Forsaken Inn- SO glad they added it in, despite the fact that it is only mentioned once within the whole trilogy. It really shows that they were paying attention to the book.

    I also saw the brigands talking about "Sharkey"- completely made my day. Sharkey!

    RIP ELENDILMIR • Jingle Jangle
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  11. #11
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    Re: Hidden Nuggets we see all the time...

    This thread has completely made my day.

  12. #12
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    Re: Hidden Nuggets we see all the time...

    I remember there being a half-starved pony in Bree. I thought it was Bill Ferny's pony, but I haven't re-read the books since I started playing the game so my memory is a little fuzzy on the details.
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  13. #13
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    Re: Hidden Nuggets we see all the time...

    There are several NPCs that make reference to the mayor of Michel Delving and his new nickname Flour Dumpling (directly from the books). IIRC the town hole's ceiling collapsed and he got covered in dust and is a bit rotund, hence Flour Dumpling.

    The camp where Frodo & Sam run into Gildor Inglorion is just south west of Woodhall.

    As a matter of fact, just about all the taverns and other locations in the Shire are right where they are supposed to be from the book. Lots of Shire NPCs (Ted Sandyman, Gaffer Gamgee, Famer Maggot) are straight from the books.

    The little camp at the foot of Weathertop where Strider and the Hobbits faced off against the Nazgul is right where it should be, complete with the little woodpile that Strider mentions was left there by his Dunedain kindred.

    I could just go on and on...obviously they gave great attention to the books when they crafted the world, and they really nailed it.
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  14. #14
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    Re: Hidden Nuggets we see all the time...

    Then they drank once round and became mighty merry all of a sudden. But they did not quite lose their wits. "Save us, Galion!" cried some, "you began your feasting early and muddled your wits!"

    From The Hobbit, Chapter 9.

    As you guys may know, one of the status effects of drinking can be "You've muddled your wits!" or something along those lines.

  15. #15
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    Re: Hidden Nuggets we see all the time...

    There's a bonfire on the west side of the Ford of Bruinen. That's the bonfire Glorfindel started in order to scare the Nazgul.

  16. #16

    Re: Hidden Nuggets we see all the time...

    Quote Originally Posted by Berephon View Post
    This thread has completely made my day.
    Happy to have put a smile on yer face Berephon. It's these little things that make the world of Middle Earth in LOTRO 'feel' right. Thanks.

    These are great folks! Keep them coming.
    [CENTER][FONT=Book Antiqua][B][SIZE=4][I][COLOR=orange]Adder[/COLOR][/I][/SIZE][/B][/FONT][/CENTER]
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  17. #17
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    Re: Hidden Nuggets we see all the time...

    I didn't know about many of these mentioned locations that others are mentioning, either- I really am going to have to take my character out for a world tour today and check out all of these places!

    RIP ELENDILMIR • Jingle Jangle
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  18. #18
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    Re: Hidden Nuggets we see all the time...

    Quote Originally Posted by Laire View Post
    The fact that there are giants, which are only briefly mentioned in the Hobbit, is completely awesome.
    Actually, they're mentioned in the Fellowship as well...when the Fellowship is trying to cross the Misty Mountains before they turn back in favor of Moria, they talk of giants.
    'Cure your baldness with needles of ink stabbing you in your brain.' - Foamy The Squirrel

  19. #19
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    Re: Hidden Nuggets we see all the time...

    Quote Originally Posted by Bonzoso21 View Post
    Ered Luin connects with the Shire.
    Actually, no...that's why there is a loading screen when you pass. There's a chunk of land missing which will hopefully be added later.

  20. #20
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    Re: Hidden Nuggets we see all the time...

    Quote Originally Posted by Beowulfe View Post
    Actually, they're mentioned in the Fellowship as well...when the Fellowship is trying to cross the Misty Mountains before they turn back in favor of Moria, they talk of giants.
    Truly? It's been a long while since I've read FOTR completely instead of select chapters- I'll keep a look for that passage the next time I read it! *g*

    RIP ELENDILMIR • Jingle Jangle
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  21. #21
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    Re: Hidden Nuggets we see all the time...

    I haven't rolled a Dwarf in a long time (since closed beta) but I recall when you started as Dwarf you were dropped into The game not far from Gandalf and a dwarf (perhaps Gloin?) and the tail of the conversation is gandalf being told he should have chosen a better burglar.

    A nice reference to Bilbo's role in the Hobbit, and there are references later when Bilbo is referenced by Dwarves.

  22. #22
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    Re: Hidden Nuggets we see all the time...

    And don't forget The Inklings meeting in a back room of the Bird and Baby Tavern, and Ronald Dwale of Dwaling, who can't make it to the meeting.
    Alasse: lore-master 100 on Landroval, plus alts of every other class

  23. #23
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    Re: Hidden Nuggets we see all the time...

    Quote Originally Posted by raccoon_king View Post
    There's a bonfire on the west side of the Ford of Bruinen. That's the bonfire Glorfindel started in order to scare the Nazgul.
    AH! So that's why that's there! I always thought it was a troll bonfire that was missing its trolls. There are so many tidbits from the books that I've forgotten. I need to reread them one of these days.
    Arda Shrugged : Elendilmir (RIP) -> Arkenstone -> Anor (RIP) -> Landroval -> Treebeard

  24. Jul 27 2007, 11:24 AM

  25. #24
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    Re: Hidden Nuggets we see all the time...

    * Shire Post Quests--there is a sentence in the beginning of Fellowship of the Rings mentioning that the postman was recruiting extra help for post services.
    * Horse Quest--Quest mentions someone having come up from Rohan and that the King there had fallen ill. (Glimpses into Saruman's influence over Theoden)
    * Though not positive, I thought I heard one of the White Hand Orcs growl, "Saruman."
    * The rows of Hobbit houses on the hill over the Prancing Pony, just like mentioned in the book.
    * The flower deed in the Old Forest--that was one of the most touching moments in the game, finding out the fate of the Entwives, with the possiblity that they could return.
    I know now what Gwindeth sought of me in the watery darkness, and I am prepared to give it. Elendil was a wiser man than I -- Aragorn

  26. #25
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    Re: Hidden Nuggets we see all the time...

    Quote Originally Posted by Bonzoso21 View Post
    Ered Luin connects with the Shire.
    Actually Ered Luin does not connect to the Shire. There is a missing region between Ered Luin and the Shire, hence the loading screen and the portal.


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