Preface = Decided to cook some Gundabad tier food, quickly realized an important ingredient is fish fillets which requires lots and lots of fish. Read another thread in which someone said he uses an Ingredient Crate to get obtain lots of Universal Ingredient Packs. No need to spend hours fishing. Sounds good. So bought a Premium Ingredient Crate (have a lifetime subscription) and in 3 days looted a nice 69 Universal Ingredient Packs.

What surprised me is they show up in our Wallet not as an item in our inventory bags. Okay. Logged onto my cooking alt, headed to the Expert Oven, opened my crafting window and... no idea what to do. The Make button doesn't light up. What's weird is some items seem to say I can make 69 or 23 or 34. Not sure how that works. And why does it look like I can't make Fish Fillets? I can't even make Freshwater Fish Plate.

So how exactly do we use universal ingredient packs?