Fell deeds awake; fire and slaughter!
LOTROcalypse: a blog about LOTRO's features and systems. http://lotrocalypse.blogspot.com/
Scenario > all
[color=red]Razaele[/color] (55 Champion, Man) | [color=red]Suttros[/color] (24 Runekeeper, Elf) | [color=red]Kolton[/color] (24 Captain, Man)
[B][COLOR=Blue][URL="http://www.oldtimersguild.com/"][U]Old Timers Guild of Gladden[/U][/URL][/COLOR][/B]
[B][COLOR=Blue] [COLOR=DarkRed]Naed[/COLOR] - [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]Naedric[/COLOR] - [COLOR=DarkGreen]Naedly[/COLOR] - [COLOR=Orange]Naedz[/COLOR][/COLOR][/B]
[B][COLOR=Blue] ...you get the pattern [/COLOR][/B]
Looks great... I love the auroras.
Wasn't there a thread a while back complaining about no pink dye? Looks like that dwarf stole it all to decorate his war-mammoth. Those are definitely not colours I was expecting to see
Elendilmir - Saie 96 Minnie, R10 | Sailas 88 LM, R5 | Sailos 88 Champ
Windfola - Sail 88 Cappie, R7 | Sailas 88 Hunter, R7
Interesting design and I love the weather effects (would like to see that realized in other climates). But I am concerned with so much of the lotr world waiting to be designed and the multitude of rings fans who play the game to be immersed in rings lore why Turbine would be so bent on veering off the path. I'm sure lots of hard work went into Forochel but it seems more of what Turbine wanted instead of what your customers are waiting patiently for. Sorry to rain on your achievements but it's just my lowly opinion anyway.
I wouldn't consider it a "lowly" opinion, Baelwf; it's one I'm sure is echoed by many who play.
Consider it this way if you will:
The "path" of the Fellowship will likely come as annual expansions (Mines of Moria being the first.) In the interim, the developers will "flesh out" the surrounding areas by adding content. Some of that content will be rich in Tolkien lore, others will have only been hinted at in his work. Either way, those "side" areas are not only new content, but also show the progress of the devs in brainstorming new concepts for future expansions. The environment and terrain in Forochel are two examples. The devs have as much as said that these are new ideas that will likely see some representation in the bigger world of Middle Earth as it expands.
This can only be good in the long run. Sure, everyone wants to see their favorite places in-game. I want to see Rohan and Gondor and all that as much as the next guy. But these "add-ons" are not diversions from those goals, but are rather stepping stones that will make that final experience far more fulfilling and enriched in the end.
And that's my "lowly opinion."
Weeeeeeee're baaaaaaack! :)
Going on Hiatus until this statement becomes true:
[b]"The LOTRO Store will offer convenience, not advantage."[/b] -[URL=http://forums.lotro.com/showpost.php?p=4698465&postcount=5]Patience[/URL]
[CENTER][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial][SIZE=1][COLOR=white]Kordred - Champ | Koridian - Hunter | Ainulindir - Minstrel | Korlod - Burgler[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][/SIZE][/CENTER]
[CENTER][SIZE=1][COLOR=deepskyblue][FONT=Arial][SIZE=1][COLOR=yellow]I sense a disturbance in the forums, as if millions of grammar teachers suddenly cried out in terror and were suddenly silenced.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][/COLOR][/SIZE][/CENTER]
[CENTER][FONT=Arial][SIZE=1][COLOR=red]Vilya - Angarain Erain[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][/CENTER]
*smacks head
Going on Hiatus until this statement becomes true:
[b]"The LOTRO Store will offer convenience, not advantage."[/b] -[URL=http://forums.lotro.com/showpost.php?p=4698465&postcount=5]Patience[/URL]
A new swift travel location and reputation faction? Interesting...
The entrance is through Evendim, correct?
Also, a map I saw a while ago looked a little strange.... shiny, almost.
As you may have heard, we have an expansion pack on the way that shoots us right down the path of the Fellowship once again. Forochel was an opportunity for us to explore another tangential region of Middle Earth, tell some cool stories of our own, and develop one more "wild 'n crazy" biome for you all to play in before you head towards Eregion, Moria and beyond.
Please note that most people playing this game are patiently waiting for everything.
If Turbine only followed the path of the Fellowship in the trilogy we would never see places like Mirkwood, The Grey Havens , or Esgaroth and The Lonely Mountain, all definitive points of interest in Middle Earth. In my opinion we don't need to see the entire world in the first year.
i hope they have slippery ice
Good point. WHile I'm looking forward with the others to seeing Eregion and Moria, I'm just a tad disappointed that we aren't going to see the other territories covered in The Hobbit first -- Mirkwood, Thranduil's halls, the River Running, the Long Lake, and the Lone Mountain.
But I'm going to be patient and assume they'll show up someday.
Eruanne - Shards of Narsil-1 - Elendilmir -> Arkenstone
I would venture to say that seeing that we have read about these places in the books and seen them in the movies that we all want to see them eventually. For myself I am super-excited about these areas I have not read about, the new zone in book 13 sounds exciting and I cannot wait to see them.
This looks cool overall and I'm excited about it. But one small nit-picky caveat: There sure is a lot of "teal blue" in the images I'm seeing. It looks like the native inhabitants have an inexhaustible supply of "teal dye" that they use on their ropes, spears, housing, and just about everything they can get their hands on. It sorta gives everything a "cartoony" look.
But, again, aside from that. . . I can't wait!
So still no word on a solid release date for Forochel huh?