I agree with the original idea on this post. I just can't believe most gamers, especially younger folks, find it fun at all to frequently do tasks like pulling weeds, setting or clearing a table, cleaning up messes, gathering crops, Etc. Especially when all it amounts to is click, watch the boring, repetitive animation. No challenge at all and far too much like doing your chores at home. We want to feel like the warrior hero, not the housekeeper. I also find the game nerfed beyond belief when a guardian and LM can fairly easily duo a warband, near level, that's supposed to be raid level or easily solo one that's suppose to be a fellowship. I'd also love to see more situations where something like an undefeatable Balrog shows up, or half the camp of Orcs notices the fires and explosions and aggros and we have to use our wits to escape. Or a player goes charging blindly into a tomb and a boulder falls on them and kills them. If we set off a trap in the game, usually it amounts to about a 10% scratch. While I'm at it, and if anyone really reads all these, please give my cappy a better mounted skill than yelling at the mobs.