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  1. #351
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by ararax2 View Post
    Actually I know one player this happened to. He hasnt posted in a while but I know he posted up to a year after his ban.

    Honestly in spite of the fact that sometimes it seems like moderators are going after you hard, the best thing to do is just stop caring.

    Just take a month or 5 off from the forums and say it aint worth it to fight.

    Many of my infractions came from responding to trolls who really just kept moving the conversation in the wrong way.

    They aren't worth it.
    Perhaps this is well intended advice but it seems to me that this is an example of just how poorly supported the community here is by the mods in the first place. If you cannot rely on moderators to be positive influence on the threads here rather than the reverse, all you are left with is "walk away." Sad.

    In the years I have been playing this game and coming here, I have seen this community go further downhill in terms of being able to openly discuss practically *anything critical of the game and the forums management in particular* without having insults, snarky retorts and general rudeness being directed at them from the *moderators* not just other players. I think if we had moderators who were a positive influence instead of being bent on encouraging and actually inciting nasty responses from players the forums community would be in a pretty different place right now.

    So it isn't just about the fight. It's about character at the end of the day - in so far as people can and do have bad days, bad reactions and so forth, it doesn't excuse repeated behavior once it gets established over the course of years that such is their general way of communicating. In the case of some people here, and DEFINITELY some of the moderators, this is especially true. The writing - literally - is already on the wall

  2. #352
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    I think it's time this thread get closed. Topic has gone way off track & all I see is people bickering back n forth making all sorts of accusations.

  3. #353
    Sapience is offline Former Community Manager & Harbinger of Soon
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by ararax2 View Post
    I can explain what happens here through personal experience.
    1. I flame war with a troll.
    2. Troll looks at posts I've made
    3. Troll looks up most flameworthy post I made and reports it.
    4. I recieve infraction for a many many months old post.

    So it does happen, but honestly I don't think its the moderators doing it I think it's other players who really dislike us.

    I've made my share of enemies on the forums.
    So this is actually an interesting point. If you did something that violated the rules and it was missed and you got away with it for a time that's not the same as having done nothing wrong.

    Someone suggested some companies solve certain issues by shaming players. I've seen other companies do it and I can't say I agree with it. As you can see in this very thread there are clear indications that any attempt to do this would simply result in posters claiming the proof was fabricated (though it never seems to occur to them that the flip side of that is also true; players can fabricate things, too) and that Turbine is bullying people.

    Ultimately it boils down to two simple realities.

    Facts require no belief to remain facts.
    Beliefs will remain beliefs regardless of the facts.

    People will believe what they will. Factual or not.

    With that I agree with the previous posters. This thread is done.


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