Friends & Gladdenites!

Got a stat tome you aren't using? Wish it were a different one? Now with Khodo's Free Easy Equitable Tome Swap (FEETS) Library it can be!

I've spent the past couple months putting together a modest library of rare stat tomes - currently consisting of 12 rare stat tomes - and am willing to trade you the one you need (if I have it) in exchange for one of similar value that you don't need! I've also spent the past week or so testing the idea, with the result that I've already engaged in roughly a dozen swaps!

Just contact me, Khodo, in game by IM or mail and tell me which tome you have to trade and which tome you are looking to acquire. If I have the tome you need I will trade it for the one you have, as long as doing so won't make the library less valuable to the community.

In that regard, there's a couple things to note:
  1. Stat tomes of rank 10, 11, & 12 are quite common and I will not be accepting those in exchange for rarer tomes of other ranks. If I did, we'd end up with a library containing only tomes of rank 10, 11, & 12.
  2. If the library already has multiple copies of the tome you have to trade, I may not accept it, simply because the library needs to have as much breadth as possible (e.g. different tomes) in order to be of greatest use to the community. Having 5 copies of the same stat tome isn't really more helpful than having 1 or 2.

And that's it! There is no charge whatsoever for this service - the FEETS Library is free for all to use!

That said, if you'd care to contribute to the FEETS Library I will gratefully accept contributions of rare stat tomes (i.e. not those of rank 10, 11, or 12) or gold (which will be used to acquire more rare stat tomes for the library). And if you REALLY like this idea and wish to be a part of it, feel free to contact me. Perhaps we can have multiple players - or even full kins! - supporting a larger, distributed stat tome swap library held across multiple accounts or kinship houses (e.g. one branch could hold Might tomes, another Will tomes, etc.).

Any and all feedback is welcome...and happy gaming!

