The Watch
The Watch, a Rank 10 Casual Kinship is once again recruiting new members! Our goals are to meet new friends, help others, and be respectful to each other and fellow gamers by showing a mature attitude and behavior. The Watch was founded late in 1999 by Sun-Roi during the time of Asheron's Call and joined the LotRO family.
We are a small kinship, but are growing day by day. We have our own website, Vent Server, and event calendar. We do NOT have any attendance requirements and have kinmates who are independent, but are willing to group as well. For those who are interested in Raiding, although we do not have a large membership ourselves - we are proud members of The Windfola Alliance. The Windfola Alliance is a group of 15+ kinships who join together to better enjoy raiding and end game content. If you are interested in joining or want more information, please visit us at
Last edited by uobian; Feb 15 2015 at 06:23 PM.
Legendary Right-Hand of Sun-roi
the Last Ancients in the Watch. Sir Ashian Ahern, the Seven Stars.