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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2017

    The Great Tolkien Pub Meetup Summer 2018, Zagreb,Croatia

    A star shines upon hour of our meeting (:

    Great Tolk {The Accurate Translation} is the pub within Zagreb,Captial of Croatia{EU} A fantastic place with awesome barmen and magical enchanting atmosphere. The Fantasy Art Pub.

    Fear not. I have politely asked the barkeeper for permission to take screenshots. He approved without a slight hesitation and I could even record at will. There is a lot of room and surprising amount of pictures of Tolkien's Legendarium.

    It is not a wonder and nothing truly Jaw-dropping but nevertheless more than satisfying. Happiness is often found a little things. Indeed , For I am personally very grateful we have such a pub. Perfect place to relax and read The Silmarillion For example.

    The music isn't overly loud and the place is usually not over-crowded.

    The beer quality is outstanding.,souvenirs,Shirts and so on.

    If you ever find yourself in Zagreb or planing a trip to Croatia, Contact me and shall have a drink and tell a lot of tales I believe most of the people shall take a break and plan trip during summer session ,but matters not.

    Anytime you wish, You can usually find me there once or twice per month. Say hello (:

    Pictures ~


    Sauron/Balrog of Moria {Durin's Bane}

    Its a blurry. Apologies. But if you do look closely , You'll see the Balrog's Face.The art shows Gandalf the Gray vs Durin's Bane at the Bridge of Khazad-Dum.

    A mini Replica of Erebor.

    May your path ever be star-lit Mellon. If you are indeed very passionate Tolkien fan we'll have a lot to discuss!! Do not hesitate.

    The city is a marvel and the pub in a perfect location. Kaptol is a part of Zagreb, Croatia in the upper town and it is the seat of the Roman Catholic archbishop of Zagreb.
    Zagreb's "Gornji Grad" (Upper Town) is the capital city's historic district, encompassing the medieval hilltop settlements. Its is very,very alluring.

    In the very close proximity one can venture to Cathedral or a beautiful park. There is something for everyone.

    Kind Regards,

    Last edited by Vanyaerunanethiel; Mar 26 2018 at 03:14 PM.



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