Fate of Gundabad is the first expansion in the LOTRO Market to utilize a new upgrading feature so purchasers can upgrade more easily from a Base to a Collector's to an Ultimate edition. We have discovered that purchasers who used the upgrade from the Collector's to the Ultimate edition ended up getting a second Valar - 130, Gundabad Delving Supplies, and Improved Expedition Supplies.
We want to make sure players who purchased the Ultimate edition get an equal number of these items. In the near future we will be granting players who purchased an Ultimate edition of Fate of Gundabad directly an additional Valar - 130, Gundabad Delving Supplies (which includes the Gundabad toolkit), and Improved Expedition Supplies. For future expansions, players can expect to receive one delivery of these kind of items per higher tier edition, and people using the upgrade path will not receive a duplicate of these supplies.