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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2011

    Anyone got a answer for this?

    Hey there,

    Dous anyone knows what to do abouth my problem?
    I have bin playing lotro for many years now, started playing freep and had lots of fun untill the game had a new expension (I believe its was the area afther dunland)
    Because suddenly I kept on crashing with traveling and even without that it was horrible to play instances etc because every freaking min I had to relog my account...
    I tryed everything but I kept on crashing! And before that and even now, I can play all regions just fine till just afther dunland.
    But how horrible it was I accepted the fate of not be able playing this game anymore.
    Then I found monsterplay!
    Great stuff and a place that I didn't crash every freaking min.
    So I ranked some monsters and accepted that I was a monster forever and not playing freep anymore.
    But gues what!
    Afther several years playing my monsters they come out with a new PvP map (yay!!) is what I tought.
    But not for me! I have the same issues there as playing my freep in the new area's, every min I got crashed! Need to log in again and again and again....
    Soooow! This is the end for me playing lotro at all?
    Or is there somehow a reason or thing to fix I can play as everyone els can??
    Please help me here or I'm stucked in Ettens thats completely empty now afcourse..

    Cheers in advance.
    Last edited by Catrat; Jul 22 2015 at 01:20 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    You are in luck. I've had exactly the same issue for well over a year now. You enter a loading screen and BAM. You walk down a street in a busy location like Bree and BAM. It has caused me to come back to the game then leave then come back then leave. I've installed and uninstalled this game so many times in the last year. I recently noticed the game is on steam so i thought i'd try installing it another way. For some reason i have found that installing it directly from the Lotro website caused more issues. I installed it from Steam http://store.steampowered.com/ and logged in. I noticed a difference right away however i was still crashing. I tried lowering all of my graphics settings after reading that direct x-10 and direct x-11 could cause the game to crash. I set my account to direct x-9 (done in the in-game graphics settings which you get to by pressing "escape" when logged in). Once you have set your graphics to direct x-9 you then need to go into advanced graphics settings and lower all of your graphics to the most basic settings i.e. - low etc. The game wont look as good but you should be able to play. I have slowly been pushing my advanced graphics settings up to medium or high one at a time and then playing for a few days to see if anything causes the crashing to return. So far it is working fine for me. I hope this works for you.
    "The dwarves of yore made mighty spells,
    While hammers fell like ringing bells.
    In places deep, where dark things sleep,
    In hollow halls beneath the fells."

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    As Vunar said, I also must set DirectX 9 and most of graphic options very low.
    The main reason is the (old..) memory leaks, in particular in HL regions (>= Wildermore)
    As I have too few RAM (4 GB), if I set DirectX 10 and high level graphics, I can crash in a few seconds in places like Osgiliath...

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    ahoj Catrat/Mush :-)
    Can you provide details about your computer and operating system:
    Processor: Intel or AMD processor... type
    Graphic card: type and memory capacity
    Memory: capacity and type (DDR2, DDR3...)
    Storage: capacity and type (HDD or SSD)
    Operating system: 32bit or 64bit Windows (7,8,10) or maybe iOS or Linux... etc

    Every detail matters - some people have had problems with LOTRO running on Windows 7 32bit (x86) after one of updates to graphic

    And one more thing - people (sadly) don't play PvMP Osgiliath map much :-)
    Sralethin (mighty hunter R11), Sraleth (mighty captain R11), Burovran (mighty warden R9)
    Mlatimir (mighty reaver R7), Sralerat (mighty defiler R7), Sralerath (mighty BA R6), Vrtirepka (mighty warg R5) & rest of not so mighty alts :-)
    Member of Keepers of Silmarils on the Laurelin server

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    I had similar problems which were caused by directx11 when the new areas came out(Pelargir etc). I had to downgrade to directx9 at the time because otherwise I'd crash from anywhere from 5mins between an hour. And no, it was not a problem with my pc specs. Anyways, seems to have been fixed as I don't experience those symptoms at all anymore.



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